Blogging · Monday Motivations · Quotes For You

Tuesday Thoughts…

There are many gateways that lead us to our individual pleasures but there’s only one true pathway to happiness and the track runs through you.

The key that unlocks our happiness lies within us and can’t be found elsewhere.

When we fail to settle down and dig deeper to unlock the essence of who we are, we tend to fill our days with activities, going through the daily motions of surviving and are left feeling listless and dissatisfied with life.

Now, that’s the time to start searching for the missing link and hopefully, the answer will click. You can improve the experience by surrounding yourself with positive and happy people, value yourself and your relationships, keep the beautiful memories and positive experiences closer in mind, achieve little goals and appreciate them.

I found this oldie sitting in my draft. Still rings true.

Monday Motivations

Monday Mix

Inevitably, at many points in time, we experience the vagaries of life that draw us back. The most important factor to bear in mind ‘is to never forget to pick yourself up and to keep inching forward always.’ Jacqueline

Image result for image quotes keep moving forward


Image result for image quotes keep moving forward

Image result for image quotes keep moving forward


How To Refind Your Lost Motivaton to Make a Lifestyle Change

Motivation, Inspire, Refind Your Lost Motivation, Be You, Love You, Life Tips

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Are you rapidly losing interest in your healthy lifestyle changes? After the high of some initial success – perhaps you lost a few pounds or managed to take part in your first running event – it can be a common feeling to have a bit of a slump, where your motivation seems to have fizzed out. When this happens, how do you get a jump- start and refocus on your intentions to lead a healthier life? Here are some simple ways you can get back on track:

Love Yourself Now

Too often, we embark on a lifestyle change from a negative place, telling ourselves we aren’t good enough as we are. But being too negative about your current state can actually be very demoralising. Give yourself permission to love you, just the way you are now. See your journey as a positive, a change you are making as a gift to yourself- not a punishment. Reading some self-help books can guide you to a more positive place – there are lots of recommendations at

Change Your Role Model

Setting unrealistic expectations for yourself is a recipe for disaster, so make sure that whoever you are using for inspiration is not so far out of reach that you want to give up. It’s fine to aspire to be like a celebrity but understand that it’s literally their job to look good, and they have an army of professional support, from nutritionists and personal chefs to life coaches. If anything, it’s better to compare yourself to the best version of you. Keep it within reach. Select positive role models that are confident with their shape and are strong and healthy.

Identify Your Triggers

Life is fraught with danger points that challenge us and make it harder to stick to diet and fitness goals. But knowing in advance what is likely to prove difficult for you- and finding other ways to handle whatever it is- is crucial. Perhaps you use food as emotional comfort. Maybe you get lazy on busy weeknights after work and end up snacking. Understand your pressure points and know how to deal with them in advance. Stock up on healthy snacks that fill the same need but won’t compromise your hard work, and find out other ways of coping with stress and upset.

Make One Small Change

If you’re struggling to get going again, then implementing one small, easy change can five you the boost in momentum you need to get back on track. It could be cutting out sugar for a week, adding in an extra 10 minutes to the treadmill, or having a couple of extra portions of fruit and veg a day. That one simple change can be the catalyst to carry on with everything.

Lasting change takes time, so you need to have patience, forgive yourself for minor slip-ups and accept that your journey will all be worth it in the end. Getting frustrated and experiencing set backs doesn’t have to mean giving up- there will be ups and downs. If you can pick yourself up, you’ll soon find another milestone that makes you feel on top of the world again!

My Thinking Corner

Renew Like An Eagle – My Thinking Corner

When one clocks 40, the tendency is to have mixed feelings; the good feeling of coming of age and the silent panic at the thought of growing older.

The year my age clock ticked forty and passed it, I could try to tell you that I didn’t care less at that point in time, but if the truth is told, I had pressure on my mind to just go after my dreams without delay. I felt that I had been held back by incidents of life, however, it was still up to me to change things and make the life that I want for myself. Call me slow, but it’s taken me 40+ years to figure a number of things out.

Renew like an Eagle, Inspiration, Encouragement, Life Lessons, Life After Forty, Motivation, Follow Your Dreams, Isaiah 40:31

Now that my knees are acting as though they belong to someone else – I must say I no longer feel so spritely and each day I am reminded that I no longer have the luxury of being in my twenty’s.  Some of us are able to get all their ducks in a row early in life, whilst some of us have our boats battered by the winds, pushed off course as we row as hard as we can to keep it from capsizing. The great thing is that if we keep going we will surely get to the shore.

In seeking ways on how to generate a better lifestyle for myself and to find out if the cliché ‘life begins at forty’ holds some truth, I remember the Bible passage: Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

I did a little read up on Eagles and learned that Bald Eagles go through a process of transformation at 40. They make a life-changing decision not to give in easily to the strictures of aging but it strategically breaks off its beak and rips off its feathers in order to grow new ones. This excruciatingly painful procedure takes solid 5 months of risk and hunger but extends the eagle’s life by another glorious stretch of 30 years.

It’s said that the eagle has only two options: to make these changes or to die and this brings me to my question: what are your options?

  • What are those crucial decisions that you need to make?
  • What are those dreams that you need to hunker down and pursue with every ounce of breath in you?
  • What are those lifestyle changes that you must make to give your body a fighting chance to go the long haul?

Are you going to brave up and renew your strength like an Eagle or are you just going to roll up your mat and whine about everything going on in your life?

Remember, that the energy of silent panic can be turned into something positive.

