Life · Philosophy of Life

A Lesson in The Bug…

I think that I’ve been bitten by the bug of a thought following Linda’s earlier prompt for SoCS.

Does the saying that ‘the early bird gets to eat the fattest worm’ ever bug you a bit? Well, it does bite me in the butt now and again. Sometimes I feel that I’m late for lifes’ party and that the early birds before me have harvested the best and the fattest worms, leaving slim pickings for those of us who made it late.Related image

When my thought pattern begins to go down this route of ‘woe is me and regretting time lost’ I painstakingly drag it back to the present firmly reminding myself of a couple of common Igbo adages that say, ‘when someone wakes up is their morning,’ and ‘the first house built on the street is not necessarily the finest.’

Reminding oneself that the land is still green and full of harvest and that the Earth is abundant for every one of us is not cold comfort or living in a fool’s paradise. It is true. However, it is based on your perspective.

Our reality is what it is, but our reality is equally what we can make it ‘to be’ if we want it badly enough. Constantly comparing our circumstance to that of someone else who seems to be thriving better simply exposes us to the evil twins – envy and jealousy – and allowing these two to occupy free space in your heart never bodes well for anyone.

I would say that as life keeps evolving, just wear your dancing shoes. Today’s early bird might become tomorrow’s hunters’ prey, so stop fretting about being late for lifes’ party and simply start your own party, there will always be enough guests to invite.


My Thinking Corner

Tuesdays Trickles – My thinking corner.

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple. You can check this link for more details.


♦  Your creativity can be a catalyst to your happiness, don’t undermine it.

♦  Be your own best friend and encourage yourself even when no one else is doing so, because most times everyone else is trying to get a grip on their lives.

The satisfaction that you derive from doing those things that you are passionate about is priceless. It increases your sense of well-being, self-worth, and inner peace. Sometimes, in pursuance of our creative passion, we may not be opportune to have cheerleaders and we must then be our own cheerleaders and encourage ourselves even when we are feeling low in spirit and think we are unable to carry on. The tide always ebbs and flows and the low feeling passes soon enough with self-driving encouragement.

Find more snippets of wisdom from awesome bloggers below and do take a moment to read.

Words of wisdom: are your words measured? Is your communication clear and unambiguous? This brief and dramatic dialogue said enough.

Equilibrium in life: these words speak to everyone of us. Honest, short and true wisdom.

Today’s nuggets: oodles of lovely nuggets of wisdom tucked in here. Indeed, as a man thinks…

Magical layers of flowers and five quotes for your creative soul: Petra’s words tells us to take away your protective layers and open your heart to reveal your beautiful soul… and it’s until you remove all those layers that you find you.

I hope that you find these little drops useful now and again and it would be lovely if you can share your thoughts with us.

Thanks and blessed be.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


Wonderful, evocative poetry by a talented writer. Left me hungry for more. Jacqueline can write! Linda Bethea

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

Everyday People · Photographs · Quotes For You

Hydrate….Every day beautiful people # 37

Drink lots of water and give your liver a surprise. Your skin, hair, mind and body will thank you.

Hydrate[1] Hydrate_1[1]

How do you see the glass of water of your life, half full or half empty? Perspectives and attitude make a lot of difference.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Dance to your heart’s delight my African child, until echoes of your stamping feet, beating heart; bright eyes, smiling lips; and waving hands, resonates over and over like thunder claps, reverberating throughout the Universe.

Memes · Midnight motivation and musings · Musings

Midnight Motivation and Musings 73


At no age does the learning of the mind stop except the strictures that we place on ourselves.

Most times the term being set in our ways that we loosely use is actually a self-imposed and nice way of saying, I don’t want to be bothered to change.

For as long as we can keep our minds open to assimilate knowledge, our inner core is rejuvenated, constantly growing and the perspectives of our horizons remains broad.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 61…

midnight Motivations

Finding resolutions to issue’s requires looking at them from different perspectives.

If a mind is fixated on a thought that rejects other angles of views, chances are that such a view will be skewed as well as myopic.

The mind of a thinking man is expandable beyond our imagination and only limited by the measure of our thinking.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 52…

Different view

Life is a continuum and as such we are in a constant state of change.

This change should equally apply to the way that we view things.

Are we of such mindsets that are so rigid that they’re as good as being cast in stone?

How enabling has certain ways of thinking been for us?

Could a little tweak in our perspectives bring about better change and expand our horizons?

These are questions that I like to pose often.

What if?

I have found and still finding that sometimes we simply go through the same old, same old automatically that it becomes an ingrained habit.

However, we can rewire our perspectives to see just a little bit more beyond the surface and we will be better off .

©Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Life · Midnight motivation and musings · Quotes For You

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 50…


Tomorrow is really not guaranteed any of us and that which we can do today no matter how little it is, is better done and when the following day comes, we do a bit more.

Experience has personally taught me lessons on how we rob ourselves through over-planning, procrastination and assumptions.

The future belongs only to those who live fully in their moments and take charge of each day as it comes.

We all know that the building blocks of a huge monument start with laying its base foundational stones.

So when you don’t put today’s stones in place, how exactly do you  plan to get to the tip of that pinnacle?

Like my people would say back home ‘it’s the firewood that you gather during the dry season, that you will use during the rainy season.

When you take care of today’s plans, tomorrow’s plan will take care of itself.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha