Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 10

My days will be long, fulfilled and satisfying. My life will be a testimony of the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Jacqueline

You have to keep speaking the life that you want into existence. Speak as if it already is, even when things don’t look that way because things do change. Though you may be down, there’s no other way to go but up.

Image result for the goodness of the lord quotes

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Check Out This Excellent Quote From Yesterday:

Mandibelle16: Worry about loving yourself instead of worrying about the idea of other people loving you.

#Thepowerofpositivethinking, #positiveaffirmations, #abundancementality, #findinggreaterjoy, #Believe, #Fulfilledlife #Wholesomeness, #BodyMindSpirit

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 3

‘Each day I will live my life in alignment with my life’s purpose bringing fulfilment and joy to everything that I do.’ Jacqueline

#positiveaffirmations, #walktall, #findingyou, #be.at.peace, #findinggreaterjoy


Living On Purpose, A Life of Purpose,

Excellent Quotes From Yesterday:

Bella: I am a peaceful and contented Soul. I am Calm, Still, and Happy. I am Whole and Healthy. I have the courage to face all situations. I can do this. www.thoughtsnlifeblog.com

Bernadette: Thankfulness is the soil in which joy thrives.

Ksbeth: gratitude always.

Mandibelle “So fill your heart with what’s important, and be done with all the rest.” Perhaps, we can choose our focus in life, and choose what we take to heart. Those things that hurt us or are not worth our time, should not be our goal to fix, change, or dwell on. Instead, we must focus on those things that better ourselves, our loved ones and families — things and thoughts that better the world. Forget the non-issues, or things we can’t control, that make us miserable and upset for no significant reason.”

BellyBytes: And the sun is always shining out there somewhere. So I won’t let the greyness get me down.

Marcellina Oparaoji “Things never go the way you expect them to. That’s both the joy and frustration in life. I’m finding as I get older that I don’t mind, though. It’s the surprises that tickle me the most, the things you don’t see coming.”

― Michael Stuhlbarg

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

My Thinking Corner

Excuse Me – My Thinking Corner


Buy yourself a one-way ticket away from Excuse Island, I just left that place and there’s nothing is happening there – Jacqueline

Quotes, No more excuses

I have learned that excuses are as bountiful as ever but opportunities are so few and when our excuses become a habit, they simply perpetuate failure.

The choice to make changes or to make excuses is all yours, but remember to claim the results and not shift the blame on someone else.

Carol shares a beautiful post ‘Enjoy the gift of life,’ take a peek and find nuggets within.

Proverbs 26: 13 A sluggard says, “There’s a lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets!” 14 As a door turns on its hinges, so a sluggard turns on his bed.

I am pushing to reach a 100 subscribers, click the button on my channel and help me up. 

Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Purpose Driven Project – Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Project dreams of your life as vividly as you can into your mind like a 9D cinema that they are imprinted into every fiber of your being. Let every waking moment find you rising up with a purpose that even the failures in your path serve as projectiles that fuels and fires you up to keep going after your dreams.

Experience keeps teaching me that our lives are not projects full of checklists but an experience with lots of vicissitudes yet when we come to this humble understanding that how our life pretty much turns out is dependent on how we transform these sometimes daunting circumstances that life tosses our way and indeed that sometimes we have to aim at living a Purpose Driven Life by applying rules of project management to achieve the success we seek for.

Our approach also involves a clear avoidance of projecting our failures on someone else and using them as a lame excuse to justify our shortcomings. Doing so is simply giving up ownership and responsibility of our lives to someone else.

Would you feel safe transferring a sensitive project that its result determines and defines your success into the hands of someone else?

Your life is your project so, what’s your answer?

You are invited to our monthly blog party taking place right now. Just follow this link and meet others.


