
Is Your Head Harming Your Health?

Mental health issues are terrible. Thankfully, they’re now recognized by health professionals as chemical imbalances. As such, treatment and general approaches have changed in significant ways.

But, there’s less focus on the way a ‘chemically healthy’ brain can cause damage to health. While not a medical issue, negative outlooks can cause health problems. Yet, many of us suffer from negative thoughts in at least some aspects. It’s a real issue. Which is why we’re going to look at some of the negative outlooks which could harm your health if you aren’t careful.

Mental Health, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Health

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Lack of confidence

We all experience a lack of confidence at some point. You could argue that it’s a result of the competitive pressure we place on beauty. But, whatever the reason, lack of confidence usually starts in our teens and haunts us throughout our lives. As well as leading to issues such as depression, lack of confidence can lead to problems like anorexia, which can do untold damage to health.

If you’ve been fighting a lack of confidence, it’s past time you addressed the issue. You could choose to embrace some self-love practices and become more acquainted with your body. Or, you may want to take more extreme measures, such as cosmetic surgery. You could even opt for a less-invasive option like non-surgical lipo. If you think this is the way to go, you can contact Cosmetic Laser Dermatology and others like them for more information. Bear in mind that a step like this may not have the desired impact on your outlook. It may also be necessary to engage in the self-love activities mentioned above. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in the same position.


We feel disinterest for a variety of reasons, some of which require medical help. Depression, for example, often leads to apathy. If you think this may be the case, it’s important to seek medical help. But, sometimes, the cause is more to do with our outlook. Secretly, many of us would prefer an evening on the sofa to a night out. But, if you pass up every opportunity, you’ll soon find that issues such as depression creep up on you. Not to mention that inactivity can cause weight gain and other health issues.

To get around the issue, find ways to boost your energy levels, such as healthy eating, or exercise. It may also be worth finding hobbies which peak your interest. That way, you’ll be more motivated to make an effort.

Destructive cravings

It’s not unusual to seek relief from stress. But, many of us satisfy the need through destructive behaviours such as drinking, smoking, or drug use. You don’t need us to tell you what these could do to your health.

Instead of giving in to destructive cravings, find a release which isn’t harmful, such as reading, or playing games. Evidence has shown that you get a chemical buzz from game playing, like that of an addict. So, why not give it a go and see how much better you feel?

6 thoughts on “Is Your Head Harming Your Health?

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..