Wordless Wednesday

Having Delightful Conversations…


I saw the telephone sitting on a display table in a posh shop.

It’s just so pretty that I want to own one and go back to the times of using such proper phones.

Where you would sit down to take a call, cradling the phone on your lap or by the side stool.

We would certainly have delightful conversations 🙂

The Daily Post

The Private Eye…

Image result for Images of hidden eyes

Privacy has lost its’ grounds.

Becoming extinct as the days go by.

Now, everything seems to have a hidden eye.

The truth that nothing is hidden under the Sun,

Becomes true each given day.

Protecting your privacy,

Is now a herculean task.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Privacy – The Daily Post

Mundane Monday

Will this become mundane?

Mundane Monday Challenge is created to find beauty in almost everything.

The challenge is simple : find beauty in everyday mundane things, capture the beauty and upload the photographs.


The two exhibits are not mundane objects in the least. Possibly, they are objects of fantasy for some people, but what drew my attention is the fact that they are electrically charged, therefore they are supposed to be eco-friendly.

I can’t very well say that I understand the technology, but having been inside one of the eco-friendly taxis in Dubai, I asked the driver how it is compared to the fuel driven car, he was full of accolades.

If this will reduce the fossil fuel burning, excavation, pollution and corrupt practices that has been associated with crude oil and gas, then this might just be the way to go in the near future.

I hope that they actually become ordinary.

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


She is amazing at describing love and life in her poems. She creates such beautiful images with her words. Truly, she is a talented writer and I’m so excited to have her poetry book and to continue reading through it.


Out of the silent breath

Fiction · Friday Fiction in Five Sentences · Short Stories

A little too late…Friday fiction in five sentences.

He was so mad he couldn’t wait to teach both of them a lesson or twenty.

Furiously he swerved round the bend and simultaneously picked up his phone and took a second look at the incriminating picture.

In split seconds, he failed to see the puppy, the boy, and the mother…

Slammed brakes, screeching tires, a dogs yelp, the mixed cries of boy and mother as they watch their beloved Sandy struggle…

…The angry haze lifted from Tony’s eyes.

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


She is amazing at describing love and life in her poems. She creates such beautiful images with her words. Truly, she is a talented writer and I’m so excited to have her poetry book and to continue reading through it.

Out of the silent breath

Everyday People · Photographs · Quotes For You

Absorbed…Every day beautiful people # 33

“The pursuit of knowledge is never ending. The day you stop seeking knowledge  is the day you stop growing.” Brandon Travis Ciaccio

Man reading

When I learnt as a child that to ask meant always seek knowledge, I never stopped asking and seeking. Jacqueline

Blog · Featured Blogs

Featured Posts #24…Let me share your post links.


Today’s featured blogs are:

Go and don’t tell or go tell Do you keep quiet when you should be telling? It’s worth finding out.

Preventing social media from ruining your relationship It’s a fact that social media is affecting relationships, but there are ways to handle it if you are wise. Explore!

Ties that bind in Oba’s borrowed words  below…Hmm! I won’t say much. Find out yourself 🙂

The feeling of hurt and anger overwhelmed her as she responded to her husband.

I know he loves me,so why do I feel rejected by his not wanting to hold my hands?

We’ve forgotten how to be human: From Jill I quote below:

But for a time it seemed that we were on the path to becoming a kinder, more gentle society; a society that was trying to overcome prejudices and see others as different, but not inferior.  But today that trend is reversing.  Today we are regressing back to a society that views all who do not look, act, speak, and think like us as being somehow inferior.  And that is just wrong.

What do I have to say about this read? Gosh! I think it’s a pamphlet every adult, parent, teacher, leader etc should read. Simple in it’s words, but teaches a thousand lessons.

Scuffle on the balcony : If you’ve been following this tale, you must be hooked by now. Mel always ends it on a cliff hanger that leaves you  looking for all the answers. My, my. Excellent writing.

I need these five items If you were stuck, what would you take with you?

Please visit their blogs and say hello. A few minutes may gain you a friendly support.

‘Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

P.S. Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.’

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post

I Won’t Pass Up The Opportunity…

Since I have to blow my own trumpet loud enough for myself so to speak, if I have a book to be recorded into an audio book, then without wasting snooze time debating over who will do it, I will elect to do it myself for various reasons:

  • Some lovely people have told me that they like my speaking voice, including my dear Himself who loves my reading to him, except, he is just being smart enough to know which side his bread is buttered on 😉
  • It would be cheaper to do so myself, except they are offering free services 🙂
  • It will offer me an opportunity to probably go for elocution and voice training for professionalism.
  • I would tell my own story better than any of them would.
  • I always fancied being a newscaster when I was growing up and I mimicked all the lovely old newscasters that used to decorate our old black and white TV, so it will be my opportunity.
  • My lovely supporters decision came from listening to this and to that.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post Voice Work.

Your blog is about to be recorded into an audio-book. If you could choose anyone — from your grandma to Samuel L. Jackson — to narrate your posts, who would it be?

Family · Humor - Bellyful of laughter · The Daily Post · This Is My Life

The Dear Diary Day’s…

Of course there was life before the computer and there will still be life after the computer.

It’s calledLiving and The Dear Diary Day’s1453819073144[1]

Before I started blogging, my dear diary took the brunt of my words and my dear Himself’s ears were perpetually hot from lending his ears to my nattering.

Now he can flip through the channels in peace while my gleaming eyes are dancing as I mumble and mutter over the clattering computer.

I still scribble a lot in dear diary, though not everything anymore and sometimes, I do get the feeling that she feels disenfranchised because at times, I feel her giving me the cold shoulder when I want to write those personal tidbits at the end of the day.

My typical day starts at 4.30 am on school days, when the alarm shrieks to wake me up. I groggily waddle to the bathroom to take care of business with eyes at half-mast so that the sleep can be retained for a little longer.

I then lie back for a few more minutes and just either read the Bible or pray quietly, going through things in my head. I enjoy that part of the morning when everywhere is quiet.

With school age kids, I prepare their breakfast and a meal that they take to school. On a lazy day, I slap a sandwich together. They have a canteen, but I am not particularly enthused with the offerings especially since my younger son has allergies.

We get ready for school and hopefully the morning goes sanely without looking for a missing sock, or pencil pouch or their glasses and what have you. It’s always a nice morning bustle.

After shooing them off to school, I try to get in some brisk exercise or lazy walk and just take in the fresh air.

Thankfully, for the past few months, I have not had to dash off to work like a headless chicken as well, but that might change anytime soon, when I get back to school myself.

The rest of my day follows with attending to Himself as well, planning the days meal, dashing out for xyz, homework’s, housework, personal business, reading, writing, listening to music and what have you.

Some days involve church work, charity work, this and that and those work, but life is usually full of odds and ends of things to do.

Now that I blog, I also fit it into my days schedule. Blog early. Switch off and get other things done, then come back to the blog later when the dust of the day has settled.

I keep pretty much busy without my computer, but please don’t get any ideas of coming to take it away.

I just got this new one when the old one gave up from exhaustion during Christmas, though I think my dear diary would be secretly pleased if you nick my computer.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post Life After Blogs.

Your life without a computer: what does it look like?

Humor - Bellyful of laughter · The Daily Post · This Is My Life

Hear I Warble…Something New.

I laughed out very loud when I read this prompt, because I have been tinkering around with the voice recorder and I said to myself that WordPress is out to get me 😉

I have no particular reason to cringe at my own voice, other than the fact that I think my voice warbles instead of coming out smoother when I sing, but hey, I gotta love what I have.

So WordPress, the simple truth is that I can live with my voice. What would I do if I don’t like it? Nothing. So I have to love it’s dusky tone and squeeze the best out of my juke box.

I have been working on reading my poetry online, but still haven’t gotten round to doing so even though I have a few recordings of my voice.

In family videos, I am either running around serving everyone else, or laughing so loud that I doubt if I am ever caught looking as cool as cucumber.

So for the voice part here goes.

You be the judge.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post Can’t Stand Me.

What do you find more unbearable: watching a video of yourself, or listening to a recording of your voice? Why?

Image credit: Pinterest.