Blogging · Life · Lifestyle · writing challenge

A state of equilibrium…

In all sincerity, I can’t recollect any specific day so far that I can count on as the happiest day of my life. On my wedding day, I think I was a bit anxious about my guests having a good time and hoping that the wedding ceremony goes as well as planned to classify it as my happiest day. In retrospect, if I had to redo my wedding, I would do things a whole differently and have less crowd.

I have come to see happiness as a state of mind that persists in one’s life based on several factors such as being present and finding peace and joy in the moments that we have and not a temporary product of a specific event. As such, I work consistently to maintain as much level of contentment, fulfilment, joy and satisfaction as I possibly can by eliminating negativity and negative energy, by staying positive and doing those things that bring me that sense of happiness.

I have experienced great moments of joy when I gave birth to my babies, a sense of fulfillment when I published my books and beautiful memories of sublime moments with family and friends but there’s no singular day in life that I can pinpoint as the happiest day in my life. It is still non-existent, but who knows, maybe sometime soon in the near future such a day will come.


Feel good. Joy in small things. #fyp #positivevibes #bejoyful #butterfly #friday beyondexisting.j #fp

♬ Calm Down – Rema

Cultivating Your Passion To Write…

Writing, Typewriter, Writing Passion, Ballpoint pen

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When it comes to something like writing, it’s easy to have all of the brightest ideas in the world when you’re not at home. But, when it comes to getting them on paper, the mind is blank, and motivation has disappeared almost entirely. Of course, though, in a lot of cases, drive to write isn’t just a matter of having ideas. Along with this, you also have to find ways to cultivate your passion and make it into something which doesn’t feel like work. To help you out with this, this post will be going through some of the best tools you can use to achieve this sort of goal.

Before you can start thinking about this, though, it’s a good idea to understand why you’re doing it. People are very simple, at their core. By giving yourself simple queues, while also learning and improving your skills, you will make it a lot easier to feel good about spending an evening behind the laptop. Along with this, these sorts of methods can remove issues like writer’s block. And they can also improve your appreciation for other people’s work, knowing what they have gone through to produce it.

Tools To Use

As something becomes easier and you are making fewer mistakes, it will usually become more enjoyable, as you’re spending less of your time fixing things. Writing is no different, and learning a thing or two could be one of the best ways to help you to stay driven with your next big piece. You can work on your effortless English skills through a variety of methods. Though, online courses and study resources tend to be the best for those with busy lives.

Once you’ve got some learning under your belt, you can start to think about the inspiration you can find from other people’s books. A lot of people find that their drive to write is at its peak when they’re in the middle of a book they really like. Always keep your eyes open for new books to read, as this can be one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated.

Along with the learning, you do throughout your studies, you will also want to continue to learn during your career, too. As a part of this, you should be constantly looking at blogs and other resources to find little hints and tips. This will help you to keep up to date with your skills, and will also help you to avoid slipping into bad habits.

Finally, as a way to get some inspiration, writing prompts can be one of the best tools out there. Being given a concept to go from with your story will help you to avoid the issues found with writer’s block. You can find websites around the web which are dedicated to helping people share their short stories which are built from prompts. Using a tool like this, you can compare your work to others, while also getting some valuable feedback.

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Hopefully, this post will encourage you to take the first steps towards embracing the passion you already have. A lot of people have big ideas for novels or other books throughout their life. But, very few act on this urge and their ideas stay locked within their minds. It doesn’t have to be this way, though, if you’re willing to do the work.

Hope · Quotes For You · The Daily Post · Travel

Travel Itch…

Having been fortunate to have wandered a bit around the globe, both as a footloose and single chic and presently as a married lady with a husband who also has a nomadic spirit; as a matter of fact, his loose feet are far worse than mine, I must say without any hesitation that traveling is an education in itself. Travel quote

It is a worthwhile venture, though it can be expensive to do so.

Something that I realized is that some of the things which we spend money on, and which we forget as soon as that expense has been made, can be given up and the money set aside for a bit of exploring.

These days I noticed that I am keen to go discovering, but for shorter periods at a time. The hassles involved in migrating are no mean feat and I speak from vast experience.

Maybe my nesting senses are kicking in as I grow older and with the children growing older as well, it gets a bit disruptive to up and go because it entails a whole lot of changes, from accommodation, to mobility to new school, to a new culture etc.

It surprises me at times, at how my children have blended into the various societies that they have had to live in and how they make friends so quickly, that most times before I can say hello, I am having friends mothers call my phone to invite them for one do or the other. We are rolling stones but we tend to gather a lot of moss as we go along 🙂

I believe that the opportunity of having lived in very diverse environments definitely gives one a broader sense of understanding, exposure, knowledge, adaptability and so much more.

That said, there are some places that have been on my mind to visit for a good vacation time and I hope that in the near future, I will be able to scratch these travel itches.

I would love to visit so many places and see so many things but if I were to start right now, these would be my first five:

  1. The Fiji Islands
  2. New Zealand
  3. Prague
  4. Morocco
  5. Scandinavia – Sweden, Finland, Norway

Visiting a lot of the ancient and World Heritage places all over, like the Great Barrier Reef, The Wall of China, Machu Picchu etc. would just be awesome.

Time will tell how these things go.

“Traveling leaves you speechless, then it turns you into a storyteller.” Ibn Batutta

”I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” Susan Sontag

”Once a year, go some place that you have never been before.” Dalai Lama

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post prompt The Wanderer

Tell us about the top five places you’ve always wanted to visit.

Blogging · Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Inspiration - Motivation · Musings · Success · The Daily Post · Writing

Yippee! It’s Over Now…*singing a song*

Tra la la la! Yippee!woohoo

Tra la la la! Yippee!

I did it, Oh yes I did it!

I am doing a jig and a boogie-woogie at the same time 😉

I managed to finish the NaBloPoMo with a flourish.

Not a prompt missed.

Honestly, there were some mornings that I woke up and wanted to play truant, but the little effervescent encouraging voice in me kept prodding me to try, and this was in fierce contest with the little imp of discouragement that kept saying ”come on, just a day’s kicking back won’t hurt.”

It seriously, wasn’t easy trying to do this, coupled with other posts that I usually make, in essence, each day, I was posting 3 to 4 original articles per day.

Some of the prompts were fly by the seat of your pants prompt like The Daily Post; I love participating in The Daily Post because you just never know what the prompt is going to be all about, so it helps my thinking quickly on my feet.

Somethings did suffer a bit with all these writing and the very first one was my butt. This is my little ditty about a writers flat butt.

The second thing that took the flake was my book. Instead of a thousand words a day, I was limping in at 500 words.

Each night, by the time I read two paragraphs of the John Grisham that I am currently reading, I am out cold and I bet I was snoring too – mind you we ladies don’t snore, we just make delicate noises.

My hubby is too nice to tell me that I am snoring. He knows the side that his bread is buttered on *wink* if he wants his nice hot meals 🙂

Now to celebrate, I am just going to kick back for a couple of days; I will still post each day as usual; but not with the rabid intention of the past few days.

Where is my Irish cream and some deep tissue massage?

Hmm! I feel the relaxation coming on before the next upheaval.

Thank you for staying with me my dear friends and for all your beautiful support.

To persevere and to finish is really a good feeling 🙂

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

NaBloPoMo prompt – Monday, November 30

What do you like to do to celebrate an accomplishment?

Creative Writing · Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Love · Musings · The Daily Post · Writing

To A Dear Friend…

My diary

My dear best friend,

How ever could I have survived without you? I am sure that you are wondering that after all these years, I finally acknowledge the importance of your friendship above that of all those who have blood flowing in their veins.

You are inanimate, yet you stand strong. You neither disdain nor discard me. Always supportive with your constant non-judgmental ear and never have you tittle-tattled behind my back even when I have treated you so badly, crumpled you in annoyance and tossed you aside in utter disgust in moments of emotional turbulence. You are so trustworthy.

Each time you still accept my pick-ups without a word of complaint, soaking in the outpouring of my thoughts until I am drained and sated.

I know that sometimes you must be confused with all the different voices that races through your domain; the flighty, flirty and glamourous, the happy and sad, the joyful and sorrowful, the excited and dreary, the calm and crazy, the contented and disgruntled, the sexy and boring, the discombobulated and all the weirdos that I bring along.

You have caught my tears, held my laughter, my sighs and wishful thoughts. You have stoically shared my struggles, troubles and triumphs and only offered succour by serving up reminders of beautiful days past and a glimpse of finer days ahead.

What can I say dear best friend but thank you.

I sincerely appreciate you my dearest diary for keeping me sane all these years.

You and chocolate have been wonderful companions of mine over the years. Bearing my torture and sating my taste buds, you are truly the best team a girl can ask for.

Yours truly,

Your sometimes awesome, fabulous and crabby owner,


The Daily Post prompt Literate Today

Someone or something you can’t communicate with through writing (a baby, a pet, an object) can understand every single word you write today, for one day only. What do you tell them?

Image credit: Pinterest

Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Little rants · The Daily Post · Writing

At your own risk ‘cos I kick scary butts!….

Kicking ass

There is no one in the room with me, except my lazy feeling self, the quarreling voices in my head telling me to ignore you, WordPress and the television which I have put on mute to dispel all the bad news floating in and disrupting my creative juices; though I like the flickering bursts of colour so I leave it on.

