Health · Life · Lifestyle

Old Age? Don’t Take It Lying Down!



Once you get past a certain age, it’s very likely that you think you’re going on the scrapheap of life. You may feel yourself waning, your energy levels dipping, and you may think that it’s time to calm down and give in. In short, don’t! Instead, why don’t you try a few simple techniques to help you address the key things that may be missing in your life, so you can enjoy it more, and quite possibly feel a bit younger?

Keep The Oil Fresh

in other words get checkups on every single faculty. Go to a doctor, go to an ophthalmologist, spend time getting those regular checkups, and make sure that you are fighting fit. Also, you need to keep yourself healthy by moving! Your body is a machine, don’t forget this. It was built to be active, so use it as best as you can. On the topic of health, your body is like a car, and you wouldn’t put the wrong fuel in your car, so why should you put the wrong fuel in your body? Start to eat well, think about getting more omega-3 in your diet, more fish, and a general smorgasbord of fruit and vegetables.

Dress With Some Flair!

Look at the French fashion icons in their 70s, take some inspiration from these. Then dress with some style and finesse yourself, they don’t go to recapture their youth by dressing young, so take their lead and go for some style. Look at French and Italians; they seem to get better as they get older. Do some research, and get inspired!

Start To Feel Good!

No doubt you may have been doing things that please everybody in your early years because you had to get on with it. It’s now your time, so do what makes you happy. Yes, we look after others, and it’s not to say that it’s time for you to be selfish, but start to prioritize more time to get to know yourself. Enjoy that quiet time with a glass of wine, sit outside with a crossword and a coffee. It’s these little pleasures in life that you will remember more than anything. And who’s to say that you need to not go out on dates with your partner? There are so many great ways to stimulate the mind and body.


The main concern about the descent into old age is that you could possibly feel isolated or a bit hemmed in at home. And regardless of your age, there is always someone who is going through the same thing as you, nobody is ever alone in these things, no matter if you feel you are on your own. Start to make more time for your friends, go out for meals, and enjoy a healthy and stimulating conversation. Negativity is something that can begin to creep in, and much like a midlife crisis, we can feel that we don’t have a use anymore in life. So, start to enjoy your time, do something that makes you stimulated. Read a book, learn a language, learn an instrument. Just because you are older in years doesn’t mean that you are past your sell-by date! So enjoy yourself.

Age is viewed as a negative thing, so let’s try and reverse this trend. Age is not a negative thing; it is about experience and vitality!

Rononvan's Weekly Haiku Challenge

Oceans Breeze…

Go lounge in a hammock,
listen to the sound of oceans breeze,
and water lapping the shore.

the sounds of the ocean
will surely send you to dreamy sleep
of seashores, shells, and adventures.



I love the prompt Ronovan gave for this week’s haiku challenge, ‘Ocean & Shore’ unfortunately, it’s unimaginably hot for such indulgence.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday.


I am literally pausing and going on the slow this weekend to smell the roses, coffee, freshly mown grass and all the wonderful blends out there.

I have been running on full steam all week, pausing to catch fleeting whiffs of a smell now and again, but the ache in a shoulder tells me that it’s time to apply the brakes, to exhale and pamper myself with a weekend rest so that I don’t grow weary and feel faint, lest I find myself in need of smelling salts.

Keeping it brief, enjoy your weekend. Do find time to put up your feet and inhale the wonderful smell of life deeply.


Smell – SoCS

P.S. We’ll be having a Welcome to June blog party on 31st May/1st June. Dust your dancing shoes 🙂

Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Sail With Me – Echoes of My Neighbourhood


My Muse chose to take me to the harbour for a quiet time on Saturday morning. With my laptop, notepad and camera, I tapped away, sipping my warm latte and enjoying the gentle breeze from the Gulf.

I am working on a story that involves a harbour scene and I needed to revitalize my mind. Thankfully, there are several harbours around here and if you want a bit of calm, it’s best to go a bit early in the day before everybody troops in.

It’s a lovely place to spend a couple of hours and there’s something about the gentle sea breeze that kindled my imagination made my words flow faster.

Pamela takes us on a scenic walk in her neighbourhood before Hurricane Matthew and I think I’m going to hold Lady Lee responsible for planting hungry ideas in my head with her sumptuous looking pot of curry. 

On Thursdays, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

out-of-the-silent-breath 2

Everyday People

Let’s set sail – Every day beautiful people 79

“There’s virtue in work and there’s virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.” Alan Cohen


Yay! It’s Friday. Let’s kick back and relax a bit.

Have some fun and be happy.

