Book Review · Poetry/Poems

Wow! And a review so soon

Like every mother who has a new baby, you spend time fretting and checking on your baby right, so two day’s after going public with my book, I take another peek in Amazon and see a shiny, brilliant review and that’s just fantastic.Out of the silent breath

I didn’t expect anything like a review that quickly and even several sales too. Wow!

I feel so tickled and appreciative of the beautiful soul who has taken the time to purchase, read and remark giving my Out of the silent breath a 5 solid star rating.

In the words of the reviewer, I copy and quote:

By Amanda

I’m about half-way through Jacqueline’s poetry book and I have to say I’m in awe and spellbound by her poetry. She is amazing at describing love and life in her poems. She creates such beautiful images with her words. Truly, she is a talented writer and I’m so excited to have her poetry book and to continue reading through it. I find I have to take my time to absorb the feeling and beauty behind her words. Not a fast read, but worth taking the time to explore and find meaning.

I am clapping my hands and joyful. Thank you, Amanda, for this wonderful review and thank you to those who have taken the time to purchase it. I wish I knew who and who it is. A little flower of thanks, I am sending your way

You can support me and buy it here and there 🙂


Blog · WordPress



Like some of you know, it has been a hectic couple of days with my blog placed on quarantine *security alert*.

However, with concerted efforts on my side, your support, the very supportive assistance of WordPress Engineers and Google’s cooperation, my blog has been cleared of the malicious whatamacallit.

What I don’t have is a concrete explanation for what went wrong.

I however, came away with several useful knowledge. Hopefully, over the weekend, I can sit down and put together a quick post as a reference point that someone in such pickle can refer to, assuming the cases are related.

So, to my blog’s bill of health, I say let’s blog on with integrity.

According to my home people, we would say, no dulling my swag 😉

Thanks to everyone.


Reblogs · Uncategorized

The miracle of friendship…


The miracle of friendship happens in great ways even though they may seem small. When we speak to others, we have no idea how much life our words carry and mean. This post is the best that I have read today. It was least expected that I should see my name in a post such as this and not only am I humbled by Darrel’s words, but I am humbled to think that my words can make a difference enough for this lovely person to count me as a worthy friend.
Depression is an ailment that is not too well understood and it is a silent killer. It’s never an easy burden to bear on those who suffer from it.

My Opinionsville

I started out wanting to write a blog about depression, as well as this one, concerning how I feel about my friends in the blogging community…  The two seemed to be intertwined in my mind, which was confusing me about what to say, and when.  So I’ll begin with the most important.  It’s not the volume of friends that I have here that matters to me, it’s the miraculous advancements in my writing, I couldn’t possibly achieve without them!  They are the reason I can hang in, while my depression always says that I can’t!  That would be next to impossible in and of itself…  So you see?  A few loyal friends is way heavier than a multitude of fair weather friends who desert you when you’re at a low point in your live; just the time when you need your friends the most!

They have done more than keep…

View original post 285 more words

Featured Blogs · Uncategorized

Featured posts #27…Let me share your post links.



Today’s featured blogs are:

A fairy tale with a twist A number of you might know how fond of Maria I am and her pictures never fail to gladden my heart. They are VISUAL pleasures. HOWEVER, this link is not about her photo. It’s a scintillating bit about Maria’s personal story. I have read it. I like it very much. I want to read more 😉 Told in simple words, yet very compelling.

The value of Mr. M Diya’s post really put a small on my face. We really don’t know what we have until it’s not there, or the value of others until they are gone. A refreshing read.

Is this mommy life Introducing Mandea a new blogging neighbour of mine. I read her article ‘SELL YOURSELF‘ which I find very interesting because it’s a quandary many of us find ourselves in. Do say hello.

Deb Was Here My girl Deb is talented, humorous; friendly, candid; community minded, and lots more. One to have as a blogging neighbour.

The Heartbreaker Amunala is a new, upcoming blogger in our midst. Do step in and show some love.

Master Mel’s attention to fine details is superb and this is the comment that I made:  ‘Your attention to detail is impeccable Mel. You’ve created so much imagery that it’s only natural to imagine and paint these things in one’s mind.’

Please visit their blogs and say hello. A few minutes may gain you a friendly support.

‘Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

P.S. Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.’

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Family · Health

Sometimes, it pours heavily….


Today, I have so much to say, yet I fail to know where to start from.

Life is such that we honestly have no inclination what the next hour will bring our way, much less the next day, week or year.

Our lives hang in the daily delicate balance of providence and most times, we don’t get to chose what happens to us, but the only thing that we can choose is how to react to the curves on the path of our journey and not losing grip of ourselves.

We also get to choose friends who journey along with us on life’s path and a whole lot of times, they serve as a prop and support on those shaky days.

My heart knows a lot of thanks for the restoration of health of my family members and an enormous sense appreciation for the huge outpouring of gracious wishes from all of you on my birthday on Sunday.

Your thoughts warmed me.

Regardless of the fact that online relationships may appear untenable due to it’s nature, we should never fail to appreciate or undermine the strength and support that we have in our friends and we truly have no idea the beautiful far reaching effects of these friendships.

‘It’s until you are caught in the rain that you realize that a tattered umbrella has it’s good sides.’

You can join Colline’s  or Maria Jansson gratitude challenge platforms.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Thank You WordPress…

That's the one! I was coveting the camera with my eyes ;-)
That’s the one! I was coveting the camera with my eyes 😉

‘When will I get the mail? Or, have they forgotten me? Didn’t I register on time? I would really like to participate in this course.’

These were the thoughts that went through my mind days before the photo 101 course was set to start. I fretted a little bit and wondered if I would get the notification at all from WordPress.

Waking up on Monday morning to find a welcome note from dear WP, prompted a happy smile and a deep sense of gratitude to the faculty behind these opportunities.

I really must say that they do try to keep us engaged, expand our scopes and stoke our inspiration.

Why am I particularly keen on this class? I am what I would call an accidental photographer. This is my first photo class ever. I neither have any shooting skills, nor know any techniques. I am just a point and click amateur.

I desired for a Canon EOS 70D or Nikon D7200 to play with during the class, but for the life of me, I can’t afford to purchase a camera of over a thousand dollars right now.

The beautiful thing is that WP knows how to simplify these classes, so that each person is carried along at whatever level they are. No complications. So Canon/Nikon can wait.

It’s very easy to overlook such gestures and take the value added advantages for granted.

It’s always easy for man to complain about everything that is wrong and forget the things to be thankful for.

There are a whole lot of platforms out there that are comparable to arid deserts with no oasis in sight and their bloggers are abandoned to wade and flounder in ignorance to the detriment of their blogs.

Well, to cut a long tale short, I appreciate this platform provided by WordPress and would like to say thank you for these interactive opportunities which we are granted free of charge. I bet if I have to go pay for photo classes, I would part with some change.

In my place, it is said that a man who forgets to express thanks, has fallen asleep to the goodness that surrounds him.

I have not fallen asleep.

You can join Colline’s  or Maria Jansson gratitude challenge platforms.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Blog · Blogging · Uncategorized

A Blog Post To Two Men…

This is an impromptu blog post that came to my mind and I just have to write it. Maybe, there are more men like you in blogosphere and that would be a good thing to find. I am looking for them.

Jason and Danny, I appreciate your sense of community and support. We all have our personal goals and drive in this place and as consuming as this passion of ours is, you still find the time to carry those around you along.

Please note, this is not a fan or worship note. I don’t do such, but I know when to appreciate a good thing once I see it. I have noticed some who are far too consumed about themselves, forgetting that it takes an entire village of bloggers to raise one blogger.

At every point in time that I have had reason to reach out to either of you, you unflinchingly respond.

You two are awesome and I wish you both the very best.



A link to my neighbours/Community · Blog Awards · Blogging

The Things Hanging Around My Neck….

The heaviness of these blings from the awards received by a good number of you is making my neck bow down with it’s weight, that it’s high-time I respond to all of you who have chosen to decorate my heart with your kind thoughts.

I would first like to explain the delay in appreciating these awards.

Primarily, I was considering going award free, but I choose to mull over it for a while.

I like the awards because it fosters a sense of community. Secondly, I think it is good especially for those who are just starting out, because it really boosts morale.

I remember the positive vibes and zing that mine gave me the very first time that I received one, so I decided to stall on my decision to go award free.

However, due to the fact that they take a whole lot of time to put together and from the nominations that keeps coming to me, I wouldn’t want to inundate my readers with award posts every other day. That would become tedious and boring.

I will respond to awards once every quarter to keep it to the barest minimum and by so doing, I still recognize those who gave it to me.

So to get to it, I would like to thank these awesome bloggers below:

The bikini bookworm for the nomination of Spirit Animal blog award.

Perfect The Days, In cahoots with muddy boots, Deborah Crocker, for the nomination of the Sunshine blog award.

The Shiva’s ponder for the Dragon loyalty award.

Chape, Element healing, Thoughts of a train wrecked pineapple, for the nomination of the One lovely blog award

Its good to be crazy sometimes for the nomination of the Epic Awesome blog award.

Memee’s musings, Life Experiment, Annette’s place, The Daily Atholian, The Lonely Tribalist for Versatile blog award

Life Experiment for Blogger recognition award.

Brew N Spew for the Creative blogger award.

There were some questions to go with these awards, but answering them would take quite a while since it’s tantamount to writing an autobiography which usually takes years, so, I will just share some random stuff about myself that I can think of.

  • I love vivid bright colours, but also the subtle ones. I have no favourites at all.
  • If I were an animal, I would probably be an Eagle. I would love to soar high, to go far and wide and see many places and things.
  • I am a happy person. I have my downtime moments, but they don’t last.
  • I consider myself a very loyal and faithful person.
  • I am a chocoholic! *Did I just admit that aloud?*
  • I watch Television very sparingly. I could go for days/weeks without touching it.
  • I refer to myself as ‘A child of the Sun.’

 Once again, thank you for your kind thoughts and my regards.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Inspiration - Motivation · Midnight motivation and musings · Musings · Quotes For You · Self Help · Weave that Dream

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 5…


A saying in my place goes, ‘that success refuses to go to the house of those who fail to appreciate the success of others around them, because success feels that when she arrives, you will equally fail to appreciate her presence.’

Positive energy attracts positive things, we should therefore always try to appreciate the humble beginnings while we plan and wait for the bigger ones.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha