Humans · mental health · Nature · Philosophy of Life · Poetry/Poems · Wellness

across the bridge…

as we laid
your body down
and you crossed the bridge

to the other side

the airy wind
blew it’s gentle breeze
around us, it flowed

to the other side

a lone tear
escaped my eyes
racing to my mouth

I had promised
that I would
stop crying

but the calmness
of the air
reminds of your gentle ways

when will we
see you again, if ever,
my heart is pained.

For you my dear friend – departed – I wish not to say. May your soul find rest after all the pain. May you know peace and may your wings continue to flap gently in the wind. I see your smile. Though we know that none of us will get out of here alive, that death is part of life, yet, its sting is never lessened.

Photo by Aaron Burden on
Creative Writing · depression · Haiku · Poetry/Poems

strange and estranged…

I always thought that I was strange
till I became totally estranged
not knowing when things would change
or if one would become deranged

this is where I am truly me
yet I feared my space for many moons
caught in the mire of an arid desert that bogs us down
getting through each day of life like a clown

with many faces that smile and scares
with glinty tears, recurring fears and frozen scars
forgotten in the sirens of deaths mounting toll
and staying thankful to every lifesaving call

© Jacqueline

…life is never truly sunshine and butterflies

Health · Social Issues · Wellness

The Gatecrashers…

As I think of Kate Spade, my mind goes to this poem that I wrote which can be found in my poetry book Unbridled.’ You can read Unbridled for free. 


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The Gatecrashers

Uninvited, they arrive. I smell them from miles away.

Their radar zeros into the crowd, they steal in to join the happy gang.

Their presence disturbs and stifles, like thieves, they are up to no good.

Planting themselves on both sides like guards, the silent battle of my mind begins.

My other self, the invisible one vacates in a hurry to watch them from the other side

‘Do they know your secrets?’ depression asks in its know-it-all voice.

‘I bet you wouldn’t be the belle of the ball if they knew,’ loneliness opines.

Lips crack a smile, false laughter rings in the room,

intelligent conversation over glasses of wine;

breezy kisses blown into the air of cheek sides,

troubles forgotten maybe till tomorrow or less;

We do know how to throw great parties,

our mannequin faces caked in powder

I count minutes before it’s alright to escape;

With depression and loneliness dogging each step I take,

making such ruckus as we jostle out of the room.

© 2018 Jacqueline

Mental illness and depression is no respecter of persons and knows no boundaries. It is a silent killer and fast becoming an epidemic. An insidious illness that robs the sufferer of so much. We must stop the stigma. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. We must keep talking and keep the channels of listening open. Please take care of yourself and each other.

#RIP Kate #How are you feeling? #It’s okay to ask for help

Mental Health Matters


Is Your Head Harming Your Health?

Mental health issues are terrible. Thankfully, they’re now recognized by health professionals as chemical imbalances. As such, treatment and general approaches have changed in significant ways.

But, there’s less focus on the way a ‘chemically healthy’ brain can cause damage to health. While not a medical issue, negative outlooks can cause health problems. Yet, many of us suffer from negative thoughts in at least some aspects. It’s a real issue. Which is why we’re going to look at some of the negative outlooks which could harm your health if you aren’t careful.

Mental Health, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Health

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Lack of confidence

We all experience a lack of confidence at some point. You could argue that it’s a result of the competitive pressure we place on beauty. But, whatever the reason, lack of confidence usually starts in our teens and haunts us throughout our lives. As well as leading to issues such as depression, lack of confidence can lead to problems like anorexia, which can do untold damage to health.

If you’ve been fighting a lack of confidence, it’s past time you addressed the issue. You could choose to embrace some self-love practices and become more acquainted with your body. Or, you may want to take more extreme measures, such as cosmetic surgery. You could even opt for a less-invasive option like non-surgical lipo. If you think this is the way to go, you can contact Cosmetic Laser Dermatology and others like them for more information. Bear in mind that a step like this may not have the desired impact on your outlook. It may also be necessary to engage in the self-love activities mentioned above. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in the same position.


