A link to my neighbours/Community · Blog Awards · Blogging

The Things Hanging Around My Neck….

The heaviness of these blings from the awards received by a good number of you is making my neck bow down with it’s weight, that it’s high-time I respond to all of you who have chosen to decorate my heart with your kind thoughts.

I would first like to explain the delay in appreciating these awards.

Primarily, I was considering going award free, but I choose to mull over it for a while.

I like the awards because it fosters a sense of community. Secondly, I think it is good especially for those who are just starting out, because it really boosts morale.

I remember the positive vibes and zing that mine gave me the very first time that I received one, so I decided to stall on my decision to go award free.

However, due to the fact that they take a whole lot of time to put together and from the nominations that keeps coming to me, I wouldn’t want to inundate my readers with award posts every other day. That would become tedious and boring.

I will respond to awards once every quarter to keep it to the barest minimum and by so doing, I still recognize those who gave it to me.

So to get to it, I would like to thank these awesome bloggers below:

The bikini bookworm for the nomination of Spirit Animal blog award.

Perfect The DaysIn cahoots with muddy boots, Deborah Crocker, for the nomination of the Sunshine blog award.

The Shiva’s ponder for the Dragon loyalty award.

ChapeElement healing, Thoughts of a train wrecked pineapple, for the nomination of the One lovely blog award

Its good to be crazy sometimes for the nomination of the Epic Awesome blog award.

Memee’s musings, Life ExperimentAnnette’s placeThe Daily AtholianThe Lonely Tribalist for Versatile blog award

Life Experiment for Blogger recognition award.

Brew N Spew for the Creative blogger award.

There were some questions to go with these awards, but answering them would take quite a while since it’s tantamount to writing an autobiography which usually takes years, so, I will just share some random stuff about myself that I can think of.

  • I love vivid bright colours, but also the subtle ones. I have no favourites at all.
  • If I were an animal, I would probably be an Eagle. I would love to soar high, to go far and wide and see many places and things.
  • I am a happy person. I have my downtime moments, but they don’t last.
  • I consider myself a very loyal and faithful person.
  • I am a chocoholic! *Did I just admit that aloud?*
  • I watch Television very sparingly. I could go for days/weeks without touching it.
  • I refer to myself as ‘A child of the Sun.’

 Once again, thank you for your kind thoughts and my regards.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

A link to my neighbours/Community · Blog Awards · Blogging · Gratitude


The year 2015 is practically a wrap. A big thank you

We made it through despite so much upheaval around the World, so many individual challenges that looked insurmountable, and if there is nothing else to say, the fact that we waded through it all, is a massive blessing and a huge reason to be thankful.

My gratitude challenge today is two pronged.

Foremost, I am truly thankful to God for so many things that I can’t begin to count but above all, the gift of life, the gift of family and the gift of friends.

I deeply appreciate the connections that I have made on this platform.

A lot of you have been winds in my wings and oxygen in my lungs.

Your words have decorated my heart in indescribable ways and I am grateful that I met you in this space.

I have received a whole bunch of award nominations from my good friends and I truly must appreciate them for the generosity of their hearts.

Please, let me apologize upfront if I missed out mentioning a nomination.

It is not a slight but an oversight, because it has grown in number (over 20 of them) and I truly didn’t want to inundate people with putting out an award post ever so often.


For the Epic Awesomeness Award, I thank Yinglan of This is Another Story, for this kind nomination. 



For the Versatile Blogger Award nominations, my appreciations go to: iamabloggertoo, GharkepakwanEmma of Shut that negative noise offAmra of Perfect My DaysIzzyasabeeStar ScrollsKoolaidmoms



To Sam of Starlit Octave , I say thank you for The Word Magician Award:

The nominations for Leibster Award comes from: Recharge Your Day. Sister EmmaPamela of K. PhoenixWaltyRebirth of Lisa, you warm thoughts are very encouraging. Thank you.


For the Sisterhood of The World Bloggers, my appreciation goes to Inspiring MaxSusanJake of The Peasant Blog,



Now I have a loyal Dragon to guard me from marauders and I say thank you to Kaushal of Expressive Human/Original ThoughtsAn Off beat bluestocking, for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. This made me smile.



Chape, a heartfelt thank you for the Darts Awards/Premios Dardos

Premio dardos 2


Dear Joanne of Vellissima found my blog neat enough to nominate me for Real Neat Blog Award. Thank you my friend. 


In my place, it is said that ‘the man who has human support is better than the one that has money.’ Money can buy you a lot but cannot warm your heart with it’s words.

So, to all of you, dear friends of mine, who have supported me by breathing life into my blogging journey, ‘may the Sun shine on your path and may the shadows fall behind.’

Thank you very much and do stay blessed.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

A link to my neighbours/Community · Blog Awards · Blogging · Gratitude · Inspiration - Motivation

Awesome Commendations…

Thank you

Sometimes, saying thank you may sound so trite and flippant in the face of such warmth and fellowship.

It may sound surprising, but I always feel humbled when I see the hands of fellowship extended, the encouragement received and the respect accorded within this commendable, intelligent community of humans.

Inherently, a lot of people are wonderful and if half the positive fellowship, vibes, hugs, motivation and care that are expressed within the blogging space are experienced in the real World, it would be less acrimonious as it is currently.

This week and several weeks in a row, so many of you put smiles on my face in different manners, some went out of their ways to nominate me for an award, to do a blog review for my blog and to extend their warmth.

I say thank you,dalu, imela’ in my native language because it strikes a deep cord inside me.

Thank you for the generosity of your hearts. Thank you for the gift of your time. Thank you for your outstretched arms of fellowship. Thank you for supporting me in this space. It is heartwarming.

Jason, The opinionated man at Harsh Reality , I thank you for a delightful review that tickled me pink 🙂

Maria Holm, I thank you for the lovely synopsis and celebration in your post.

Ngobesing Romanus of Success Inspirer, a big thank for the invitation to the interview challenge.

Joanne Bretzer at Velissima, I appreciate your nomination for Blogger Recognition Award.

Sunesiss of Atomic Words , Joan of Marlton Trainer, Voyager of Freedom and Diana of Toast and Tea together,  thank you all for the Sunshine Blogger Award.

Thank you to Vibrant of Blabberwockying , Stephanie Cardozo, Vincent Wambua , Smiling away allergies,Obscurasomnia, and Keeping up appearances for, The Liebster Award. You guys are great 🙂

Africa Bohemian at Tribe 53 thank you for the Infinity Dreams Award.

A big thank you for One Lovely Blog Award and The Versatile Blogger Awards to Anand of Blabberwockying

For the beautiful Respect Award, I thank you Anand with all humility. A lovely new bling for my blog 🙂

Susan, I appreciate the double nominations of One Lovely Blog Award and Blogger Recognition Award.

Kay Morris and Psychochromatic Inception, thank you for the nomination for One Lovely Blog Award. You guys rock 🙂

“You all, are huge sources of inspiration, encouragement and beautiful souls.” I appreciate the affiliation.

To quickly answer a few of the questions picked from the different bloggers:

  • Do I aspire to be published. I respond with a big affirmative YES! One day soon 🙂
  • What do I enjoy most about blogging. The networking and warmth makes it worthwhile.
  • Do I believe in miracles? Very much so! Why do I believe in it? I see myself as a miracle each day.
  • A great writer is a great reader, do I agree? Yes of course! You have to nourish your mind through the words of other great artists.
  • How do I cope with the writers block. I dance. I sleep. I relax and read. I brainstorm it out.
  • If someone had to think about something that reminds them of you what would it be? That she is one lovely soul.
  • What language would I like to learn? Spanish and Arabic.
  • Cats or Dogs? Dogs any day.
  • Hardest sin to avoid? The unwitting spirit of envy that sometimes steals in when unwatched.
  • Love is? Love is a committed choice, day after day.

Knowing the amount of hours that goes into doing these posts I am truly at loss at who to nominate.

Kind regards and blessed love.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha.

The Beautiful Commendations

A link to my neighbours/Community · Blog Awards · Blogging · Inspiration - Motivation

These Blings Of Mine…

Awards and recognition

The Laurels are multiplying by the day and it is really time that I attend to them.

My sincere apologies to my dear good blogging neighbours who have nominated me for these 15 awards for my delay in responding.

I appreciate each of you individually and collectively as a community of encouraging, motivating, inspiring, fun loving and wise people.

I may not have met any of you in the flesh, but to a large extent, your words do speak for who you are and I would like to refer to y’all as those that I call ”FINE GENTRY.

Due to the fact that it would be inundating to take these nominations one by one and my desire not to drive my friends batty with spurious award posts, I will have to break so many rules and merge these laurels of mine into one fine post.

Please stay seated whilst I give my speech 😉

First and foremost, I would like to thank the following awesome bloggers who nominated me for:

Blogger Recognition Award
For this nomination, I thank the following bloggers enlisted below:
 Cathy Lynn Brooks, Carol of Designing Life,KAT BLOGS Spontaneous Whimsy, Pancake Bunnykins
Creative Blogger Award
creative-blogger-300x300For this nomination, I thank the following bloggers enlisted below:
I care, U care, Velissima, Theshivasponder
Versatile Blogger
versatile-blogger-awardsFor this nomination, I thank I care, U care  .
Sunshine Blogger Award
sunshine-blogger-awardFor this nomination, I thank:Anand of Blabberwockying
Infinity Dreams Award
infinity-dream-awards-e1443952048855For this nomination, I thank I care, U care  .
Leibster Award
For this nomination, I thank the following bloggers enlisted below:
Wife who writesEttaD Keeping up appearances,  
Premio Dardos Award
premios-dardosFor this nomination, I thank I care, U care  .

The Rules of Engagement:

  1. Select other blogs you want to give the award to.
  2. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.
  3. Write a post to show your award.
  4. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  5. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers.
  6. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  7. Attach the award to the post (right click and save, then upload).
  8. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them.
  9. Provide a link to the award post you created.



  • A brief about my blog.

Answer: I started my blog precisely on the 6th of May, 2015. My synopsis for starting this blog are: to meet other people who can enrich my mind through their stories and posts. An avenue to share my stories and thoughts and also as a medium of honing my writing skills, whilst developing the discipline of writing everyday.

  • A piece of advise to new bloggers.

Answer: My advise to new bloggers (I am still one by the way) is to write from within; from their hearts and not an attempt to be a copy of another blogger. That is unsustainable and would probably end up being disappointing. Keep your eyes away from the statistics at the onset. It is worse than watching paint dry. Write your post, then go out and engage with other bloggers. Visit other blogs and generally mingle. Attend as many blogging courses as time permits you. Don’t be a stranger!

  • Five facts about myself:


  1. I speak French and I love children’s coloured books (yes I said it! I think I am still a child at heart.
  2. This may not make sense, but I sincerely believe that all things work together for my own good – even the bad experiences, even when I don’t see the sense in them. I know that God knows!
  3. I am not yet a published author, but hope to be one in the near future.
  4. I love to dance and yes, I am probably one of those that you have to peel off the dance floor of a party. As long as the DJ is playing the right tunes, I am hopping to it 😉
  5. I used to model as a teenager and in my early twenties and sometimes, I wonder how different or the same my life would have been if I had continued modelling.
  • What do you like most about the present situation?

Answer: The fact that I am writing consistently these days. That I am at peace with myself.

  • Which is your best memory?

Answer: I hardly ever think of things as the best, because I always feel that something better might turn around the corner, but I think so far, my childhood days are my best memories.

  • Do you feel you are at peace with yourself?

Answer: I think I answered in the first question before getting here. Yes indeed, I am at peace with myself.

  • Who is your guide, guru or counselor? 

Answer: I have no human that fills that category. My Bible serves as my spiritual guide. My mother and husband serve as my human counselors and then I read a ton of books written by renowned motivators and counselors.

  • What makes you feel very good?

Answer: I try not to base my feeling good on the conditions of anything because life as we know it can get very sporadic, but I feel good when I set out to achieve something and succeed in doing so, even if they are menial, daily tasks.

  • Which quality or habit in your life do you like the most about yourself?

Answer: For quality I would say my empathetic and resilient spirit and for habit, I think my reading habits.

  • Who are your source of inspiration?

Answer: The word of God and my mother again. This is because she is one of the most generous humans I have ever met. Her faith in God always appears as solid as a rock in my eyes (maybe, she might have her doubts, but she never voices them). I don’t know if it means that I am not ambitious enough, but other people’s wealth does not really inspire me. What inspires me is how much they have positively impacted the lives of those around them.

  • What is the role of gratitude in your life?

Answer: In everything, I always try to give thanks. Gratitude turns what we have into enough and more. A grateful heart knows a lot of happiness.

  • Has blogging enriched your life? How?

Answer: Yes, in so many ways it has enriched my life. My blogging path has crossed those of other people who I may never have been opportune to meet. It serves as a personal source of accountability because it has kept my mind focused on writing.

  • What is your greatest talent?

Answer: I am still on a journey of self discovery and evolution. Maybe, I may still chance on a box of tricks hidden somewhere.

