A link to my neighbours/Community · kindness · Life

Need…Save A Friend!

Support, Together, Helping Hands

It hurts my soul
to see people in need
and I can’t help
not because I don’t want to help
but because I don’t have the means
and in such moments
I despise my lean pocket.

How can you be my brother’s keeper when you barely have enough bread to break? Yes, you can! If you’ve got a dollar, that’s a whole lot of coins!Image result for quotes about helping others

Please know that reaching out to share with others is not only when your basket of fish is overflowing, you can have one fish and still share out of it. I run into people – both online and in real time – who are in dire need of support and it leaves my heart aching when I am not able to assist as much as I would like to assist.

I know a number of great folks who have left blogging due to difficulties in sustaining themselves. To exist becomes a hardship when you know or see that no one cares, not to talk about thriving. Please don’t be in a haste to discount those whom you see in these tight corners – life happens.

Help, Help, and Help. There’s a sister amongst us in the blogging community whose constraints are quite dire right now and needs our support – I prefer not to call names for privacy sake, but she reached out to me.

If you can assist her through me, no gift is too small, please do so. Here’s my PayPal link.

On my honour, you have my word that whatever is raised through this means will be given to our friend. Thank you for your generosity.


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Let us not fold our hands in anticipation that others should do that which we can help to do. Together, we can.  Jacqueline

P.S. Because of how important this issue is to me, I want to give this post priority and will not be sharing another post today.

Partners · Uncategorized

My Strategic Partners…

My girlfriend, Tasha, the author of the blog Hit Below The Belt Hard, a beautiful soul, and an admirable lady who runs a self-defense business. She serves great family oriented tips as well and her Friday funnies are not to be missed – I haven’t missed one yet 😉

Hit Below The Belt

Kaylaa Blackwell, the lady behind Inspired Beacon is a woman that I admire. Her tech savvy, business sense and resourcefulness are quite enviable. Let me share a link to one of her uplifting posts and her 
e-commerce site.


Beautiful Brenda Baker of Caffeinated Ramblings has been a wonderful support in this space. Her delightful visuals and writing will set your thoughts free.




Michelle Malone, a sister and a friend. The wise woman (I call her that in my mind), runs the blog “Two are better than one.” I always come away from Michelle’s blog enriched from reading posts that have wisdom infused in them.




Lifting Up Taboos blogs shares raw insiders stories of adoption from the angle of an adoptee as well as engaging fiction. I find some of the articles gut wrenching and educative.


P.S. Would you like to partner with me? You can send me an email to Jacquelineobyikocha@gmail.com or send me a note through my getting in touch page on my blog.



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Creative Writing · Fiction

A ticket to Athens…

Bertha could hardly stop herself from preening in pride as the Mayor cut the tape for the new boating dock and the marble, torch statue that would be seen for miles and miles. It would blaze at night, welcoming all seafarers back to the safe harbour of their small fishing town of Little-Uptown.

Who would have thought that out of all the submitted landmark sculpture entries, that her O’Deon would be chosen? She was the cynosure of all eyes.

In a small town such as this, female artistry was hardly encouraged much less acknowledged but the new Mayor seemed more progressive.

Even when she was teased by mates for taking up sculpting classes that were male dominated, she hadn’t relented in her pursuit but learnt to ignore the snide comments like ‘Luv shouldn’t you be in the weaving class, you are in over your head,’ and the male guffaws that followed such wise-cracks.

Now the prize money is more than enough to buy her a ticket and tutelage in Athens, which had always been part of her dream.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Thank you, momtheobscure, for the photo and Priceless Joy for hosting this charming platform where we unleash our stories:-)

Book Review · Poetry/Poems

Wow! And a review so soon

Like every mother who has a new baby, you spend time fretting and checking on your baby right, so two day’s after going public with my book, I take another peek in Amazon and see a shiny, brilliant review and that’s just fantastic.Out of the silent breath

I didn’t expect anything like a review that quickly and even several sales too. Wow!

I feel so tickled and appreciative of the beautiful soul who has taken the time to purchase, read and remark giving my Out of the silent breath a 5 solid star rating.

In the words of the reviewer, I copy and quote:

By Amanda

I’m about half-way through Jacqueline’s poetry book and I have to say I’m in awe and spellbound by her poetry. She is amazing at describing love and life in her poems. She creates such beautiful images with her words. Truly, she is a talented writer and I’m so excited to have her poetry book and to continue reading through it. I find I have to take my time to absorb the feeling and beauty behind her words. Not a fast read, but worth taking the time to explore and find meaning.

I am clapping my hands and joyful. Thank you, Amanda, for this wonderful review and thank you to those who have taken the time to purchase it. I wish I knew who and who it is. A little flower of thanks, I am sending your way

You can support me and buy it here and there 🙂
