Featured Blogs

Featured Post – Share Your Post Links

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Today’s featured blogs are:

Do step in, explore these blogs and show some love.

Jump in Nothing like wading right in and going after your dreams. An inspiring post that rekindles my thoughts on my video making improvement and skills.

Listening – A better skill Lovely poem, good counsel and indeed, the art of hearing well is to learn when to keep quiet and stop clucking. Just listen. This made me smile 🙂

Put your hands up in the air An insightful post that I totally enjoyed reading. Here’s my comment:

I think this post was made for me. I relate with so much. Caught between and betwixt; not quite mid-life crisis and like you said, mid-life awakening. Awesome and welcome to the land of the 40’s soon 🙂

Sartorial Splendour

Such a simple post, but says many things to me. Sometimes our dreams just seem out of reach, but we find ways to live them. Do step in and say hello.

Why are we museum guards because we can’t make a living with with our dreams and passions, we need to pay our bills and we need health and dental insurance.  Therefore when I get off work and change into my street clothes I go from being a nobody back to me, a human being.  Many of my guard co-workers express ourselves through our clothing, tattoos, piercings projecting an artistic vibe. Then we are on display as the creative human beings we really are.

The Cross What does the cross mean to you? A beautiful, short read.

Don’t allow the enemy to place guilt before you and miss the message from God. God wants to set you free from the present day conditions that are holding you captive.  There is abundant life with Jesus, he was the ransom for us to be Redeemed!

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‘Remember, we create a cohesive community when we come together.