Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivation and Musings – A Mouthful of Food

quotes, proves, do it yourself

No one gets a mouthful of food by picking between another person’s teeth.

As I sat in a reflective mode of the things that I need to do, this old adage that my dad used to say sprouted in my mind and it was just as if I heard him repeat ‘no one gets a mouthful of food by picking between another person’s teeth.’

We sit and plan for things that we would do in future and sometimes from afar, we look at those who are doing things that we hope to do and the time just keeps ticking by.

We can learn from others, but when we don’t put our learnings and experience to use, it becomes a futile effort.

Someone could take crumbs from their table and give to another, but it would still remain crumbs that are given when the other person is inclined to do so.

12 thoughts on “Midnight Motivation and Musings – A Mouthful of Food

  1. It pays off when we hear what our elders are saying. Your dad sounds like my step-father, he came up with these pearls of wisdom, but usually me and my siblings would just say something like “Okaaaaay”, and shake our heads. But over time I came to be able to grasp the meaning of his sayings. Thanks for posting this one from your father, I totally get it.

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I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..