Be at peace.



Make Health An Effortless Part Of Your Lifestyle

Blueberries, Apples, Melon, Carrots, Vegetables, Fresh, Food, CookingImage via PXhere

Everyone wants to be healthy and happy, but many people go about it the wrong way. Instead of focusing on making health into a natural and effortless part of their every-day lifestyle, they try to use sheer willpower to force themselves through different, painful practices that they’ll sooner or later be tempted to quit.

But people are driven more by habit than by incredible efforts of will. Here’s a look at how to introduce some good, healthy habits into your life starting today.

Get physically active every day

Setting yourself the goal of spending an hour in the gym every day may work for a while, but there’ll be the inevitable day when you find yourself too busy, too tired, or just too distracted to follow through.

Instead of setting yourself a specific exercise goal, set yourself the goal of being physically active every day. This can mean anything from taking a short walk to jogging on the spot to going to the gym for 3 hours or running a marathon — though if you’re running a lot, you might want to click here for some good anti-blister supplies.

The key is that it’s an easy habit to stick with every day, even when you don’t feel like it. Being physically active in one way will also make you feel motivated to be more physically active in general.

Prepare all your food from scratch

People argue a lot about different diet styles, and which one might be the best. One thing that all experts and scientists agree on, though, is that processed food is by and large terribly unhealthy, filled with potentially harmful additives, and at the heart of many modern health problems.

An excellent health-habit is to cut out all processed foods — anything you buy “ready-made” — and to prepare all your own food from scratch. That way you’ll know whether or not there’s a teaspoon of sugar in your dish, instead of being tricked into eating large amounts of toxic high-fructose corn syrup.

Eat foods that leave you feeling energetic

Energy is one of the most important things for good overall health, because the more energetic we feel, the more active we’re likely to be, physically and mentally, and the happier as well.

If you find that you’re always falling asleep right after each meal, this not only means that you probably struggle to be productive and positive each day, but it also means that your food is too heavy on your body and is taking a lot of energy to digest.

Save the heavy meals for special occasions, and try to eat foods that leave you feeling energetic on a daily basis, instead of ones that seem to drain your energy.

Read something uplifting every day

The mind is just as important as the body when it comes to health, and like the body, the mind is affected by the kind of “fuel” we give it.

While the body is fuelled by food and drink, the mind is fuelled by the things you read, say, watch, and hear.

If you want to promote healthy, positive and happy thoughts, it’s essential that you give your mind something positive to reflect on every day. A great place to start is by reading something uplifting every day. This could be an upbeat fable or a real-life story of someone succeeding against the odds.

Featured Blogs

Featured Posts…Share Your Post Links

Sharing, Blogs, Networking, Growing Readership, Connection, Bloggers, Blog Posts


Today’s featured blogs are:

Good Morning Giggles

Uplifting post. Do you pay attention to your inner senses or are they drowned out in the noise of daily living?

Love That’s Ours

Another sweet little post to place a smile on your face 🙂

My Bucket Full Of Love

A beautiful blog filled with inspiration on home care, tales, laughter, and love.


Have you ever noticed that once your mind zeros in on a subject, colour or theme, you start seeing more of the same?

Do step in, explore these blogs and show some love.

Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

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Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘Remember, we create a cohesive community when we come together.

Check out my latest book ‘Unbridled.’

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My Thinking Corner

My Thinking Corner…

quotes, flowers, push the boundaries, success, growth, motivation, inspiration, resilience

You truly can’t afford the cost of staying at the bottom. That space is overcrowded. Crawl, climb, jump, keep moving in any way that you can, but just get out of there.

The problem with staying stuck at the bottom of the barrel is that there are far too many enablers who are willing to keep you company and even provide some background music to your whining.

If you want to change your direction and growth, you have to lead yourself out of that confined space. It may mean losing your backup singers but know that the orchestra sounds better the higher you go.

Saying that our destiny lies in our hands may be clichéd but nonetheless true.

Lots of times, the odds would be stacked heavily against us at the bottom, however, we mustn’t keep our eyes on the stumbling blocks in our path, but on our aspired destination and keep pushing.

An inspiring post ‘subscribe to your successful self’ from Lady Cee is a great read that buttresses these points.


Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivation and Musings – A Mouthful of Food

quotes, proves, do it yourself

No one gets a mouthful of food by picking between another person’s teeth.

As I sat in a reflective mode of the things that I need to do, this old adage that my dad used to say sprouted in my mind and it was just as if I heard him repeat ‘no one gets a mouthful of food by picking between another person’s teeth.’

We sit and plan for things that we would do in future and sometimes from afar, we look at those who are doing things that we hope to do and the time just keeps ticking by.

We can learn from others, but when we don’t put our learnings and experience to use, it becomes a futile effort.

Someone could take crumbs from their table and give to another, but it would still remain crumbs that are given when the other person is inclined to do so.

Featured Blogs

Posts That Caught My Interest – 2

I recognize that a lot of bloggers – except few – bother to follow a link to read reblogs and now and again, I stumble on posts that I find myself nodding along in agreement as I read them and wish to share.

I offer these few. I found sense, laughter, reflection and inspiration. Do take a peek. I am disabling the comment button to encourage you to visit the blog sites.Image result for images of sharing

Healing properties of lemon

From homeless to Harvard graduate

Time for us all to bloom

Forgetting to be grateful

Crippling effect of poverty

Thank you for stopping by and do have a great weekend.
