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Tuesdays Trickles…My Thinking Corner #10 …

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple.

Each Tuesday, share your very short snippets of positive, inspiring, motivating, health, spiritual, writing advice, clips, posts etc, that can serve as a prop to motivate others and simply add my link to your post.

I call it my thinking corner because, I actually take out a bit of time just to think through things, encapsulate my thoughts as much as possible and detoxify my mind.

It might work for you in a different way, but the idea is to get the positive thoughts flowing.

Please send in your little thoughts. You never know whose life you might inspire.


  • Just sit still for a moment and do nothing but appreciate your life.
  • Remember that your negatives turn into positives if you give it enough time to develop. Treat those dark moments as a transition to more positive moments.
  • I believe that there is no better way to live a life than to live it with absolute faith and positivism. The alternative is simply dreary.
  • To love is free, but to hate, takes up a whole lot of energy.
  • Follow your dreams. As far-fetched as it might seem. Remember that someone thought of going to the moon and managed to find a way there. Don’t hinder yours.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Our Thinkers Thoughts came in from:

Words that instil calmness into your life from Deb of Bookyglover

A tried and tested way to face adversity from Stella of Giggles and tales

This is my kind of message from Oluseye of A striving Nigerian mom

Famous words of empathy by Harper Lee from Rosema.

Dignity in labour from Oba of Kingsoracle.

So, when will you share those nuggets of wisdom of yours?

26 thoughts on “Tuesdays Trickles…My Thinking Corner #10 …

  1. “I believe that there is no better way to live a life than to live it with absolute faith and positivism. The alternative is simply dreary.”

    Such wise words! I’d rather be optimistic than to think of the alternative.
    And thanks for linking up Sis.

    Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..