
Use Travel To Inspire Your Inner Writer

Travel is the perfect way to experience new cultures and will have an impact on all of your senses; making it the perfect way to inspire the writer in you. Traveling can also provide new environments to enjoy what you’re currently reading; so maybe it’s time to book some flights and get out there to experience new parts of the world. The following are some ideas for those with wanderlust and will help eager writers to understand how travel can improve your work.

Travel, Airplane, flight, flying, adventure, sky

Image source

Where To Go

When traveling overseas; think about the destination and how it differs from your current situation. Experiencing anywhere new is a positive thing; however, a contrasting culture and environment to what you’re used to will have a more significant impact on your senses and thoughts, than a similar destination to where you live. Therefore, it’s the perfect time to be adventurous with your travel choices and pick somewhere that you’ve never imagined before.

You might currently reside in the suburbs, or a busy part of a town or city, and these places can be great sources of inspiration for writers; however, they can also busy your mind and cloud it a little making it a challenge for fresh thoughts to come through. Therefore, you might want to consider a natural environment, with breathtaking views to clear your mind and allow a new train of thought to inspire your next (or current) piece. Writer’s block can often be cured by a change of scene and access to new sights, smells, and sounds. You don’t have to get on a plane to get out there and experience the great outdoors either; the US has some awe-inspiring national parks, you can take a look here: for some inspiration on where to head.

Consider traveling north or south of your climate; you could be craving a warm glow on your skin, or perhaps you need some cool, crisp air to refresh you and give you the ideas you need. California and its many coastal areas can provide a space that’s as busy or as peaceful as you need; consider hiring a car there and driving along a coastal route, as you never know who or what you may see along the way. Heading up towards Canada could provide you will the impressive Niagara Falls; the perfect setting for your next thriller, mystery, or romance novel. Or perhaps a lodge in a mountainous region and some forest trees is the kind of peace and quiet you need to get you best ideas.

If you do decide to travel overseas; there are a wealth of places around the world that will enlighten and inspire your next writing project. Asia is a vibrant continent; jam-packed with different cultures, history, terrains, and characters. Think about exploring the overwhelmingly busy areas of India, before contrasting the expedition with a trek in its environments of natural beauty. Southeast areas of Asia with provide you with historical temples, alongside modern architecture and the latest in technology. Do your research, and you’ll be able to find some deals on accommodation and travel expenses; be cautious when it comes to finding cash quickly for travel, and plan your finances accordingly, so you’ll have peace of mind throughout your trip. Ensure that you have enough contingency in your account back home; you never know, you mind end up staying longer than expected if the writing process is a success.


Wanderlust, Hiking, Rock climbing, Exercising, Nature, Adventure

Image credit

What To Do

Once you’ve landed in your inspirational new destination; it’s time to explore with your notebook, pen, and camera. Try and get off the beaten track; find places to sit and soak in your surroundings and note down what you feel, hear, and see. Think about your genre of writing and how a story, or factual piece, would flow in your current environment and begin to fill out characters and plots.

Talking to the local residents is the perfect chance to get a rounded insight into life there; ask questions about the history and their way of life. Record everything you learn and always be ready to write something down or capture something that you find exciting, or unusual. If you’re captivated by a story or situation; the chances are that someone else would be too, so ensure you take all the information you gather back home with you.

Enjoy any local cuisine and eat where the locals would; you’ll get a better sense of the place if you steer clear of every tourist hotspot and you’ll only enhance your experience. Most of all; travel with your eyes and mind open, don’t put too much pressure or focus on what you produce regarding your writing, and the ideas will start to flow when you least expect it.

Camera, Blank, Black, Glasses, Notepad, Photos, Film, Map

Image via here

My Thinking Corner

Second Chances – My Thinking Corner

Second Chances, Experiences

We have an Igbo proverb that says ‘when you choose to carry a clay pot up the slippery slope and fall thrice if the pot does not break, your waist would break.”

Repeating the same mistakes not only brings us heartache and failure but makes Wisdom to question our common sense.

It’s commonly said that to err is human, but why do we make the same mistakes over and over again?

It does seem as though our brains don’t learn from our past mistakes to the extent we might hope, as a matter of fact, dwelling on our past mistakes might not be the best way forward.

Instead, be more proactive and think about the future and what you can achieve if you avoid pitfalls.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Please check out my YouTube channel and Subscribe. Hoping to see you 🙂

Writers Quote Challenge

Time will tell…


Here is my offering for Bernadette’s quote:

“I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow.”

— Gone with the Wind – Margaret Mitchell.

Time will tell

Sending personalized greeting cards,

shopping for little Christmas gifts for family and friends…

I notice that as the years go by Christmas becomes more and more low key.

The plethora of traditional greeting cards to choose from has dwindled,

giving way to people sending emails and text messages to each other,

or maybe it’s because of where I am living right now?

The Christmas cheer is down by several notches,

though we have paraphernalia of decorations hanging here and there

There’s such a wide gap between my childhood Christmas experience

To what is obtainable today.

I must tell you that I certainly miss the old experience and the sentiments,

and can’t even bear to think of what future years would bring…

Will there even be handwritten greeting cards to offer each other?

Time will tell…

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness – Bob Hope

Would you like to join us for the All New Writers’ Quote Challenge?


It Started With a Hello…personal

Angels walk in our midst each day as strangers and this past week has been one of my best so far health wise due to a brief encounter and discussion with a total stranger.Image result for thank you image angels

My fibromyalgia has given me a lot of pains these past few months and just last week Wednesday, I had an encounter with a lady on a staircase where I was holding onto the railings and trundling down gingerly and by just saying hello to her as she walked past me in her ripped jeans and paint-splattered T-shirt we got into a brief conversation.

She recommended that I should try some Magnesium tablets that she believes would help. I was skeptical because I have a cupboard filled with x,y and z vitamins all promising what they don’t fulfill. I had done a full bloodwork recently and the doctor gave me another shovel of vitamins, so you can see why I was skeptical.

However, a little voice reminded two days later when I had a poor night due to pains to just try what the lady had told me. To cut a long story short, it works! I found it and right from the next day, I felt a lot better. For four straight nights in a row, I have slept soundly without waking to stretch or massage my aching body, so you can understand my pleasure.

To this stranger that I may never meet again, thank you with all my heart. I am grateful.

It all started with a hello. I always say that all good things around us are sent from Heaven above and I thank the Lord for the beautiful stranger who is an Angel sent to me on that staircase.

I am learning never to take anyone for granted because I never know when I might have a divine encounter because life has shown me that the angels who walk amongst us are just like you and me.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

If you wish to participate in a gratitude challenge, there are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfillment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.

Have you been to my new blog? Please visit and say hello 🙂

out-of-the-silent-breath 2

Writer's Quote Wednesday

I never forget – Writers Quote Wednesday Challenge


“Memories are intricate webs of souvenirs and thoughts left behind. They are woven around our hearts and minds, and journey with us wherever we go.” Jacqueline

Thoughts of you follow me everywhere
that some days I wake with the desperate desire
to see you just one more time.

The strength of my feeling
evokes your peaceful voice
and I hear you speak in my head.

Memories of you clutch my heart
and cling to my soul
your fists hold firm with unforgettable love.

The time spent here with you
and the memories you etched upon my life
as sure as genes passed from generation to generation.

They stay with me
their echoes whisper in the gentle wind,
in my heart and in my mind.

My memories of you keep you alive
as I see your dark handsome face
filled with wisdom and gentle kindness.

As it expands in my mind’s eye,
bittersweet memories they can be
bringing tears to my eyes
and a lump in my throat.

But these memories of you
I will never let go
for I love you even more
with the passage of time.

I never forget.

I write this poem above with thoughts of my dad. I doubt if there’s a day that passes by without thoughts of my loved ones who have passed on floating through my mind.