Without any obligations because I appreciate how long it takes to respond to these nominations, my Nominees, in no particular order are:

Smiling away allergies


Colette B

K. Phoenix


Sshh, Maddy is Writing

Oneta Hayes

Oba’s blog

Arpita’s Travelogue

Reading Writer

A Loco Viva Voce



Khaya Ronkainen

Geek Ergo Sum

Please check through the Awards and choose ONE that most appeals to you.

My 10 questions:

  1. What makes you happy?
  2. If your life was turned into a movie, what actor would play you?
  3. What’s your favorite memory?
  4. What is your greatest strength or weakness?
  5. What do you feel most proud of?
  6. What is your favorite music?
  7. If you could only keep 5 possessions, what would they be?
  8. If you win a lottery what would you do?
  9. What are you most afraid of?
  10. How would your friends describe you?

Enjoy and kind regards.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha




Blog Awards · Inspiration - Motivation

Triple Rays of Sunshine…

the-sunshine-blogger-award-challengeIts an honor to be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by three different blogger friends Honestme363hallenterprises132 and Inspiring Max.

This award is in recognition of blogs that share positivity in the blogging community.

As the saying ”three times a charm goes,” in that spirit, I humbly accept all three nominations and merge the rays so that I can leave some fingers of some Sun shine for other friends of mine 🙂

In my native land, when a person wishes that the Sun will shine on you, they project Life, Prosperity and Brightness in your life. The spoken word bears a lot of weight on our lives even when we fail to realize it. In deed, the power of life and death lies in our tongues. When you lift up your face to the rising Sun, may the shadows fall behind.

A big thank you to my nominator blog-some friends. Do take a little while and visit their virtual corners.

The Rules:

  • Thank the person/people who nominated you
  • Answer the eleven questions from your nominator(s), in this case 32 questions.
  • Nominate eleven other bloggers and give them eleven questions to answer

The merged questions: 30 in all

  • Where is your favourite place you have lived?

Ans: I have lived in so many places, briefly and lengthy. From the Eastern part of Nigeria to the Middle Belt, North and West in my growing up years. Stints in Europe and migrating to the US. I presently live in Dubai – United Arab Emirates, but in the innermost part of my heart, my favorite place is the place of my childhood. A small University community known as The University of Nigeria Nsukka. It was a childhood of dreams; a place, where it took a community to raise a child.

  • If you could change one thing what would it be?

Ans: The fact that I didn’t start writing seriously earlier than now!

  • What is your favourite childhood memory?

Ans: Christmas in the village 🙂

  • What is your dream job?

Ans: My aspirations have changed over time and snowballed back to my passion and first love which is writing. It’s time to take it to higher grounds.

  • What was your best subject at school?

Ans: English, History and Literature.

  • Do you prefer to live in the country or the city?

Ans: I love both places and since I am living right now in a major city, it is better to be in love with it.

  • If you were stranded on a desert island which celebrity would you take with you?

Ans:  I am not so much into celebrities but I could live with Oprah. I love the wisdom that she shares.

  • Everyone has a song that makes them want to dance, what is yours?

Ans: It is almost common knowledge that I will dance to anything called music apart from the cat’s noise.

  • Favourite colour?

Ans: I love them in splashes. Not fair to make me choose but there is something about orange and white.

  • Do you prefer camping, caravaning or staying in motels?

Ans: The thought of marauding snakes has made me not to enjoy camping; even when I was in the girls guide. Now, I would settle for the comfort of a decent motel. There must be a writing table in the corner.

  • How many different careers have you had?

Ans: Five

  • Name one aspect of yourself that you would consider quirky/odd/amusing/weird.

Ans: I cry over silly things.

  • What do you do to relax/unwind.

Ans: Reading, writing, dancing or lounging by the poolside, playing with my kids, people watching…..

  • Name one thing that is vital to your daily routine.

Ans: Writing things down and praying.

  • How many posts do you have in your drafts?

Ans: Fourteen posts.

  • Regarding blogging: are you…a) obsessed – you would be embarrassed to add up the hours you spend reading, writing, commenting etc. You also sneak a peek at WordPress while you are at work.
    b) intermediate – there are moments when you can’t leave the screen, but there are also times when you don’t look at it for days.
    c) you write your post and leave.

Ans: I think I am a B. I have been able to have a successful one week without looking at it.

  • The blogosphere is most often read through:

Ans: On my laptop.

  • Name one possession you covet – something that if your children/friends/family wish to touch, you hover over them protectively, watching them to make sure they handle it delicately, if you allow them to handle it all.

