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Today’s featured blogs are:

Do step in, explore these blogs and show some love.

Let Me Lead You Out An emotive poem that only comes from inner battle and tremendous decision to stand and not give in.

The Past is History, not A Mystery I totally enjoyed reading this. History is there to teach us and help us to make a better decision. History is certainly not a mystery. Do have a read.

Seeking Alternative Help When we are going through health challenges, are we willing to try methods that are probably not things we would have given a second thought to?

Jolts causing rapid emotional or psychological switches: Informative post on mental health. I learned something new today.

People with bipolar disorder, and all other mental illnesses just hate, yes, hate, when people tell them to “snap out of it” (their mood states, anxiety or other states). Since most mental illnesses are not unlike other physical illnesses, such a suggestion is very much easier said than done, and the person suggesting such an action clearly misunderstands the severity and difficulty of the illnesses.

Love is A Verb – An Easter Story Beautiful, deep and gave me a fresh understanding. You’ve got to read this.

God loves all of His Creation regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or class; His Creation belongs to His Creation, all of it.

Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘Remember, we create a cohesive community when we come together.


Undeserving Grace…

Abundance Grace, Quote, Life, Poetry

Each day I affirm to myself,

that I’ve been given a life of abundant grace.

I got tired and choose to stop hiding under a bushel of abuse and shame,

I got weary of bearing pain, self-doubt, dejection;

depression and all the thousand emotions that have no name.

He told me that my life is a treasure,

that I’m called by name and a gift to my generation.

He said to me;

Arise and shine for a lighthouse has no choice but to shine its light

and to quit living under the heavy millstone.

He untied the binding tentacles of the quagmire enmeshing me

and made me know that my life has a purpose.

He said, daughter, you have been released

For I came to set the captives free.


Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

What Are You Willing To Give? #SoCS

Giving my thoughts free rein this morning, my mind automatically rests on thoughts of Jesus Christ and yesterday’s sermon of Good Friday where we recalled how he was betrayed by Judas and crucified.

His Life was traded and given away for 30 pieces of Silver and though it happened over 2,000 years ago and for many, it reads like an old tale from the storybooks, it’s a fact and always leaves me in shivers.

I wonder to myself how horrifying and beyond pain it must be to be clubbed to the inch of one’s life and nailed to a cross to slowly die.

From the beginning of time, man’s attitude towards what they don’t understand has always been to destroy it because it just doesn’t fit into the frame of their mind and plan.

We forget that the minds we’ve been given can only grow in proportion to our way of thinking, that our sojourn on Earth is only for mere years and that there are things that our human mind may never, ever comprehend.

I ask myself, would I willingly give my life and submit to such inhumane treatment for the benefit of others and I don’t have a ready answer to such complicated question though a little part of my mind whispers ‘you are not Jesus Christ.’

How difficult it is for us to give a neighbor a helping hand in their time of need, to give out of what we have, yet we willingly take and take.

Yet in a split second, selfish and savage tendencies can overpower the thinking faculties of men that they bay for the blood of other men whom we didn’t give life to.

Crucifying has not gone out of fashion, it has merely morphed into different ugly methods. Just take a hard and long look around you.

We’ve been given so much by life, what are we willing to give?

Most times all we are required to give is to love while we are here and to stop thinking of only how we can receive. How difficult can that be?

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

SoCS –  “give/given/giving.”

My Thinking Corner · Philosophy of Life

This Season…My Thinking Corner


This is my favourite season of the year and yes it’s because it’s Christmas. It is not just a season of joy, a time to be with our loved ones’, to give and possibly receive, but also a time that we should not forget the reason for the season.

We shouldn’t forget that not everyone around us is blessed with a circle of family and friends to share and spend the season with, therefore, let us reach out to those who are less unfortunate in our midst and spread the cheer and joy with them. Let us be messengers of love and bear the true fruits of brotherhood.

It’s a blessing to bless others and not just to sit on the sidelines watching others give of themselves. There’s always a little way to be a blessing to others.

Sometimes, I feel that the over commercialized aspect of the season has desensitized many people to the fact the Christmas is not just a time to make merry and be jolly. In the midst of making merry, may we not forget the Christ in Christmas.

May the abiding Grace and Peace of God be with you and yours.

Here’s a little tune I played on my keyboard for you.

Whatsoever you do

To the least of my brothers

that you do unto me

When I was hungry you gave me to eat

when I was thirsty you gave me to drink

now enter in to the home of my father.

The Daily Post

Peace Be Still

Just wait it out
with the Lord
for the storm will pass
and after the storm
comes great calm

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The storms of nature shall obey my Will. Peace Be Still : Psalm 46 : 10

image credit – pixabay

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


Jacqueline writes from her heart on passion, pain, suffering, loss and LIFE. I have been incredibly moved by her poetry and I know I will return to “Out of the Silent Breath” again and again.

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

The Daily Post

Piercing the darkness…

Clouds of darkness
hang heavily over the land
its weight keeps the dwellers down
and blinds their vision,
causing them to stumble, to fall
and to lose their way.

…But if you and I agree
to light our little wicks together,
our combined lights will shine so bright,
it will evaporate the dark clouds
and we would find our path
through this darkness, that pervades our land.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it: John 1:5


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


Wonderful, evocative poetry by a talented writer. Left me hungry for more. Jacqueline can write! Linda Bethea

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

The Daily Post

Ever faithful…


Countless times she forgot
but he reminded her
that His love
is free.

Countless times she doubted
but His steadfastness
was forever

Countless times she fell
but His right hand
propped her

Countless troubles called
but he remained
a tower of



© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S. You are invited to our monthly blog party this weekend. It’s fun and you get to meet fantastic folks:-)

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Life · Musings · My Thinking Corner

Tuesday Trickles.. My Thinking Corner # 20..

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple.

Each Tuesday, share your very short snippets of positive, inspiring, motivating, health, spiritual, writing advice, clips, posts etc, that can serve as a prop to motivate others and simply add my link to your post.

I call it my thinking corner because, I actually take out a bit of time just to think through things, encapsulate my thoughts as much as possible and detoxify my mind. It helps give me clarity of vision and might help you too.

It might work for you in a different way, but the idea is to get the positive thoughts flowing.

Please send in your little thoughts. You never know whose life you might inspire.


Today, I will share some proverbs with you.

♦ It is when you say I have reached my destination, that you should watch your steps lest you stumble.

♦ My people say that when you wake up is your morning, which means that whenever you start to pursue your purpose is good enough. I however, say that you should desist from oversleeping and waking at night, lest you may never see any morning.

♦ The fruits of the harvest can be identified from its seed. What seed are you sowing in your life and the life of others in your circle of influence?

♦ When you dim your light, please remember that you are probably leaving some people in the dark.

♦ You can’t afford to sleep when you are riding your bicycle called life.

Today’s thoughts came in from beautiful thinkers:

Yesterday’s dreams, today’s reality Oba’s reality of dreams of yester-years is delightful. Dreams do come true when you latch on and go through the process. Are you latching on?

Sow Positive Seeds Such a beautiful quote from Dehan: When your soul is filled with positive thoughts it blooms…

Friendship  what manner of friend are you? Are you a friend or foe or frenemy? It’s worth knowing…

Continue the journey Don’t tarry in the valley of despair, hold on, hold on…my dear Noififre says it so well.

Today’s Nuggets are for you, take your pick…

Leadership Do you know what you are doing? Are you a leader? What is your vision…a short thought from Modupe.

New Sweet, absolute and unshakeable truth from Rosema.

My thought for the week from life mutated…

If you find your body to be up in arms sit back, relax on your bed and quietly explore your imagination for inspiration.
If you find your mind being uncooperative, I take those ideas and bring them to life.

I hope that you find these little drops useful now and again. Do check them out and please share snippets of your thoughts with us.

Thanks and blessed be.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Devotions · Uncategorized

Best Wishes…😇

A happy Easter to you.
May the gentle spirit
And guiding steps
Of Jesus Christ,
Be a beacon in your life.
Let the love of his pure heart
And the wisdom of his words
Remain a light to your feet
And a lamp to your pathways.
May the Grace of God
from the deep and above
Rest upon you and yours,
Now and always.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Image credit: Pixabay