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This year I want to achieve…

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Happy New Year to you and your dear ones! So, I joined bloganuary and the first prompt is what-is-something-you-want-to-achieve-this-year, which I think is appropriate given the fact that most of us tend to think of new goals to accomplish and new resolutions for the year.

The general idea for me is to use this opportunity to connect with a wider blogging community and friends as well as kindle my writing zeal which went into some sort of hibernation most part of 2022. My expectations this year is to continue to grow stronger spiritually, practice mindfulness and staying in the present, staying happy and centered, actively tapping into the law of attraction and living it, achieving my writing goals, sustaining the healthier lifestyle that I have been aiming for, increasing my social media presence, growing multiple streams of income, venturing into new things and becoming more financially independent. Each of this aspect is broken down to short term, medium term and long-term goals and I sincerely hope to stay focused and diligent.

The truth is that we can wish all we want for our dreams to become actualized but without matching our wishes with actions and of course faith, it simply remains wishful thinking and thus unattainable.

I will surely share my journey here as a way of holding myself accountable and hopefully inspiring others. I believe that you and I will be seeing more of each other in this space in the coming days and I do wish you the best of 2023.

Stay healthy. Stay happy.

Lots of love from Jacqueline

You can find me on Tiktok below.


Declarative prayer #fyp #foryoupage #christiantiktok #Prayer #jesus #Godsplan #nigeriantiktok #faith Declarative prayer speaks out loud the truth found in God’s word and in God’s being. We boldly pray and then walk in faith.

♬ Omemma – (Live) – Judikay
Poetry Cards

Hold On…

Your dream doesn’t become reality magically. It takes grits, determination, patience, and perseverance to make it work, but the biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. Stay focused. Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learning as you chase after your dreams.

Dreams, Poetry cards, Dream quotes, Live Your Dream, Hold on To Your Dream, Inspiration, Courage, Encouragement, Persevere

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Bloggers, Blogging, Promoting, Success,

Results Take Too Long

Naturally, when we start any venture we want to see results and many bloggers jump into the process of blogging anticipating quick results. When the stark reality of the grind sets in and when their expected results take longer to meet, most become discouraged, quit blogging and go searching for the next trendy thing.

Without mincing words, blogging success takes time. A lot of time! Just keep plugging away.

You are not promoting yourself

A lot of bloggers/writers are not comfortable promoting their work sometimes due to lack of confidence in their work or the assumption that promoting their work is being arrogant and full of pride.

I’ve once had a newbie ask me ‘how would anyone read their blog with all the fascinating millions of blogs floating out there,’ my first thought was, ‘with this thought pattern, maybe you shouldn’t bother,’ but I ruminated over it and advised her to continue with her writing, make more effort to connect with others and let the readers decide if her work is good enough.

The reality is that if you don’t promote yourself, no one else will. There are ways to put yourself out there and to promote your work without coming across as obtuse.

Can’t Deal with Criticism

A lot of people may not like your style or agree with you and now and again, you come across some downright sour people on social media. They will leave their rude comments, opinions and sometimes even personal attacks.

You can moderate your comments to distance yourself from trolls, but you still need to acquire the diplomatic skill of handling constructive criticism. Learn not to take such confrontations personal, most times this is bullying tactics not worth spending time on. Read more…

Featured Blogs

Featured Post – Share Your Post Links

Sharing, Blogs, Networking, Growing Readership, Connection, Bloggers, Blog Posts


Today’s featured blogs are:

Do step in, explore these blogs and show some love.

Jump in Nothing like wading right in and going after your dreams. An inspiring post that rekindles my thoughts on my video making improvement and skills.

Listening – A better skill Lovely poem, good counsel and indeed, the art of hearing well is to learn when to keep quiet and stop clucking. Just listen. This made me smile 🙂

Put your hands up in the air An insightful post that I totally enjoyed reading. Here’s my comment:

I think this post was made for me. I relate with so much. Caught between and betwixt; not quite mid-life crisis and like you said, mid-life awakening. Awesome and welcome to the land of the 40’s soon 🙂

Sartorial Splendour

Such a simple post, but says many things to me. Sometimes our dreams just seem out of reach, but we find ways to live them. Do step in and say hello.

Why are we museum guards because we can’t make a living with with our dreams and passions, we need to pay our bills and we need health and dental insurance.  Therefore when I get off work and change into my street clothes I go from being a nobody back to me, a human being.  Many of my guard co-workers express ourselves through our clothing, tattoos, piercings projecting an artistic vibe. Then we are on display as the creative human beings we really are.

