Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings 108


When we sit idle and make redundant wishes, hoping that X, Y, and Z will happen to bring about the changes that we seek, we are possibly wasting time and valuable opportunities. A wishful thought can only come to fruition with action.

If you don’t like where you are planted, then consider shifting around for a better spot.

If you don’t like how your life story reads, turn another page and start a new chapter.

If you don’t like certain things about your community, what are you doing to make a difference, no matter how small?

Every step taken brings you closer to your hope as long as you are taking that step.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Support me – Buy my book and leave a review. Thank you.

out-of-the-silent-breath 2


The Daily Post

Wispy clouds of perfection…


May we not strive for perfection,
for we shall break our backs

In pursuit of such elusive dreams,
we simply break our hearts

for perfection can never be caught,
no matter how hard it is sought

for like fine wisps of cloud,
they melt or move beyond our sights

leaving yawns of dissatisfaction behind,
or sending us on endless quests in our mind.

May we strive for greater purpose,
for contentment is awesome

for satisfaction is a comfortable bed to lay on,
with peace a priceless joy to know.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


I absolutely love this book of poems. My favorites are “Love Rations” (for those who love to give the silent treatment) and “Beggars Supper” (which definitely pulls at the heart strings). Two thumbs up!!

Out of the silent breath

Creative Writing · Fiction · Short Stories · Writer's Quote Wednesday

To become a fledgling…Writers quote Wednesday writing challenge.

“The phoenix must burn to emerge.” Janet Fitch

Masters body sat in the big black armchair frozen in time, but his thoughts were still razor sharp. He sat in his comatose state, waiting for the rebirth from his ancient self into a fledgling of a boy.

The pains that he had cruelly inflicted on others ripped through his veins with piercing intensity, that each drop of rebirth serum snarled at him, yelling in anger as it slowly trickled through veins that were on fire.

He was combusting from the heat that engulfed his being, but the voice of ‘She’ ignored his mindful pleas to be set free unchanged.

Her ethereal blue eyes held him calmly in place even as her thoughts loudly reverberated in his mind.

“You must be patient she said. For you can’t achieve that which you seek until you shed your ancient skin of cynicism and look with eyes reborn through the depths of your soul.”

The story above is in response to this week’s WQWWC’s prompt ‘rebirth.’ A word that I find interesting and personally inspiring.

It’s a word that tells me different things. It tells me that I have to let go of some old vision and allow my inner eye’s to be renewed with new sight.

It tells me that sometimes out of my own ashes, I can rise to find myself over and over again as long as I believe, for as long as I am breathing.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

From the very first poem, “Dreams,” this book captivates with passionate and perceptive words. Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha captures a broad expanse of the human experience in this book of richly layered poems.

Out of the silent breath

Featured Blogs · Share A Link

Featured posts # 73…Share your post links.



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Please do step in and show some love.

Mirror, mirror on the wall: are you a split personality? What does your mirror say to you -not to others? Can you take a peek? Short and salient introspective article.

The book trailer journey: Congratulations to Pamela on the release of her second e-book. Is making a book trailer easy? Your guess or mine.

Chasing Dreams: Beautiful and evocative poem of chasing after the dream. Now let’s go and catch it 🙂

Understanding the mathematics of marriage: Have you done the arithmetic of your marriage? This is worth a read.

I remember: Now this is such a beautiful post that brought a teary shine to my eyes and a smile to my lips. Awesome read.

‘Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

P.S. Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.’

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

She is amazing at describing love and life in her poems. She creates such beautiful images with her words. Truly, she is a talented writer and I’m so excited to have her poetry book and to continue reading through it.

Out of the silent breath

My Thinking Corner

Tuesday Trickles…My thinking corner # 25

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple. You can check this link for more details.


♥ As little or as bogus as your dreams may seem, they belong to you and it’s blossoming lies in your manner of cultivation.

♥ The bigger your dreams, the higher you reach. Don’t be afraid of the size of your dreams, for the grace to pursue them will come when you ask.

Awesome thoughts come your way through these beautiful friends:

Virtue vs Vice: If possible, we should engrave this and look at it each day.

Words of wisdom: Debs words just have an inspiring and calming effect.

Give: I think this should be made into a song. Short and sweet.

6 stop signs you should obey: STOP!! READ! Thank me later 🙂

I totally love the snippets of knowledge that I gain from my thinking corner.

I hope that you find these little drops useful now and again. Do check them out and please share snippets of your thoughts with us.

Thanks and blessed be.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

From the very first poem, “Dreams,” this book captivates with passionate and perceptive words. Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha captures a broad expanse of the human experience in this book of richly layered poems.

Out of the silent breath

Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivation and Musings # 96


Responsibility and ownership of shortcoming are difficult aspects that most struggle with.

Excuses will be made with anything plausible and some will prefer to keep shifting the blame other than shifting the chunk of hubris that denies them the pleasure of seeing themselves in stark reality.

Growth demands that we wake up to the reality of our true selves. It’s until we are honest with ourselves that our new possibilities emerge and we make our dreams come true.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

I’m halfway through with this book and was compelled to leave a review. I absolutely love this book of poems. My favorites are “Love Rations” (for those who love to give the silent treatment) and “Beggars Supper” (which definitely pulls at the heart strings). Two thumbs up!!

Out of the silent breath

Musings · My Thinking Corner

Tuesdays Trickles…My Thinking Corner 22

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple.

Each Tuesday, share your very short snippets of positive, inspiring, motivating, health, spiritual, writing advice, clips, posts etc, that can serve as a prop to motivate others and simply add my link to your post.

I call it my thinking corner because, I actually take out a bit of time just to think through things, encapsulate my thoughts as much as possible and detoxify my mind. It helps give me clarity of vision and might help you too.

It might work for you in a different way, but the idea is to get the positive thoughts flowing.

Please send in your little thoughts. You never know whose life you might inspire.


  • If one has a tongue that dribbles, they shouldn’t accept to keep the confidence of others. For secrets let out are like spittle, you can never retrieve them.
  • Others may place temporary stumbling blocks in your path, but it’s up to you to remain permanently upstanding.
  • One bee can never make enough honey. You need to align yourself with lots of bees to get a pot of honey.
  • A small and well-executed dream is better than a big dream that’s poorly executed.
  • Are you dreaming yet? If not, why not?

Today’s thoughts came in from beautiful thinkers:

Discretion: How discreet are you? A thought provoking post.

Today’s Nuggets: Great and positive message from Stella.

Jealousy: A message that applies to all of us. Worth your time to take a peek.

I hope that you find these little drops useful now and again. Do check them out and please share snippets of your thoughts with us.

Thanks and blessed be.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Brand me whole as only you can

That the entire score of me

Knows nothing but the fullness of you.

Memes · Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 72


We are all a whirlpool of dreams and ideas but a lot of us undermine our capabilities and always nip dreams in the bud with comments like ‘oh I couldn’t,’ while looking on as others go about trying to achieve theirs.

I can’t, I couldn’t, I am afraid and so  many of such self limiting statements are defeatist and they are like monsters that simply grow bigger with the smallest confirmation.

Yes you can, but only when you’ve tried to. You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain, if only you will have the audacity to try and have fun while at it.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Memes · Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivation and Musings # 60…


It’s often interesting how we keep putting off things that our heart is set on doing as we wait for the right time to arrive.

When is the right time? How do we identify it? Will it come knocking on our door to announce it’s arrival? Will it ever arrive?

Some say it’s when they’ve got enough money set aside, some say that they are waiting for the children to grow up and there are yet many more excuses.

The whole glaring truth is that there will never be the right time except we make it happen. Excuses will always be bountiful and they cost several dozens for nothing, however, the cost of using excuses can be quite expensive.

Let’s start seeking that right time today. Today is it.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Mundane Monday · Uncategorized

Pinky Feet…Mundane Monday

Mundane Monday Challenge is created to find beauty in almost everything.

The challenge is simple : find beauty in everyday mundane things, capture the beauty and upload the photographs.


Feet! Normal human features that we see every day.

Yet, the feet are the beautiful piece of artwork from the Master craftsman Himself.

They take us on our lifetimes journey’s literally and physically

As we leave our imprints all over the sands of time in pursuance of our dreams.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha