Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 6

Each day, I’ll choose to believe in myself and to give myself all the chances that I need even if I have to press the reset button 99.9 times. I believe in abundance and not in scarcity. Jacqueline

Abundance mentality

#Thepowerofpositivethinking, #positiveaffirmations, #abundancementality, #findinggreaterjoy, #Believe

Excellent Quote From Yesterday:

 “The Lord Will Fight for You. You need only Be Still.” – Exodus 14:14

At Times we want the world to move according to our schedule, our wants and needs, our whims. But when we try to solve problems without prayer and Gods Guidance, our burdens are too much. While others break without God’s strength, we stay standing, God is our Rock, and the one who will fight for us, even though this means we must relinquish control. For any human who prays and asks for Gods guidance, you can be sure God’s Support will provide relief. His answers are unexpected and sometimes, an outright ‘no.’ But often when we don’t receive everything we desire at present it’s to receive greater things ahead of us! Things that lack the suffering of our old desires.

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Philosophy of Life · Poetry/Poems

Get OUT of My Bed! You’re Such A Poor Lover!

Poetry, Depression, Peace, Harmony, Life, Balance


Depression wants to sleep with me tonight
but I ain’t having none of that!

I told him that I don’t cheat on Peace
‘cos he brings me Joy, Harmony, Balance
and lots of untold goodies.

I told him that he’s such a poor lover
who leaves me all wound up,
empty and downcast.

That our tumultuous relationship
has me faking orgasmic satisfaction
and that has simply been a lie.

I kicked him out into the cold night
and wedged the door tight with a chair under the lock.

He sulked and begged and cajoled to be let back in
he even promised to be more gentle in his loving
but I ain’t having none of that.

I have listened to his sleek lies in the past
when he used me and put up his feet by the fireplace
having a good smoke while I cried my eye’s raw and my heart bled.

I told him that he’s a Baboon
and he’s not going to get more handsome soon.

His spots are embedded in his thick skin and
can’t be washed off with soap.

I quickly called Peace on speed dial though it was late,
even the birds had gone to roost
but I had to so as not to cave into Depressions whiny voice.

Knowing Peace, he’s such a good guy
he answered once he saw my repeated calls.

He called his companions
Joy, Harmony, Love, Hope, Faith, Music, Laughter…
and they all came along.

They played and danced in my living room all night long whilst
I had a goodnight’s rest in the desired arms of Peace.

©  Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

My Thinking Corner

Living as You – My Thinking Corner

I knew that I would run out of fuel living as someone else, so, the best shot I’ve got at living is to live as me – Jacqueline

Break the Chains, Life lessons, Quotes, Motivation


The best peace that we can give ourselves is to come to terms with who we truly are, embrace it and move forward from there.

Our life is intertwined with sweet and bitter moments, sometimes the bitterness tends to erode the sweetness, but I’ve learnt and still learning that we can enrich our bitter moments and turn it into fodder for sweeter moments.

Don’t stay in that categorised box where others have chosen to keep you. Liberate yourself, cut lose and live fully. You are more than a label.

Lady Cee shares with us snippets of 12 shades of thinking and a free e-book by renowned Dr John Maxwell.


My Thinking Corner

Tuesdays Trickles – My Thinking Corner.

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple. You can check this link for more details.


♦ The afflictions that life brings us are like furnaces of refinement, that purifies the afflicted.

♦ To experience harmony, we have to accept our painful past experiences as pebbles to climb up higher to the light.

When I took my eye’s away from the mess of the pain that the harsh experience of life brought my way, I started to see the message. At a first glance, it may look too hard and insurmountable, but you should look again and again. There’s always a better possibility.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

out-of-the-silent-breath 2

Support Me.


Ramadan Kareem


Wishing our Muslim friends a peaceful and reflective time as they begin their Ramadan fast.

May it be a period of reconciliation, understanding, growth, peace, forgiveness, and harmony.

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings #41…


Harmony can hardly be arrived at when we have constant internal turmoils stemming from grudges borne over something.

A whole lot of times grudges stem from expectations placed on someone and when it’s not met, we become resentful and store that in a corner of our minds and hearts. Even when we say that we’ve forgiven the person, we keep a long list of records of all the shortfalls.

If we minimized our expectations from others to almost nothing, that way we leave room for pleasant surprises and also save ourselves that feeling of being let down.

An instance is our personal relationships. A lot of relationships fail because we go into it with a long list of dos, don’ts and infernal expectations.

They are not GOD, but fallible humans!

This virtually applies to everything that we do. For instance you might have a nasty boss. Zero your mind down to the fact that he/she has issues that they are dealing with and they possibly don’t know how to be different.

Once your mind has accepted their contrary prickly nature, you go about your business as effectively as you can without letting the acid of annoyance and grudge build up inside you. Getting into differences with such people will only hurt you more, because the likelihood is that they may not understand, don’t care or are insensitive to your feelings.

Remember that you cannot change other people, but you can change yourself. Who knows, your balanced sense of self and disposition might actually serve as a source of inspiration for such people.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Blog · Inspiration - Motivation · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings 26…


Any life’s happiness that’s tied to the acquisition of material wealth as it’s major source, is in for a long haul of misery and disappointment.

The truth is that, in as much as the material goods and money around us can give that initial buzz of euphoric happiness, they fail to satisfy in the long run and the buzz wanes very fast, that the person in this cycle is in for the rough haul of the constant pursuit of the next buzz.

This is actually what leads to addiction. The perpetual search for the next high and kick.

Addiction comes in different forms, some more destructive than others, but the underlying factor that poses the problem is the addicted persons inability to find harmony within themselves, so they search for it through external factors.

If your happiness is dependent on others, then you are in for a roller-coaster of emotional instability.

It means that you are submitting your happiness to the ups and downs of someone else’s state of mind which can be rife with turbulence.

The true happiness that you seek to experience can only ever be found inside you and other people or things are just complements.

Dig deeper until you get to that root that transcends the state of happiness to the state of joy.

Joy is deeper. Where happiness is like a stream that might dry up when the sun gets very hot, joy runs like the deep ocean that flows from an unfailing source and that is The Lord.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Creative Writing · Devotions · Family · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Love · Quotes For You

A Single Palm Frond Cannot Weave A Basket…

Honestly, I enjoy quotes because these short words tell succinctly, lessons that an entire book may be unable to tell. Thank you Chape for inviting me for a round of 3 quote challenge.

Events of the past couple of days have made me dwell so much more on thoughts of unity and prayer, because as we know very well that, in unity we stand, but in division we fall.Nelson Mandela

I remember when we were much younger and would get into squabbles with each other, my mother was the constant peace broker and she would use simple demonstrations to teach us certain things. Let me share one of them with you.

We had several old woven baskets which were used for storing spices or herbs in the house and she would fetch two of these baskets which were special handiwork of Nsukka tribeswomen – it’s weaving was not so intricate yet effective.

She loosened a bit of the frond at one end and asked each of us to pull at a strand, and the basket unraveled.

‘Can one palm frond make a basket?” She inquired.

”NO, Ma!” We answered in unison.

Comparing the unraveled basket and the one that stood intact, she asked us which one was useful in its state and we pointed at the one which was still intact.

You are one when you stand together and you would be of good use.” ”When you choose to unravel and stand alone, you serve no purpose to anyone and you are weakened because your frond can be bent and broken, while the fronds that are intact cannot be broken together.” She intoned.

Let us remember to band together in prayers, in wisdom, in strength and in positivity to be of good use.

On that note, I will leave you with these African proverbs:

”If you wish to go quickly you go alone, but if you wish to go far, you go together.”

”When trees stand together they make a forest.”

”When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.”

”Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper.”

I would like to invite these awesome bloggers to participate in the quote challenge:

Dr Meg Sorick


Maria Holm

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Devotions · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Poetry/Poems

Have You Met Lady Grace?….


Let me tell you about Lady Grace.
  Fine one that arrives wearing filigree lace,
Everything done with Grace always changes the race,
When she comes, she must surely leave a trace,
For your outward expression will certainly change pace,
Reflecting inward harmony of soul around your space.

Wields a lot of power, she does; our Lady Grace,
Her power consumes, you wish not to be a disgrace,
She can shape-shift just in case,
You ponder how she will fit into your space.

Grace is not blind even if she keeps a straight face,
As she watches your scramble from low grass to trophy case.
She is clothed in dignity with warm human face,
Encouraging arms she extends to thee embrace.

Should you ever seek to replace a false face
A bone deep desire to erase can take place
For there is always a meeting place
To invite the mighty Lady Grace
And she will touch base
In your living space.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha
