Devotions · Gratitude · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Love · Weave that Dream

In Everything…

Gratitude 4

It is often too easy to express gratitude and thanksgiving when everything seems to be in the right place in our lives and around us, and such a hard task to have a grateful heart when everything seems to be falling apart.

No doubt, it is not an easy task to remain on the upbeat and positive, but we should not tarry too long in the doldrums.

Nature abhors vacuum and if at the point in time when our spirits are very low and we fail to fill that gap made with edifying and uplifting emotions, habits, thoughts, reactions etc, the vacuum will be filled with defeatist spirits, with oppressive moods that will suck us down into a pit that requires so much energy to climb out of.

Sometimes, some are never able to regain their sense of self and things spiral out of control.

When things are falling apart, we must struggle to keep our sense of grace, gratitude and thanksgiving, because in deed, in everything we give thanks and our heart of thanksgiving, of gratitude will only expand our coast.

There is a time and season for everything and though darkness may come at night, surely there will be light at day.

For today’s gratitude choice, I am grateful for the light of day.

I am grateful to be among the living and know that I still have the chance today to make better that which I failed yesterday.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to dwell on the things that are important.gratitude 5

I am grateful that even in the time of war that there is still love existing.

I am grateful that I am safe and of sound mind.

I am grateful that the simple things of life are accorded to me from above.

I am grateful that I have met friends such as you in this space and thankful for all the love that I see floating around in this space.

I am thankful for a friend like Oneta Hayes who has gone out of her way to say lovely things about me; I heard through the grapevine šŸ˜‰ My lady, you are a gem šŸ™‚ Bless your golden heart.

Let us not lose sight of the fact that no situation is permanent that ”this too shall pass” whatever it is and we must make each day count in beautiful ways.

What are you grateful for? When you count your blessings and name them one by one, it will surely surprise you at how much you are blessed.


Ā© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

31 thoughts on “In Everything…

  1. I see great minds think alike šŸ˜‰ I have a similar post schedule for tomorrow….lol!
    So true, it is indeed easier to maintain a spirit of gratitude when all is going well for us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so true and so important to hold onto. I’m re-blogging this one. What you’ve described here is an attitude of joy. Joy is a state of spiritual, mental, and emotional rightness, the heart of fortitude. People need these kinds of messages like never before. God bless you for sharing those things that keep you strong.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Remember the book series “Chicken Soup For The Soul?”…this is totally how I would describe your blog. Always on time with sustenance and encouragement for one’s soul! Have a wonderful day Jacqueline!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Believe it or not, I am grateful for the time I spent alone… in tragedy (yes that sounds strange) – because it made me who I am and it means I can share hope with others. It means I understand what it is like to hurt, to be an island, to feel… really FEEL. I understand the importance of reaching out… of a single word, of really LISTENING when someone says “help me”. I am grateful for every SECOND I get to see my beautiful child, even though I do not get to see her every day. I am grateful she is healthy and whole and that I can work towards being the mother she needs, now that I am free. I am grateful to be ALIVE.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. These are such deep affirmations and very heartwarming. Adversity strengthens and brings out the empathetic parts of those who chose to learn and to love. Your experiences refined you to be a source of hope for others and I am very happy to hear this from you. More Grace and kind regards.

      Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..