Everyday People · Family · Health · Life · Parenting

All in a brisk walk…

This morning I woke up with a foggy feeling in my head and it was as if I hadn’t slept at all. I felt lazy, and just wanted to continue lying on my bed, but I knew that doing so would simply set the wrong tone for my day and literally muttering ‘mind over matter, mind over matter’ I basically cajoled myself to crawl out of bed and take my antidote – which is to go out for a brisk walk, to get some fresh air and hopefully feel more alive in the process.

Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on Pexels.com

My brisk walk can involve various things depending on my mood, either listening and humming to music that I enjoy with an occasional shake and a jig to accentuate the notes that hit home, listening to a podcast or any talk that piques my interest, venting in my head and going over an argument that I had with hubby and realizing that maybe I should have used a better punchline than I had; mentally deciding to save a punchline and use it to drive home my point, going over my to-do list in my head, making a shopping list, thinking of random stuff and just watching people go about their business…

I had almost come to end of my walk when an idea popped into my head out of the blues and I was so excited at the thought that I made a mental note not to forget to include it in my soon to be executed plans. Right as I turned into the bend leading to our apartment block, I ran into a young dad and a toddler – who by my assessment is barely more that 24 months – attempting to play football, and I slowed my pace to absorb the scene.

The man kept a few paces apart and kicked the ball towards his son. It’s either because the baby was wholly new to the game or wasn’t sure what to do; he missed it not once but four times. After each miss, his dad patiently walked towards him, picked the ball and kicked it again. I was silently rooting in my head for the little one and just as soon as I thought that he would miss it yet again, his little foot finally connected with the ball and he kicked it back with gusto. The ring of his delight and joy from his accomplishment had me applauding both of them and a huge smile made its way to my face.

A brisk walk of 40 minutes not only brought me such unexpected fullness, it drew home several pointers and set a positive tone for my day. During my grudgingly taken walk, I got inspired, I saw love and patience, I saw resilience and joy, I became energized, I gained more clarity and buzz that I wouldn’t have found in my cup of coffee. These little things we often overlook, they are the things that matter.

How is your week going so far?

Guide To Better Living · Word Wednesday

Non-Verbal Expression – Word for Wednesday

What we say and do to others has more impact on them than we sometimes realise or want to acknowledge. Be conscious of those you come across this day. Look for opportunities to show kindness and consideration whilst interacting with others – even online.

Give a hug to a friend or a family member as a way of showing your love, warmth and support. Express yourself non-verbally with your attention and actions.

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Guide To Better Living · How To Tips · Relationships

Secret Projects To Impress Your Spouse


Impressing your spouse is not always something that you may find time for. After many years of marriage, it might be that the spontaneity is dried up. This is completely understandable. Or is it?

It’s likely you read that opening sentence with a low mood. This is because deep down, you realize that spontaneity is something that can keep relationships alive, that can help you continue to fall in love with someone each day. No matter how long you’re married for, you should never limit your love for someone or allowing theirs to be tempered by pure neglect for one another. No, the core of love is the desire to be there for someone, to give instead of taking. After all, your greatness is not what you have, but what you give. Thankfully, there are methods you can take to ensure this continual surprising love is shown when it matters most.

For that reason, we are offering advice in the form of secret projects to impress your spouse. This is sure to help you express your love for them, and is best done with a surprise for maximum efficiency:


Redecorating your home space can be a wonderful surprise for your spouse when arriving home. You might not renovate an entire room, but you can make wonderful additions to help your spouse feel that sense of care and thought you’d put into it. It might not be that an item from IKEA is the best way to do this. There is very little romance in uniform flat pack furniture. Finding something wonderful and touching may be a good idea.

For example, finding specific elegant wooden furniture with character could help propel a room into the stratosphere in the interest of good taste. It’s not uncommon to impress using these tactics. You may also decide to have an artist craft a beautiful painting of a photo you both cherish, allowing you to hang it with pride of place in your hallway or living room. These long-term mementoes can serve as family heirlooms, and it’s these belongings we’re more likely to cherish in the long-term.