Some memories leave indelible marks on the recipient that they become invisible fabrics that we wear on our person. Some memories are bittersweet, poignant, sweet, dark, happy, hurt and so many other emotions attached to it.

There are memories that dig deep holes inside us and in a way molds us into who we become. I have memories like everyone else; some are full of dark misery, joyful memories, sweet ones, light ones, poignant ones. Some memories were handed by life as a gift that I didn’t choose and some were created by deliberate interactions.
Life will still continue to hand out memories that it chooses for us, but it’s up to you to continue striving in creating memories of light and joy, therefore it’s up to you to turn those memories of dark misery into an enlightening experience.

In my writing, my memories serve as a compass for me when I draw into myself and allow my senses to feel everything that I felt at the moment when that memory was created. Sometimes, I am able to catch them in words and sometimes, I am unable to translate what I feel in concrete terms.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge – Memories

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

Jacqueline writes from her heart on passion, pain, suffering, loss and LIFE. I have been incredibly moved by her poetry and I know I will return to “Out of the Silent Breath” again and again.

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

Featured Blogs · Uncategorized

Featured Posts 91 – Share your posts.



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Do step in and show some love.

Booktubing a whole new world: have you been booktubing? Have you given it a try? This could prove to be another wonderful way of promoting your book. Look in and see.

The black wall blog: a beautiful blog that talks about PTSD, depression, panic, anxiety, inspiring posts and helping each other along. Say hello

Perfectionism is my enemy: are you playing the perfection game? How much has it paid you?

These messages are tricks that people have played on us. No matter how hard we try, we think we have to do better. Perfection always eludes us and keeps us unhappy with the good we’ve done.

You can teach a dog: Lydia’s honest short post is really food for thought. We can learn and unlearn and empower ourselves in the right manner no matter how much dirt has been thrown on us in the past. Do peek in.

‘Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

P.S. Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.’

P.S: You can join our online party this weekend. It’s always a good time:-)

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

Wonderful, evocative poetry by a talented writer. Left me hungry for more. Jacqueline can write! Linda Bethea

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

Writer's Quote Wednesday

Flying Free…Writers quote Wednesday

“Free yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.” Bob Marley

I totally love this quote taken from Marley’s song.


When I look up to the skies
and watch the way a bird flies
free from any inhibitions
that hinders its expeditions

I wonder if you and I
are free to fly that high,
or are we buckled down by precepts
handed over time to preempt?

True state of freedom, I find
lies in the state of mind.
For the one who seeks to be free
must learn first to master the mind.

Today’s prompt for writer’s quote Wednesday challenge is “freedom” and interestingly this is one theme that I’ve been thinking of throughout this week.

Freedom to be. Can we truly experience freedom in entirety as a human race? Freedom to be you without the silent permission of others?

I doubt it. Society can’t exist without rules. Freedom comes at the price of having responsibility and most people don’t like responsibility.

However, I cherish the freedom to pursue my passion one word at a time. The freedom of etching my words can’t be taken away from me.

P.S. You are invited to our monthly blog party this weekend. It’s fun and you get to meet fantastic folks:-)

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

May I live,

unafraid to breathe.

Free from a choke-hold,

that becomes a stronghold.

May I live,

unafraid to live,

clinging to my expectations,

with feral desperation.


*excerpts from my poem*

Discover Challenges · The Daily Post

Dead and gone! Long live chivalry…


To my younger unassuming self
I have no apologies to tender for my past mistakes.

Maybe I could have done things differently if I had been wiser
maybe I would have been able to escape

a couple of raps from Life’s school of hard knocks
but looking back right now,
could I’ve been better, I’m quite doubtful?

For we are only as wise as we know
Could things have gone differently?

Maybe, who knows. It no longer matters. What matters is now.
For life happens and all that happened

did when I was busy making other plans.
Now to you, dear older me, get on with it while you can
and squeeze the last droplet of juice out of those lemons!

Your World and mine would probably be a much better place when people are more empathetic and apologetic for their mistakes.

An apology is a balm offered to soothe agitated nerves and calms ruffled feathers, yet these three simple words of remorse “I am sorry” can be so difficult for some humans to express.

Their belief is that tendering an apology is a sign of weakness, whereas the reverse is the case.

To apologise shows maturity and the ability to take ownership and responsibility.

It doesn’t strip the peace-keeper of his over-sized sense of ego, nor will it cause any drastic changes in his physical anatomy; tongue-in-cheek.

Note that I use ‘his’ in this instance. My apologies to the menfolk, but experience and history has shown that most men are slow to accept their faults, to apologize and diffuse tension. The chauvinistic drive in a good number of them can be incredulous.

They are more bent on arguing blindly just to hear themselves and to flex their muscles. Indeed, many disastrous incidents have happened due to mule-headedness and oversized egos.

That’s not to say that there are no stubborn females out there, but I dare say that the ratio is far less than the opposite sex.

To apologize comes very easily to a lot of women I know. For the benefit of doubt, I’m not a feminist in that sense of the word of let’s burn our bras and chuck out the sizzling red hot high heels; I really like my red heels and to me, being strongly feminine, is being comfortable in the skin and gender that nature gave me, without being objectified as a sex object.

I don’t believe in sweating the small stuff and bearing unnecessary grudges. This weighs down the burden bearer and as far as I’m concerned, I have enough to carry on my shoulders without adding the extra guilt of not saying and meaning these three words “I am sorry,” to that woman whose toes I might have crushed in the crowd or the one whose backside I ran into with a shopping cart, when I turned the shopping aisle into my driveway.

Nope! The young man who wanted to reshape my African backside never said sorry.

He just merrily continued his one-hand drive of his trolley and scrolling down his phone after a mere cursory glance in my direction.

Chivalry has become extinct as we speak. Long live chivalry.

Apology, Discover Challenge.

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Expose my heart

that I may understand your words

through every conscious,

awakened pore of each moment.


*an excerpt from my poem*

Writer's Quote Wednesday · Writing

That Mysterious Spirit Of Deja Vu…Writers Quote Wednesday


Have you ever met someone for the first time, but in your heart you feel as if you’ve met them before? JoAnne Kenrick, When A Mullo Loves A Woman

The prompt for this week’s writers quote is ‘mystery.’ We can write a piece of fiction, poetry etc, incorporating the word mystery.

I chose to write on incident’s that I have experienced severally in my life, especially because I had one just over the weekend and I daresay that you’ve probably had several yourself. I’ve had instances where I run into total strangers and I am totally convinced that our paths have crossed at some point in time. I have this certain feeling of knowing and familiarity which I found to be a bit eerie especially when I was much younger.

This also includes overhead conversations, that would have me questioning myself, trying to recollect where I had that conversation.

For days, I would mull over such episodes, but over time, I no longer bother with it. Now when I run into a seemingly familiar person, if I am close enough, I engage them in a conversation, laugh over the matter and move on.

I wrote the poem below in respect of that.

Our paths crossed each others
and a frisson of familiarity
raced through me.
The drone of your voice
curled inside my eardrums
pulling at memories
that are stored within.

Yet we’ve never met…

A pull to draw closer and eavesdrop
made me pause and stand in clear sight
perplexed thought crossing my mind
as I shamelessly eavesdropped on your conversation
I was sure that sometime, somewhere,
we had the same conversation, you and I.

Yet we’ve never met…

I tried to unravel the mystery in my mind
woolly cobwebs of memories buried
couldn’t cough up the answers that I sought
I dug deeper into dark recesses
seeking the unknown.
Who knew where what time and in what life
our paths had crossed

Yet we’ve never met…

I cease my attempt to decipher
I seek no longer to solve
mysteries of déjà vu
that my mind wouldn’t unravel
But, I’ve come to understand in acceptance
that somewhere, somehow and in some life
You and I are kindred spirits.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha