
How To Refind Your Lost Motivaton to Make a Lifestyle Change

Motivation, Inspire, Refind Your Lost Motivation, Be You, Love You, Life Tips

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Are you rapidly losing interest in your healthy lifestyle changes? After the high of some initial success – perhaps you lost a few pounds or managed to take part in your first running event – it can be a common feeling to have a bit of a slump, where your motivation seems to have fizzed out. When this happens, how do you get a jump- start and refocus on your intentions to lead a healthier life? Here are some simple ways you can get back on track:

Love Yourself Now

Too often, we embark on a lifestyle change from a negative place, telling ourselves we aren’t good enough as we are. But being too negative about your current state can actually be very demoralising. Give yourself permission to love you, just the way you are now. See your journey as a positive, a change you are making as a gift to yourself- not a punishment. Reading some self-help books can guide you to a more positive place – there are lots of recommendations at

Change Your Role Model

Setting unrealistic expectations for yourself is a recipe for disaster, so make sure that whoever you are using for inspiration is not so far out of reach that you want to give up. It’s fine to aspire to be like a celebrity but understand that it’s literally their job to look good, and they have an army of professional support, from nutritionists and personal chefs to life coaches. If anything, it’s better to compare yourself to the best version of you. Keep it within reach. Select positive role models that are confident with their shape and are strong and healthy.

Identify Your Triggers

Life is fraught with danger points that challenge us and make it harder to stick to diet and fitness goals. But knowing in advance what is likely to prove difficult for you- and finding other ways to handle whatever it is- is crucial. Perhaps you use food as emotional comfort. Maybe you get lazy on busy weeknights after work and end up snacking. Understand your pressure points and know how to deal with them in advance. Stock up on healthy snacks that fill the same need but won’t compromise your hard work, and find out other ways of coping with stress and upset.

Make One Small Change

If you’re struggling to get going again, then implementing one small, easy change can five you the boost in momentum you need to get back on track. It could be cutting out sugar for a week, adding in an extra 10 minutes to the treadmill, or having a couple of extra portions of fruit and veg a day. That one simple change can be the catalyst to carry on with everything.

Lasting change takes time, so you need to have patience, forgive yourself for minor slip-ups and accept that your journey will all be worth it in the end. Getting frustrated and experiencing set backs doesn’t have to mean giving up- there will be ups and downs. If you can pick yourself up, you’ll soon find another milestone that makes you feel on top of the world again!

4 thoughts on “How To Refind Your Lost Motivaton to Make a Lifestyle Change

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..