It’s fun at times to look at the yammering lips on TV, not hearing what they are saying, using your imagination to figure it out and laughing at nothing – please don’t think I am crazy, just the creative juice in overload today.

I am home alone and I can tell you I am tougher than Macaulay Culkin, so don’t get any ideas of sneaking in!!

The children and their Papa should be stepping back in pretty soon and they can terrorize with well aimed bites, kicks, ladles, pots and pans; you have been forewarned!

So, I will have well fortified backup even though I trust my screeching techniques well enough.

Any attempt for any fear or scary stuff to sneak in, is at it’s own peril!

I am amply armed with my heavy wielding bible, my certified holy water that will turn you into mush in a sprinkle of an eye, my gleaming prayer beads and a nice weighty crucifix for beating sound sense into the scare source for attempting to give me nervous breakdown.

Maybe, I should quickly place an order for chainsaw – the Chinese are known to deliver rapidly, what do you think? Getting more gory right?

Well, I have advertised my ammunition at no price.

Should you, FEAR, venture to come in, a crucifix bludgeon, a screech with bible quotes, a hasty recital of the beads and a sprinkle in the eye and you will be transformed magically, finding yourself pressed willy-nilly into the church choir!

Well now, this is the silliest prompt response I have given so far, to a repetitive prompting.

This prompt about fear was addressed in a roundabout way just a few days ago and this was my response.

Now let me go and bring my casserole out for dinner.

Goodnight and don’t let the bed bugs bite 😉

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to The Daily Post prompt 1984

You’re locked in a room with your greatest fear. Describe what’s in the room.

Devotions · Family · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Love · Success · The Daily Post · Weave that Dream

The Magic In Me…


Thanks but no thanks! I have absolutely no desire to be transformed into a mystical being.

Just a few days ago, you made me have Saintly aspirations, and I am still floating under the halo of such euphoric dream.

However, I believe in MAGIC!

I believe in the magic of a Supreme God! The Alpha and Omega.

I believe in the miracle of conception and babies!

I believe in the miracle of breathing free air that I contributed nothing to create!

I believe in miracles! They are all around us! They exist in our everyday lives when we choose to see them!

I believe in the magic of an enduring love that stands the test of time!

I believe in the power of hope! It enlarges your heart and expands your coast!

I believe in the magic of happiness, positive thinking and positive affirmations! It beautifies your life!

I believe in the power of faith and good works! It strengthens you!

I believe in kindness and caring! It has boundless rewards!

I believe in positive human values and good manners!

I believe in family: both the ones we are born into and the one we choose for ourselves!

I believe in the magic of gratitude; it increases you!

I believe in the magical strength of human resilience! Its your path to success!

I believe that dreams do come true when you believe in yourself and irrespective of your age!

I believe that life is beautiful even in its chaotic mundaneness.

I believe in the power of prayer!

I believe in myself and the magic in me 😉

NOW! That is magic!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to The Daily Post Do you believe in magic?

You have been transformed into a mystical being who has the ability to do magic. Describe your new abilities in detail. How will you use your new skills?

Life · Short story · Social Issues · The Daily Post · Writing · writing ideas

A Day in the life of a Maid…..a true recount

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When we came here for a look-see in December, to help facilitate our migrating decision-making process, we spent weeks in a glitzy, glam hotel having a tour of the lovely city.

Hotels spuriously dot Dubai’s landscape to meet the needs of a teeming tourism industry which keeps blooming by the day. From the 0 stars to 5 stars and the only 7 Star hotel in the World!

Naturally, I got a bit friendly with a few of the staff, especially a young lady that tended to our room. I have no idea if I was drawn to her because she is of African descent, but I remember observing her very earnest yet polite demeanour as she rushed through her duties like a fire-ball in a haste to get her job done in record time.

The little tips that I gave her were highly appreciated and by the end of a few days, we became a little more friendly. I even suggested to her that I would like to share a day working with her for the heck of the experience to her alarmed and vehement refusal.

Out of piqued curiosity an interview ensued on one of the days that she was making up the room, little did I know that I would use the excerpts one day!

I will keep her name different and no mention is made of the hotels for privacy sake:

Me: “Lydia, where are you from?”

Lydia : “Somalia.”

Me: “How long have you been living here?”

Lydia : “Three years now.”

Me: “Wow!”  “That’s been a while!” “Do you live close by?”

Lydia: “Not at all.” “The outskirts, after Sharjah.” “It’s too expensive to live in the city.”

Me: “That’s far! (I exclaimed with the little idea that I had to the terrain). ”What time do you leave home?”

Lydia: ”Most times 5 or 5:30 in the morning!” ”I have to be at work by 7:30.”

Me: “And I see you here till late evening around 9.00pm or so when the bus is taking a bunch of you home.” “Doe’s the bus take you home?”

Lydia: “No it stops us at a metro station and we find our way from there.”

Me: “Oh good!” “So how do you like it living here?” “Was it easy to transition from your place?” “I thought it was a bit difficult to move here as a single woman, given the rules and regulations?” A battery of questions came from my end and all these while she busily went about her duties in the apartment, changing sheets, fluffing pillows etc.

Lydia: “It’s okay to live here even though it is more expensive than Somalia, but this place is better.” “An employment agency engages a lot of us.” “We cannot apply directly by ourselves and they are the ones that obtain the visa after medical tests and other requirements have been satisfied.” ”The agency gets a fraction of our income – they are actually our employers and they deploy us to work in places where they get contracts.”

Me: ”How did you get to know about the agency?” ”Are you happy with the work?”

Lydia: ”My cousin told me about them.” ”We were searching for a proper way to leave Somalia because of certain hardship due to conflicts.” I observed the flitting of emotions on her pretty face, but I didn’t interrupt as I was regaled with bits and pieces of what home meant to her.

Me: ”So what about the job?” ”Is it tedious?” ”Is it okay?” ”What has your experience been like?” I asked leading questions trying to probe a bit beyond the surface.

Lydia: ”Sometimes, I do about 35 check-outs in a day.” I got to understand that, that meant putting rooms in immaculate states when an occupant has checked out.

Some days can be very stressful especially when some occupants are difficult and don’t want you to disturb them until when they are ready.” ”Then they call and tell housekeeping that nobody has done up their rooms; meanwhile, they are the ones that put a do not disturb sign on the door.” ”What can you do?” ”You just have to manage.” She stated philosophically

Every job has it’s problems, but if I get money, I will open a hairdressing salon.” ”I know how to make hair very well.” Her face lit up at such an anticipated prospect.

This is actually my second place of work.” ”At the first hotel that I worked in, I was nearly assaulted by a client.” ”It was during a festive season and the hotel was fully booked at that time.” ‘I was assigned to work that floor for the week and this man kept making overtures but I ignored him.” ”On one of the days that I was cleaning up the toilet (and he is a very messy guest), he followed me into the bathroom, got aggressive and tried to force himself on me.” ”I barely managed to extricate myself without getting seriously hurt, but the Indian housekeeping manager informed me two days later that I was fired for upsetting a customer.”

I was lucky that the agency was understanding and they deployed me to this place.” ”This is a better hotel, she enunciated quietly in her sing-song drawling accent. ”The manager is a nice Egyptian Christian.”

I was very disquietened and left the interview at that with a bigger tip than usual.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to The Daily Post prompt FAQ

Interview someone — a friend, another blogger, your mother, the mailman — and write a post based on their responses.

Blogging · Devotions · Hope · Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Inspiration - Motivation · Love · The Daily Post

Soothing, Still Healing Waters….

I get to be a Patron or should I say a Matron Saint? You don’t say!

What an honour! I would like to be the Matron Saint of the Healing Waters!

It would be a glorious opportunity to serve Christ and my Saintly powers will be synonymous with healing of all ailments which is the bane of mankind; in all its forms and ramifications.

I need no unnecessary fanfare or dodgy attention of business men who will try to peddle stuff in my saintly name.

There will be no hocus-pocus, quackery or questionable required acts involved. Just effective healing in the soothing, still pristine waters for those who seek me out.

It would be sufficient reward to see faces etched in smiles from the healing and regained health of suffering souls (and of course, no dropping of garbage in my pristine waters please).

I have seen enough homes and hearts pierced with wedges of cancer and the likes; mine included!

Now that would indeed be a dream 🙂

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to The Daily Post prompt TRUE SAINT

In 300 years, if you were to be named the patron saint of X, what would you like X to be? Places, activities, objects — all are fair game.

Family · Life · Musings · Poetry/Poems

Tints of Poignant Flavour….

Flavourful life

Flavours come in coloured tints,
Likewise emotions leave imprints,

They leave taste of euphoric dopamine,
Especially then, when you were mine,

They leave a taste of not so bright,
When everything is just not right,

A dash of joy, of peace, of faith, of hope and patience too!
A pinch of pain, of aches, of sorrow, of fear and trouble too!

With a tint of colour, each lives in our minds,
Always willing to leave something behind,

Of love that died or went away; it leaves a flavour mound,
A poignant taste of things all gone and never to be found!

You left our lives with quite a bang!
You left us behind with a lot of pangs!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Miss you dad! Happy birthday. Its 2 years on, since you left!

In fulfillment of Writing 201 Poetry – Day 8: Flavor, Elegy, Enumeratio