P.S: I hope to see you at our online party this weekend. It’s always a good time:-)

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


Wonderful, evocative poetry by a talented writer. Left me hungry for more. Jacqueline can write! Linda Bethea

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

Everyday People · Fascinating

Upturned and basking…Every day beautiful people # 61

“Never underestimate the benefits of tuning out, getting into yourself and possibly a quick shut eye and a power nap. Very refreshing.” Jacqueline


She looks gorgeous and in her own World 🙂

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


From the very first poem, “Dreams,” this book captivates with passionate and perceptive words. Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha captures a broad expanse of the human experience in this book of richly layered poems.

Out of the silent breath

Everyday People

Timeout…Every day beautiful people # 59

“It’s always good to take a little time out of your busy life to focus just on yourself and if you’ve got a friend to share a cup with, that’s goodness tasted and remembered.” Jacqueline


It’s a weekend good folks. There’s nothing like a little timeout to chill and natter with a good friend with some music in the background, or,

to chill all by yourself with a compelling good read, soft music, a warm cuppa or glass of cold drink – whichever suits you best 🙂

Enjoy. Love and light

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

I listen to the tinkles of the water,

the thrums of the guitar and the deep rhythm of the bass.

No words are said, as you stare deeply into my eyes.

The look caught within your pupils, mirrors all the love trapped inside

aching to flow out, a syllable at a time. Just like that soft jazz.

Personal · Photographs · The Daily Post

Beach Bums…


Zanzibar - Kempinski

I am not a beach bum but I love spending time by the beach side. Soaking in the lovely sea breeze that lulls you to sleep on the chair.

Running in the surf’s spray and dipping my toes in the water is particularly soothing, though the sand has a way of getting in nooks and unexpected crannies.

Coincidentally, it’s a long weekend in UAE as today is a public holiday, so we plan to spend time tomorrow morning at Jumeirah beach before the sun gets too hot.

It can be wickedly hot in this place, but for now, the rays are still kind to us.

I have a big beach bag that I plunk in all sorts of stuff, from my sunglasses to headphones, blue tooth loud speaker for music, sunscreen, water, serviettes, the large book that I am currently reading A Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer. A fantastic and compulsive 600+ pages read.

Maybe I’ll do a book review after, but does Archer need a review? I doubt it.

I’ve got Summer on my mind once the children get through their exams by the end on the month. Yippeee!  🙂

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Beach, The Daily Post Prompt.

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha’s poems portray images that stare us right in the face. Images of love, joy, death, pain, challenges, violation, and freedom. She writes in a language that’s rich in imagery, earthy, honest, vulnerable, yet full of the promise of hope, of loving and of Grace. A collection of light and dark soulful prose.


Blogging · Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Inspiration - Motivation · Musings · Success · The Daily Post · Writing

Yippee! It’s Over Now…*singing a song*

Tra la la la! Yippee!woohoo

Tra la la la! Yippee!

I did it, Oh yes I did it!

I am doing a jig and a boogie-woogie at the same time 😉

I managed to finish the NaBloPoMo with a flourish.

Not a prompt missed.

Honestly, there were some mornings that I woke up and wanted to play truant, but the little effervescent encouraging voice in me kept prodding me to try, and this was in fierce contest with the little imp of discouragement that kept saying ”come on, just a day’s kicking back won’t hurt.”

It seriously, wasn’t easy trying to do this, coupled with other posts that I usually make, in essence, each day, I was posting 3 to 4 original articles per day.

Some of the prompts were fly by the seat of your pants prompt like The Daily Post; I love participating in The Daily Post because you just never know what the prompt is going to be all about, so it helps my thinking quickly on my feet.

Somethings did suffer a bit with all these writing and the very first one was my butt. This is my little ditty about a writers flat butt.

The second thing that took the flake was my book. Instead of a thousand words a day, I was limping in at 500 words.

Each night, by the time I read two paragraphs of the John Grisham that I am currently reading, I am out cold and I bet I was snoring too – mind you we ladies don’t snore, we just make delicate noises.

My hubby is too nice to tell me that I am snoring. He knows the side that his bread is buttered on *wink* if he wants his nice hot meals 🙂

Now to celebrate, I am just going to kick back for a couple of days; I will still post each day as usual; but not with the rabid intention of the past few days.

Where is my Irish cream and some deep tissue massage?

Hmm! I feel the relaxation coming on before the next upheaval.

Thank you for staying with me my dear friends and for all your beautiful support.

To persevere and to finish is really a good feeling 🙂

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

NaBloPoMo prompt – Monday, November 30

What do you like to do to celebrate an accomplishment?