We feel disinterest for a variety of reasons, some of which require medical help. Depression, for example, often leads to apathy. If you think this may be the case, it’s important to seek medical help. But, sometimes, the cause is more to do with our outlook. Secretly, many of us would prefer an evening on the sofa to a night out. But, if you pass up every opportunity, you’ll soon find that issues such as depression creep up on you. Not to mention that inactivity can cause weight gain and other health issues.

To get around the issue, find ways to boost your energy levels, such as healthy eating, or exercise. It may also be worth finding hobbies which peak your interest. That way, you’ll be more motivated to make an effort.

Destructive cravings

It’s not unusual to seek relief from stress. But, many of us satisfy the need through destructive behaviours such as drinking, smoking, or drug use. You don’t need us to tell you what these could do to your health.

Instead of giving in to destructive cravings, find a release which isn’t harmful, such as reading, or playing games. Evidence has shown that you get a chemical buzz from game playing, like that of an addict. So, why not give it a go and see how much better you feel?


Fringes of Darkness…

In The Dark, Depression, Loneliness, Pain, Sad, Life, Harsh Reality

Depression is a silent enemy. It steals in to steal from you.

i’ve walked the fringes of darkness

where i felt the hard blunt bleakness of pain

and the stark reality of depression,

where i’ve queried the essence of life

in the time of such deep despair.

i’ve been beaten, molested and left to die,

i’ve stared death in the face many a times,

but only one whisper

kept me hanging on to the thread;

hope, that one day

this too shall pass,

and in the midst of hope

let my life be a lamp.



There’s nothing to romanticize about depression! It’s not a good place to be. Take it from me.

Product Details







Available in paperback on Amazon


Writing is turning my pain into art.


Writing has been therapy and coping mechanism to deal with things that threatened to drown me. I still surprise myself at how far I’ve come and how much healing, grace and joy that I’ve received.

I wrote the first book ‘Out of The Silent Breath,’ in doubt of my capability to do it.  This second poetry book ‘Unbridled,’  is written not just for me, but for love and those who keep me sane.

Unbridled is written for souls hurting, for healing and becoming.

It is served to be well-thumbed and mulled over.

Written in free verse each poignant poetry vibrates with a life of its own.

Bold and uncensored verses that talk about societal issues of rape, domestic violence, sadness, infidelity, racial discrimination, sex, depression, loss, pain, femininity, grief, suicide, womanhood, relationships, love, resilience, courage, anger, mental health, paedophilia, child abuse, break up, conflict, loneliness, ageing, life, lust, optimism, Poverty, Race, Death, Justice, Beauty, Endurance, Faith, Dreams and Empowerment.

The author’s words epitomise the poetic impulse to capture concentrated images from experience and observing life’s moments; impassioned, ecstatic, sad, fiery, sensual; they are naked intimate expressions saying as much as they can say in few words.

To purchase, check this link.



Philosophy of Life · Poetry/Poems

Get OUT of My Bed! You’re Such A Poor Lover!

Poetry, Depression, Peace, Harmony, Life, Balance


Depression wants to sleep with me tonight
but I ain’t having none of that!

I told him that I don’t cheat on Peace
‘cos he brings me Joy, Harmony, Balance
and lots of untold goodies.

I told him that he’s such a poor lover
who leaves me all wound up,
empty and downcast.

That our tumultuous relationship
has me faking orgasmic satisfaction
and that has simply been a lie.

I kicked him out into the cold night
and wedged the door tight with a chair under the lock.

He sulked and begged and cajoled to be let back in
he even promised to be more gentle in his loving
but I ain’t having none of that.

I have listened to his sleek lies in the past
when he used me and put up his feet by the fireplace
having a good smoke while I cried my eye’s raw and my heart bled.

I told him that he’s a Baboon
and he’s not going to get more handsome soon.

His spots are embedded in his thick skin and
can’t be washed off with soap.

I quickly called Peace on speed dial though it was late,
even the birds had gone to roost
but I had to so as not to cave into Depressions whiny voice.

Knowing Peace, he’s such a good guy
he answered once he saw my repeated calls.

He called his companions
Joy, Harmony, Love, Hope, Faith, Music, Laughter…
and they all came along.

They played and danced in my living room all night long whilst
I had a goodnight’s rest in the desired arms of Peace.

©  Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Featured Blogs

Featured Posts – Share Your Post Links



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Do step in and show some love.

Wordless Wednesday creative, fun and eerie to look at 🙂

Oddball This made me smile. Sweet and babyish but I like it 🙂

Going in This would be my best read for today. Raw, candid, painful, sweet, and teary too. Addiction and handling it is not easy on the sufferer as well as their loved ones. Please read.

Curry bard Now this is a lovely poem. I enjoyed the images created, the sound of the trundling train, the waft of curry dishes. A good read for today.

Self a mirage we swing through these emotions, edging on the highs of elation, depression, and oppression. Life is certainly a rollercoaster.

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Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.

out-of-the-silent-breath 2


For The Gifts That Come From Above – Personal


There were times in the past that I climbed the steep heights of elation and then came crashing down to nothingness, that I was left feeling like a happiness junkie always in search of that elusive happy rush and when it wasn’t present I felt that everything was wrong with my world.

It took the conscious stepping back and trying to understand myself, trying to break down my issues, compartmentalize and address them one by one to grasp what was going on and how to deal with them.

The tendency was that if something was not right in one aspect of my life – for instance, shortage of finances, I would allow that to dictate how I felt about every other thing, thus missing the beautiful and little things that made my life better.

It’s taken years, soul searching and being in the moment to come to the point where I deal with issues as they are and not allow it/them to mar the rest of my joy.

As I sit writing this little note, I look back and I’m amazed at how the simple journey of journaling my gratitude and making the effort to discover myself inside this body of mine has helped me learn to live in the moment and to appreciate every bit of it.

I no longer seek the happiness rush from momentary elation, rather, I’m charting a steady course of contentment gained from living life itself.

I am thankful for journey mercies bestowed on my husband who returned last night from Toronto. For the great things and little things that I’ve been able to achieve, for the thoughts, inspirations, and imaginations that flood my mind, for vitality and the drive to stay focused and keep moving forward. These are not things that I could buy with money, but they are gifts that come from above.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

If you wish to participate in a gratitude challenge, there are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfillment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog,Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.

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When the feelings are down…


Having spent two scores on Earth, I know from experience that life’s manual is not built to be easy by default. Yes, some may get more free rides than others now and again, but all of us have issues that we are battling with which does seem overwhelming at times.

For days, waves of anger and depression have lurked under the surface of my emotions and I have found myself snapping and breathing fire like a Dragon over minor issues at my family; as a matter of fact, after tossing and turning at night over the issues behind my mood, this morning during our quick prayer session, I had to apologise to my children for my snarling and snapping at them unnecessarily, because I not only have to be accountable for any bad  behaviour on my part and the possibility that I hurt their feelings through my expressions, I equally have to teach them by example.

I could list loads of reasons behind my poor thoughts and depressed feelings at present and choose to marinate in them as well, but going down that track only creates more chaos, ill-feelings within me and most likely won’t resolve my challenges.

Would I wish that everything is in perfect shape? Yes!  Of course. Is it ever going to be perfect? NO! The lesson that I have learnt over time is that by focusing on the small things that are not going as well as one wants, takes away the focus on all  the blessings that we’ve received.

Sometimes we have to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and jumpstart our gratefulness. I had to start praising and expressing my gratefulness and not only did I feel a shift in my soul but calming answers dropped into my heart.

The power of praise uplifts and opens up the spirit while the spirit of gratitude takes little and turns into a lot. I enjoy listening to the renditions of “Women of Faith.”

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

There are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfilment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.


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