Blogging · How To Tips · Life

Work woes…

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I know that millions of us have faced this dilemma and sometimes, we are not sure which way to take out of the quandary. You are in a scenario where you are working just to make ends meet and find yourself stuck in a job rut for years on end. You are afraid to quit – because bills have to be paid, you don’t feel like searching for a new job – because you are comfortable in your stagnation and the uncertainty of starting anew occupies space in your mind, hence, it’s a case of the evil God known is better than a good God unknown. You are not particularly enthused with your colleagues maybe because of so many reasons better left unsaid. Simply put, the job has lost its allure.

There are ways to pick yourself up, to boost your mood and to get past the difficult period at work.

Take time away from your desk

Doing so does not equate scrolling the pages of social media, surfing the internet or idling by the water cooler when you should be creating a document or filing a report. Ensure that you take the necessary breaks owed to you and use them diligently. Try and fit in something that you truly you love during your lunch break whether it’s reading a book, going for a cup of coffee at the café in the neighbourhood, meeting up with a friend, heading to the gym, taking a walk, or a Zumba session, the time spent away from your desk will become something to look forward to and will boost your spirit.


In this aspect you can apply a two-pronged approach. Firstly, create time for your buddies no matter how tied up or how down you’re feeling. It is pretty easy to throw a pity party, retreat to the sofa and vegetate with a tub of ice-cream, pizza and what not, but at this point in time, what you truly need is to spend time with the people you love, people who love you and uplift you. Even a brief chat will remind you there’s more to your life than your present job. You can even pick up an activity, hobby or class to attend together and create more bonding time.

Additionally, make the necessary effort to build friendships with worthwhile colleagues. Though we are to remember to create the right boundaries in our workplace, It’s very rare that there won’t be even one person you get on with, and getting closer could make things more fun. Ask if your friend would like to go for lunch or borrow your book – anything to forge a bond.

Find laughter

Don’t be too glum faced and grimly serious about your job with your mouth turned down or in a straight line and a permanent frown on your face. Indeed, work has its serious aspect, but when you develop a playful aspect for yourself, you will be more lighthearted whilst accomplishing your set goals. As we laugh, we are better able to enjoy things. We release that sense of anxiety, frustration, pressure and undue stress.

Try harder

Truly, it’s a challenge not to develop an apathetic mindset when you’re interest in your job has waned, but don’t forget that at some point in time, you wanted this job. Putting in extra effort can be the difference in feeling bored at work and also makes time go quickly, besides, it gets you noticed. Portray yourself as someone who gets things done and others will be interested in offering you different projects etc. You really need to take things in hand and it might lead to a new, enjoyable and rewarding path.

Furthermore, you can think of better ways of improving your work processes and make suggestions to your boss or those who need to hear your thoughts. It will show that you are someone who thinks outside the box.

Personality pep-up

Though the workplace is an arena where everyone has to temper themselves a bit, but it’s vital that you don’t go too far to dampen your lively or interesting character. If you someone who never has anything to contribute or interesting to say, as a matter of fact, people will be least interested in talking to you or being around you. Engage in work related social activities, share your thoughts of interesting outside the job related topics when discussions are being held. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Inasmuch as you are unique, also remember to be a part of the whole.

Blogging · How To · How To Tips · This Is My Life

Key Notes…

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

Getting back to blogging, I have found myself at a certain loss. It feels so familiar yet strange, because like everything that changes over time, a lot seems to have happened in blogosphere. I feel like a newbie, albeit with some jaded sense of know-how. I am tip-toeing around my blog trying to find my way once again, afraid to click on unknown features just in case I break something – not literally, but you get what I mean.

I recall that when I started blogging I could plug away for hours on end and derived such joy from putting my thoughts in writing. The joy has not gone though it has ebbed a bit. The hours to plug away on the keyboard has gone with the vagaries of life, since bills don’t pay themselves. Back then, I jumped in with such gusto and gumption and decision to make it work; to eke out a living doing something that I truly love. Things got in the way, life happened so much so that it made me question my trueness.

I have questioned my authenticity and second-guessed my passion for written and spoken word. I have found myself comparing and wondering if I am really true to my art. If I really want to be a writer as passionately as I had supposed? Because, as we are told, if you want something badly enough, you will do what needs to be done and you will find the time to make sure that it works out. It may sound romantic being a hungry, starving artist, but the rude awakening and harsh reality of life makes such aspirations a near impossible feat to achieve in this part of the world and in most parts I daresay.

NOT paying your bills can land you behind bars in my neck of the woods. As valuable as words may be, mine are yet to land me that goldmine and to present the peace of mind that money can buy or rather being able to sleep without your landlord hounding you for rent. I derail.

I have had to revamp my mind. To remember that often times the key notes of our life’s story might be out of tune for a bit, but once our fingers glide over the keys, like the gentle caress of a cherished old lover, we kindle with familiarity.

My thoughts are on how the blogging field has changed though my keyboard remains the same. How there are now many icons, bells and whistles here and there. I almost feel as if I should enroll in learning how things work here once again. Sadly, the course is paid for and I most certainly can’t afford such finesse. What do you think? Is going to WordPress University a worthwhile investment or do you think that I can find my way just by tinkering around?

Guide To Better Living · How To Tips · Relationships

Secret Projects To Impress Your Spouse


Impressing your spouse is not always something that you may find time for. After many years of marriage, it might be that the spontaneity is dried up. This is completely understandable. Or is it?

It’s likely you read that opening sentence with a low mood. This is because deep down, you realize that spontaneity is something that can keep relationships alive, that can help you continue to fall in love with someone each day. No matter how long you’re married for, you should never limit your love for someone or allowing theirs to be tempered by pure neglect for one another. No, the core of love is the desire to be there for someone, to give instead of taking. After all, your greatness is not what you have, but what you give. Thankfully, there are methods you can take to ensure this continual surprising love is shown when it matters most.

For that reason, we are offering advice in the form of secret projects to impress your spouse. This is sure to help you express your love for them, and is best done with a surprise for maximum efficiency:


Redecorating your home space can be a wonderful surprise for your spouse when arriving home. You might not renovate an entire room, but you can make wonderful additions to help your spouse feel that sense of care and thought you’d put into it. It might not be that an item from IKEA is the best way to do this. There is very little romance in uniform flat pack furniture. Finding something wonderful and touching may be a good idea.

For example, finding specific elegant wooden furniture with character could help propel a room into the stratosphere in the interest of good taste. It’s not uncommon to impress using these tactics. You may also decide to have an artist craft a beautiful painting of a photo you both cherish, allowing you to hang it with pride of place in your hallway or living room. These long-term mementoes can serve as family heirlooms, and it’s these belongings we’re more likely to cherish in the long-term.


It could be that fulfilling one of your partner’s desires can be a great step in showing how much you care. They might have expressed interest in heading to a local theatre show, or to make the trip to the big city to see something on Broadway. You may arrange a meeting with one of their idols, or perhaps book an impromptu vacation because deep down who doesn’t love travel? All of this can have a wonderful impact on your relationship, because it shows you’re willing to go far to acquire something they have expressed interest in, giving you serious brownie points for the long term. Who knows, with a little care, this goodwill could be transmitted right back to you when you least expect it.

These secret projects, if pulled off well, could surely impress your spouse, and show your good taste. What are you waiting for?

This is a collaborative post.