The Cross What does the cross mean to you? A beautiful, short read.

Don’t allow the enemy to place guilt before you and miss the message from God. God wants to set you free from the present day conditions that are holding you captive.  There is abundant life with Jesus, he was the ransom for us to be Redeemed!

Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘Remember, we create a cohesive community when we come together.

My Thinking Corner

Your Success and You – My Thinking Corner

Success Quotes, Dreams, Inspiration

  • Accept that you are probably going to fail many times before you succeed, however, nothing can defeat your hustle except when you accept that your failures are cast in stone.
  • Your success is not what you dream of. Your success is the actions taken to bring your dreams to life.
  • Our failure is not in the lack of our talent, for each of us has been blessed in abundance; our failure is the lack of self-control in mastering our passions and making them multiply.


Writers Quote Challenge

Prompt – Writers Quote Challenge

Bernadette, Joan, and I invite you to join in on our blogging event called The Writer’s Quote Challenge.  We are looking for one more host/hostess to join in the fun.  So if you would like to pick up the challenge of hosting, just let one of us know.invitation-shel-silverstein

For this week’s prompt, here’s my offering:

The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking. Robert H Schuller

Never let the sun set on those dreams

even in the twilight of your days,

rather, let the moon shine on them,

casting them into beautiful pearls;

for your vintage collection.

I had a conversation last week with a friend who’s clocking 50 next month and during our talk, she expressed some disappointment for not having pursued her academics a bit further.

Now she just feels that she’s too old (especially back home in Nigeria) where she laughingly said that she would probably end up being the grandma of the class of young adults.

I told her that if she really wanted to do so, irrespective of age, she should go ahead and find something suitable to do at her own pace, after all, she’s not in competition with anyone.

Besides, the older she gets the more likely it is that her regrets will grow deeper.

I ruminated over this conversation for several days because as I spoke to her, my mind centered on some aspirations of mine that have been in the cooler for a bit due to family exigencies.

Am I ready to toss them over because I feel that I’m getting too old to go back to school? I don’t think so.

Those dreams that are within our reach should not be left to die irrespective of age because age is simply a convenient and lame excuse.

I look forward to reading your contributions.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Featured Blogs

Featured Posts – Share Your Post Links



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Do step in and show some love.

Dental Agony I shouldn’t be laughing, but I did. I’m not terribly fond of Dentists myself, yeah I know what you’re thinking 😉

Close encounters of the wrong kind – Witty, humorous and scenic all in one article. I enjoyed reading this. Big Booty alert!

Anxiety the Phantom – A poem with depth. I bet a good number of us are having these shadowy dreams.

What a year A sobering post which reminds me strongly that mere minutes can change the life that we know.

Naomi-Mari How many Naomi’s do you meet and how do you respond to the Naomi’s you encounter or do you just walk on by without a care?

Simply Etta A wonderful blog with inspiring posts that would feed your Heart, Mind and Soul. Please visit.

Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.

Check out my latest Vlog and subscribe, please 🙂

My Thinking Corner

Tuesday Trickles – My Thinking Corner

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple. You can check this link for more details.


The difference between who you are right now and who you seek to be lie in what you choose to do. Are you taking the right steps?

♦  If you have a dream, yet you choose to do nothing, be rest assured that it will never materialize.

♦  A dream works when you work on it. It may be slow in arriving, but consistently taking the rights steps, slowly but surely will get you to your desired goal.

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Mundane Monday

The Fallen Leaf – Mundane Monday

Mundane Monday Challenge is created to find beauty in almost everything.

The challenge is simple. Find beauty in everyday mundane things, capture the beauty and upload the photographs.


When I sat on the park bench,

she floated to the ground

right before my feet.

I felt like stepping on her,

to feel the crinkle of the dry fallen leaf

under my bare toes.

Seeing her difference,

I paused and took note;

my mind saying, let her be.

Don’t squash her into the ground,

allow her to live her dreams ,

even if they be for another day or two.

For all, I may know, 

she’s been dying to lie down,

tired of hanging on limbs 

that made her sway up and down.

Just let her be;

said my mind.

Let her have her peace.

I wrote this as I watched the leaves, my mind dwelling on many little things.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S. We’ll be having our monthly blog party 1st – 2nd of October. I’ll keep you posted.

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