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Today’s featured blogs are:


How contented are you? Or are you fussing and cussing and getting mad over everything?

My journey to a healthier me

For all those of us battling with the scale and wishing we could whittle the fat away. This great post is for you.

I’ve decided to accept all of me…every beautiful curvaceous rounded edge and corner of my body. I am proudly me. I had to get to a point where I started to love myself. I just needed to stop the battle within myself against myself. Self-acceptance became my focus point instead of pushing away this beautiful person based on a number on the scale.

Awesome Awetism Adventures

What brilliant idea this is. I simply love it. Take a quick peek.

Raising Teens

Our children emulate us. Most of their attitude/behaviour is learned and this is largely from their homes. If we are not better adults, how exactly do we expect to have better children?

Bullying starts at home. It starts with adults who see no problem with posting brutal responses to tragic stories because they need to feel that they are better than others—just as a school-yard bully would do; they need to claim the position as better parents, better guardians of their teens, more efficient workers, etc. This competition is so destructive to society.

Finding a happy disposition in a sea of disparate negativity

Fabulous post!

Choose to be the type of person that everyone wants to work with, to talk to, to collaborate with…a positive and happy disposition is a cohesive force!

Do step in, explore these blogs and show some love.

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Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘Remember, we create a cohesive community when we come together.

Check out my latest book ‘Unbridled.’

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Monday Motivations

Is New Year A New Beginning? – Monday Musings


I wonder why at the end of each year we arm ourselves with new journals, scribble all those new year resolutions and jump into the starting year revving to go, yet by the end of the first quarter, we’ve fallen off the wagon of our resolutions, bruised and battered we simply try to limp along.

Years back I gave up on the idea of resolutions, rather I chose to start thinking of my goals as life solutions and decided to live each day as best as I could. Over time, I have also realized that these jumpstarts on resolutions create some sort of tension within us that makes us feel that we’ve let ourselves down when we don’t meet these goals and actually sets off negative ricochets and thought patterns.

Is a New Year truly a new beginning when the person living the year hasn’t done much changing in their thoughts, actions, and approach?

The fireworks of 31st December is not a magic wand that suddenly transforms us from the person we were to a new being. Of course, the excitement of the fireworks ushers in a new calendar year, however, what of the calendar within us?

What fireworks do we need to transform and to pursue those ideas, goals, and dreams that we want to achieve?

Change in our personal lives is a consistent, deliberate mental attitude that gradually transforms us from one state of mind to the other. It’s not sudden abracadabra.

Chances are that when we fail to work on the innate issues that cause us to derail from our objectives, we simply continue the cycle of falling off, losing faith, getting back on and on that before you know it, it’s another New Year’s Eve.

Each day has to count positively. By all means, we must set accountable and realistic goals, but we must also set the attitude and drive to meet them on a daily basis.


Everyday People · Photographs · Quotes For You

Hydrate….Every day beautiful people # 37

Drink lots of water and give your liver a surprise. Your skin, hair, mind and body will thank you.

Hydrate[1] Hydrate_1[1]

How do you see the glass of water of your life, half full or half empty? Perspectives and attitude make a lot of difference.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Dance to your heart’s delight my African child, until echoes of your stamping feet, beating heart; bright eyes, smiling lips; and waving hands, resonates over and over like thunder claps, reverberating throughout the Universe.

Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 57…


We make plans about all that we want in life, but life makes its plans for us as well.

We have a good idea of the structure of how we want it to turn out, but something derails us along the way.

At times, these curve balls actually end up helping to straighten and put us on the right path.

It all depends on how we respond to the challenges and detours that we are offered.

Do we choose to see every strike and fall with a jaundiced eye?

Such an approach bodes chances that we could become embittered and probably lose sight of the little openings and apertures that these lessons offer.

We should focus on other possible alternatives that may be available to us.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Inspiration - Motivation · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings #28


When we go into a new venture even our writing, we must always remember that we are not writing just for ourselves.

Yes, indeed it’s true that there are some personal things that we might share to ease our minds and for a myriad of other reasons, but half of the time, your story could serve as a beacon of light for someone going through their own journey.

This equally applies to so many other aspects of our lives, business, work, relationships etc.

What value are you adding where you are?

What hand of fellowship do you extend to others or are you the constantly expectant type?

It’s a proven truth, tested and tried over time, that people will stay closer to those who make them feel welcome and more at ease.

Think back on the busted friendships and broken alliances. What went wrong? Could it be traced to attitude problems? A lot of people find it difficult to look at their shortcomings fully in the face and accept their faults.

Always recollect that attitude makes a lot of difference and leaves a lot of impressions especially in real-time.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Blogging · Little rants

Shaking My Head…A Little Blogging Thought

Sometimes, you read some things that make you shake your head in wonder.1455163144750[1]

It makes you realize that even though humans are inherently selfish, some have extra doses of it.

Here I am feeling happy with my stats that seems to be jumping up in bits and I read someone’s blog only to hear them complain about having just 500 views which they consider as ‘piddling views.’

How ungrateful is that? In my opinion, you ought to be grateful for even one view!

It’s a privilege that people come to your site to read your articles and not your right. They are not obliged to do so.

Maybe, you should consider paying for the views, that way, the line would grow so long, hmm?

You ain’t no superstar yet, so just why do you think that 500 views are piddling for you when there are so many other bloggers who are scrounging for 100 views?

What have you been doing for these faithful readers of yours, that should make them glad to be around you?

Possibly, Ziltch, Nada, Nothing, Rien.

Maybe, you don’t even bother to read other peoples blogs, because you are too busy feeling like God’s gift to blogging Earth and caught up in your own World.

We all want millions of views, but it comes at a price and with  lots of sacrifices.

I keep reminding myself each day that ‘yes, I love the stats, but I should never lose focus on the reason why I am writing.’

When you lose focus on why it is that you are mingling with others, you stand the chance of becoming ungracious.

You stand the chance of developing unnecessary anxiety over the numbers and spend all your time comparing notes.

Appreciate where you are at each point in time. Adjust if need be.

Otherwise, not only will you begin to suck, but over time, your blog will suck as well.

Attitude is everything and I honestly can’t stand selfish people.

There it is! I have had my little rant and I hope someone will read this and make some sense out of it, especially the whiner.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Inspiration - Motivation · Monday Motivations · Poetry/Poems · Quick Facts · Quotes For You · Tips for the day

A Smile Always Beautifies Things…


It’s already Monday
That makes it an amazing day
Embrace it with wholesome display
For there is something good in every day

Quick Fun Fact:

Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a space suit damages them.

It’s lovely to start the week and each day as much as we can with positive outlook. I find Leannenz Monday memes interesting.

Do have a fruitful and blessed week awesome people.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Devotions · Gratitude · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Love · Weave that Dream

In Everything…

Gratitude 4

It is often too easy to express gratitude and thanksgiving when everything seems to be in the right place in our lives and around us, and such a hard task to have a grateful heart when everything seems to be falling apart.

No doubt, it is not an easy task to remain on the upbeat and positive, but we should not tarry too long in the doldrums.

Nature abhors vacuum and if at the point in time when our spirits are very low and we fail to fill that gap made with edifying and uplifting emotions, habits, thoughts, reactions etc, the vacuum will be filled with defeatist spirits, with oppressive moods that will suck us down into a pit that requires so much energy to climb out of.

Sometimes, some are never able to regain their sense of self and things spiral out of control.

When things are falling apart, we must struggle to keep our sense of grace, gratitude and thanksgiving, because in deed, in everything we give thanks and our heart of thanksgiving, of gratitude will only expand our coast.

There is a time and season for everything and though darkness may come at night, surely there will be light at day.

For today’s gratitude choice, I am grateful for the light of day.

I am grateful to be among the living and know that I still have the chance today to make better that which I failed yesterday.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to dwell on the things that are important.gratitude 5

I am grateful that even in the time of war that there is still love existing.

I am grateful that I am safe and of sound mind.

I am grateful that the simple things of life are accorded to me from above.

I am grateful that I have met friends such as you in this space and thankful for all the love that I see floating around in this space.

I am thankful for a friend like Oneta Hayes who has gone out of her way to say lovely things about me; I heard through the grapevine 😉 My lady, you are a gem 🙂 Bless your golden heart.

Let us not lose sight of the fact that no situation is permanent that ”this too shall pass” whatever it is and we must make each day count in beautiful ways.

What are you grateful for? When you count your blessings and name them one by one, it will surely surprise you at how much you are blessed.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Blogging · Devotions · Inspiration - Motivation · Life

Again and Again and it Sticks…


Some of us are positively wired morning humans, while some are later hours wired humans who want to kill the poor morning ones for too much positivity and energizer bunny bounciness at a time that they would consider as ungodly hours.

Please, I do crave your indulgence. I am one of those early morning sunny child and I married the moody moon man. What a chaotic sizzling hot combination. I digress.

Over the years, I found out that truly, whether morning or evening human, we are all creatures of habit and comfort. When I go away from my abode, I may stray a day or two away from my usual habits, but I will find that within the next few days, I am eager to get back to the known, comfortable cycle.

Most times, once we have set off on a certain tangent, its repetitive sessions almost becomes inculcated in our lives and gradually it sticks to us as a form of habit. That could be an explanation as to why some people who ooze negative vibes from start to finish find it difficult to break such a vicious cycle.

For instance, I wake up early (even my idea of a lie-in on a Saturday morning is pretentious, compared to some people that I know) and jump start my day with certain activities.

I practically wake up with ”Thank you Lord” on my lips each morning before dashing to the loo, getting some business taken care of and going through my to-do list in my head.

I have found that making those positive affirmations, spending that 5 minutes early in the morning to go through my Bible or devotional (sometimes, on the go) helps keep my mind steady and with that positive strength of my mind, I run my day more productively.

On the other hand, on days I wake up from the wrong side of my bed, with a cotton wool head and grumpiness, the day simply goes South, except I climb back into bed and try to crawl out from the right side, second time around; which by the way is luxury that I cannot afford.

That day practically runs me (which is not my ideal picture) and I end up faffing away most of my time gathering more wool and not achieving as much as I would have ordinarily.

So, in essence, I make great efforts to do the positives again and again until it is almost on auto.

I haven’t perfected the art yet, but the journey to achieve excellence is actually the greater part of the success.

So tell me, which side of the day are you? Morning or later hours?Good morning

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to NaBloPoMo – Monday, November 9

What is the first thing you do every single day (I mean, after you hit the snooze button)? When did that step in your routine begin?