It could be that fulfilling one of your partner’s desires can be a great step in showing how much you care. They might have expressed interest in heading to a local theatre show, or to make the trip to the big city to see something on Broadway. You may arrange a meeting with one of their idols, or perhaps book an impromptu vacation because deep down who doesn’t love travel? All of this can have a wonderful impact on your relationship, because it shows you’re willing to go far to acquire something they have expressed interest in, giving you serious brownie points for the long term. Who knows, with a little care, this goodwill could be transmitted right back to you when you least expect it.

These secret projects, if pulled off well, could surely impress your spouse, and show your good taste. What are you waiting for?

This is a collaborative post.
Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Positive Affirmation Day 37

I am letting go of the dead things in my life that no longer serve me.

Most times we hang on to things that have passed their shelf date in our lives out of habit, out of fear of letting go, out of reluctance to embrace change, out of the need to keep our clutter in our life so that we continue to feel needed, relevant… We outgrow certain relationships, but we fail to let it go because we are afraid of ‘being alone.’

As long as we hold on to those things that we are meant to have let go of, we never truly open ourselves for new and possibly better experiences. Always remember that everything has its’ season.

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This quote below is a beautiful reminder.

ThinkingListener: The Sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can shine our own light.

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

#LawofAttraction, #Manifestation, #Believe #Thepowerofpositivethinking, #positiveaffirmations, #LetGoLetGod #abundancementality, #findinggreaterjoy, #BodyMindSpirit, #ShiftingPerspectives, #FulfilledLife #PurposeDriven


Inspiration - Motivation · Monday Motivations

Just A Thought For You…Monday Inspiration

Defer your judgement and keep possibilities open. When we judge everything: people, products, behaviour etc before we’ve had the opportunity to decide if they are good or bad we pigeonhole it and lock it down; we simply kill the opportunity for such possibilities to be.

Philosophy of Life · Poetry/Poems · Quotes For You

What My Mama Said To Me…17

Wisdom, Mother Knows Best, Proverbs, Mother and Child

Mama said to me, baby,
it’s always a waste of your time pulling others down
‘cos you’ll end up beneath them.



This piece is an excerpt from my work-in-progress.

You can read my book, Unbridled on Kindle Unlimited for free.


Life · Lifestyle

Making Important Decisions About The Future

We all get to a certain point in our lives where big decisions need to be made. You need to start thinking about the future, about the next steps you want to take and the actions in which you want from your life. But, what would you class as an important decision for your life? What would impact your life the most? I wanted to share with you some of the scenarios that would be classed as an important decision, perhaps you can relate to some of them yourself.

Happiness, Future Decisions, Lifestyle,

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Deciding on your career

A big decision to make when it comes to your future is to decide on your career. Many people make this decision fresh out of school and it can actually be quite a difficult one to make. After all, how do we know what we might want to do for the rest of our lives at that age? Thankfully, people make this decision many times over, and career changes are often on the cards and can sometimes suit you better later on in life. If a career change is on the cards for you, don’t worry too much, just go with what your gut is telling you.

Getting engaged

Getting engaged is an exciting time for anyone. It is a great way to show commitment to the one you love, and sharing your engagement rings can be a great way to feel united as one. Planning a wedding, on the other hand, can be tricky, but it certainly can be a memorable experience. The engagement itself can be a big decision though, it might be something that takes you by surprise or something that you have planned.

Getting married

Which brings me nicely on to my next point the decision to actually get married. Getting engaged doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to get married. You can actually stay engaged. But getting married is a big decision for the future, you need to decide if you do it and how you go about it. Certainly, this is a lot to think about.

Having a baby

Often when you have been with someone for a while, or have gotten married the questions about starting a family starts to become a regular occurrence. However, it is actually a big decision to make in terms of the future, so it is something that you must think about. As well as deciding you want to, in many cases, it doesn’t always happen straight away for some, and it certainly can be an a optional rollercoaster to embark on.

Jumping on the property ladder

Finally, one less major life change, but an important decision anyway is to consider getting on the property ladder. It can be a great way to set yourself up financially for the future, as property tends to increase in value over time. Many people do this to ensure that they have some form of stability in their retirement years.

I hope that this helps you to become more aware of some of the big life decisions you need to make.

This is a collaborative post.