Project – SoCS

P.S. My consciousness has been constantly focused on following my dreams maybe because I keep reminding myself that time is too short to waste it and interestingly one good thing that I find about SoCS is that the prompt we receive each weekend from Linda has a way of tuning into my present thoughts. You are invited to join the fun.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Yesterday’s Dreams – Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Ghosts of
yesterday’s dreams
lie beaten
in the abyss
of unrequited desires
crushed and dejected
stretching bony limbs
that wraps
skeletal fingers around legs
dragging its’ bony frame along
slowing down
today’s dreams

Let us
bury yesterday
say our goodbye’s
with tears in our eyes
to dreams aborted
like unwanted fruits
embrace with a purpose
golden opportunities
of today dreams
that we may profit
from its’ fruits
lest they fall
like yesterday.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt – YES

Lifestyle · Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 46


Ever since I made up my mind to let go of dwelling on non-essentials that didn’t further my existence and probably only contributed to making a miserable day, I found more peace.

Ever since I chose to make conscious, deliberate efforts to apply positive affirmations and frame of mind to my days, it only got better.

Yes, it is possible to live a purpose-driven life.

Yes, happiness is a deliberate choice.

Yes, each day can be as best as we can make it all things being equal.

Of course there are things that are out of our control, like nature and other people’s actions, but we run our own workshop of our minds and home.

Indeed, there are days that are a bit off, but, I’ve observed that once you get into the habit of positive thoughts and living, such moods and days barely last because your mind fights to switch to the frame that works best for it.

Your days are as good as you make them. Be happy not by trying to convince others, but by being yourself and the best that you can be.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Five Sentence Inspiration · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · My Thinking Corner · Uncategorized

Tuesdays Trickles…My Thinking Corner #10 …

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple.

Each Tuesday, share your very short snippets of positive, inspiring, motivating, health, spiritual, writing advice, clips, posts etc, that can serve as a prop to motivate others and simply add my link to your post.

I call it my thinking corner because, I actually take out a bit of time just to think through things, encapsulate my thoughts as much as possible and detoxify my mind.

It might work for you in a different way, but the idea is to get the positive thoughts flowing.

Please send in your little thoughts. You never know whose life you might inspire.


  • Just sit still for a moment and do nothing but appreciate your life.
  • Remember that your negatives turn into positives if you give it enough time to develop. Treat those dark moments as a transition to more positive moments.
  • I believe that there is no better way to live a life than to live it with absolute faith and positivism. The alternative is simply dreary.
  • To love is free, but to hate, takes up a whole lot of energy.
  • Follow your dreams. As far-fetched as it might seem. Remember that someone thought of going to the moon and managed to find a way there. Don’t hinder yours.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Our Thinkers Thoughts came in from:

Words that instil calmness into your life from Deb of Bookyglover

A tried and tested way to face adversity from Stella of Giggles and tales

This is my kind of message from Oluseye of A striving Nigerian mom

Famous words of empathy by Harper Lee from Rosema.

Dignity in labour from Oba of Kingsoracle.

So, when will you share those nuggets of wisdom of yours?

Inspiration - Motivation · Quotes For You

What Are You Afraid Of?…


What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid that you might prove the inner voice of fear wrong and frighten yourself by succeeding?

There is nothing to fear in your pursuits, but everything to gain.

If you pause to listen to the silence within, there is teeny-weeny voice that nudges you in the direction to take in your aspirations and then there is also the other louder voice in the cacophony of voices telling you not to do it.

That loud voice saying not to do it is the voice of fear and it is just our self-imposed limitations. How do you know?

Strip it of all make-up and take a hard look. There is most probably no substance to its cacophony. Everyone has this voice of fear. The only difference in each person is how strong or how weak the voices within them are.

The strength of the voice depends on how fat we have been feeding the crouching, loud monster.

If we have been giving in to all its wimpy excuses, reasoning and rationalizing, it sucks up all our energy, festers and grows fatter than anything, that it would eventually dominate the poor weak voice of Will who is suffering from the malnutrition of our thoughts.

When we refuse and fail to feed our fear, it starves to death. It simply shrivels. Fear does not require so much to balloon out of proportion. Just a little pampering and even though he might look like a stumpy dwarf, he becomes a dominant giant.

I have chosen to see fear – please note that there is a difference between danger from a real situation that can be grievously harmful and worthless fear of progress which emanates from our minds – in a positive light and not in a negative connotation.

I choose to see my fear of anything that I aspire to, as a weak link that needs to be strengthened.

I choose to see fear as the choice that I can make. It’s growth is dependent on me, so it is quite unfortunate for it. My Will is simply going to grow into that of a Giants.

What about you? Are you ready to starve your fears and feed your will to wade forward?

I shall leave you with these quotes:

‘When fear comes knocking at your door, send faith to answer.’ Joyce Meyer

‘Fight your fears and you will be in a battle forever. Face your fears and you will be free forever.’ Lucas Jonkman.

‘Everything you want is on the other side of fear.’ Jack Canfield.

A while ago Perfect The Days, invited me to participate in a quote challenge but my posting calendar has been full. So here it is. I thank you for inviting me to partake in the 3 days 3 quotes challenge.

I would like to nominate the following bloggers to participate in the quote challenge. No pressure at all. I know how inundating things can get on a daily basis.

The rules are:

  1. Post 3 Quotes on 3 consecutive days.
  2. Thank the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 3 other bloggers on each day of challenge.

Carlos of Thoughts of a train wrecked pineapple.



© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Blogging · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Love · Personal story · Tips for the day

I came, I live, I laugh, I love….What about You?

love-laughter-and-friendshipNo one likes to dwell on thoughts of death, but the grim reaper is a visitor that likes to call uninvited. He doesn’t ring any door bells when he arrives otherwise he will not meet anyone at home.

So like a thief in the dead of the night, he slinks in!

Since death is an inevitable fact of life that can happen at any time, should it matter to us that our sojourn here on mother earth is remarkable?

Should it not matter to us that we live our lives in such a way that when we kick our individual buckets we would have left a mark that warms the heart of those who remember us and not a shudder of dread with a muttered “good riddance to bad rubbish?”

For all that it is worth, the part of leaving heartwarming thoughts behind appeals to me far better than being a grimace on someone’s face.

If I am well off enough to leave a few heirlooms to loved ones here and there, that would be very nice and dandy, but I think the most important things that I would like to be remembered for are encapsulated in these simple words:

”I came, I lived, I laughed and I loved.”

I came, because I am presently here and was purposefully brought into existence.

I am no mistake (no child is a mistake no matter the circumstance of birth).

I lived.
By being myself
By doing what I love…writing, reading, learning, dancing, talking, drawing, eating and so on…
Living a purpose driven life.
By spending time with my loved ones.
Helping others and sharing with others as much as I can.
By being thankful.
By keeping healthy and exercising.
By mentoring and life coaching both for others and for my own benefit.
By keeping stress at a minimal level.
By dumping the negative thinking.
By forgiving and moving on.
By appreciating nature.

I laughed.

Growing a sense of humour even self-deprecatory humour is healthy.
Laughter is a healer. It is music and fireworks to the soul. Life is so much better with laughter and I want a life enriched with laughter.

I loved.

I would love as much as my heart can expand and the heart can expand so, so much when we give it the chance to do so.

I want to live so that when I die, even the undertaker would be sorry that I am gone.

Not a particularly cheery topic right? However, when you dwell on it, it actually helps to streamline ones purpose and priorities.

So do tell, what part would you like to be remembered for? Heartwarming or Grimacing?

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

NaBloPoMo prompt – Wednesday, November 18

What do you hope people remember about you after you’re gone?


Life · Poetry/Poems · Writing · writing ideas

The Lady and the Map…an Ode

Living on purpose

Oh! There was an old map that the lady loved;
We used to be together, You and I;
Clutched every step of the way;
From East to West
From North to South
You and I; Map
Were inseparable!

Carefully plotted and stamped with anticipated goals;
Decorated with achievements and all the golden laurels;
At every mile and every inch of the way;
Map boasted of selfish individuality;
And screamed, Me, Me, Me!

The Map and Lady;
Grew very selfish in ambitions;
In a hasty bid to cover every milestone;
Lady forgot to tie her laces;
A trip, a fall and over the brimstone!

Scraped knees and a bleeding thumb;
Map got torn and was no longer perfect;
Lady sat in the puddle;
Wondering at the puzzle;
Then helping hand came to lift lady out of the muddle!

Bruised but not beaten;
Battered but not finished;
Lady said goodbye to old map;
Obtained a nicer map;
And sets-off on a happier journey!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Rising after fallingIn fulfillment of Writing 201 Poetry – Day 5: Map, Ode, Metaphor