Ans: Nothing. My wedding rings, maybe? Oh yes! My laptop too! 😉

  • Name something that you read, or do, that you feel enhances your personal growth.

Ans: Asides from my Bible, lots of motivational books from different authors.

  • Since I enjoyed answering this question…If you could channel your soul into an animal, what would it be and why?Ans: An Eagle or a Panther

Ans: An Eagle. I would soar high and free. I would visit so many places and see so many things.

  • Who are your favorite published authors?

Ans: There are loads of them and more are joining the list. I am currently enjoying Marian Keyes.

  • What did you want to grow up to accomplish in your life?

Ans: Sincerely speaking, I am still growing up and learning new things. However, leaving my footprints in the sands of life through my writing, mentoring and life coaching would be my greatest accomplishments.

  • What is your favorite holiday and why?

Ans: A holiday at Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi combined with Burj Al Arab in Dubai. It was pure decadence.

  • If you got to choose your last meal in life, what would it be?

Ans: A very large greasy steak, with mashed potatoes and a glass of Veuve Cliquot, to send me off.

  • What is your favorite temperature? Mine is negative 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ans: 30 degrees sounds fine to me.

  • Introvert or Extrovert?

Ans: I am a blend of the two. An introverted extrovert 🙂

  • What about yourself would you change if you could?

Ans: Stop eating too many sweet things.

  • What scares you the most? Claustrophobic, myself. That and I hate needles.

Ans: Snakes. I don’t mind being cooped in as long as I have a good supply of good reads and a jotter + Food

  • Why do you blog?

Ans: So that I can meet people like you. So that I can share my thoughts

  • Who is your favorite musician?

Ans: Women of Faith, Dido, Bob Marley, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Nigerian Musicians: It is a very long list.

Here comes the Sun nominees…:

Anand’s Parodies & Caricatures

Christian Mihai

The Motivational Team

MLou Photography Blog

A Good Blog is Hard to Find

Lynz real cooking

Destination Enlightenment


Tlizzy – My little bit of serenity

Haddons Musings



Just 11 questions..:

  1. Do you have unusual hobbies?
  2. Do you volunteer with any charity?
  3. What is something that you tried but will never do again?
  4. What quirky habit do you have?
  5. Any best friends?
  6. What is your biggest fear?
  7. Where is that one place in the World you wish you lived in?
  8. Who has most influenced your life?
  9. Who is your favorite author?
  10. What is the one career you would love to enter?
  11. What is that thing you used to do as a child that you wish you could still do?

Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy the reflections the opportunity to answer the questions gave me.


Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha





Blog Awards · Blogging · Inspiration - Motivation

It’s a harvest…Sisterhood

sisterhood of the world bloggersI have 2 biological sisters. They are very, very dear to my heart (the two very’s used here are for both of them, so that they don’t fight over who exactly the very is for, if I only use one 🙂 We fight and love each other to bits (never try to get your word in; you might find us showing you the way out, whilst we make a cuppa and settle our differences). They are my rocks of support and cheerleaders. Never hesitating for a moment to kick me in the butt when I need it; and plenty times too. Hey! Wait a minute! I am human you know 😉

Now, I have so many other sisters, across Continents and all the oceans that divide us. Their words of encouragement, humor, virtual hugs, pokes and friendly advise have come to mean so much to me and the saying that ”wherever we are, it is really our friends that make our World, be it one, two, three or a dozen” is very true.

Thank you aidly193 for this warm nomination. You sparkle 🙂 sisters

Now to the nitty gritty. The rules of the award are:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site

2. Put the award logo on your blog

3. Answer the ten questions sent to you

4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer

5. Nominate five blogs!

The questions asked are:

1. What is something you’ve always wanted?

Ans: The whole truth and nothing but the truth, something that I have always wanted is actually not an item that can be put in finite figures, nor can it be bought in the shops. It is simply ‘Peace of mind.’

2. What is your dream car?

Ans: My dream car changes like fickle breeze. Today I would ooh and aah over a Tahoe, tomorrow it would be a Corvette. I once had an affair going with a Range Rover until my husband bought one. Then the ardor cooled off and my roving eyes started wandering to the Mercedes Benz G wagon. I have expensive taste. Come on! Girls like toys too you know 😉

3. What is your favorite meal?

Ans: This may come as a surprise. I love everything edible, but you can catch my goat any day with plain Yoghurt (not the flavored ones) sprinkled with nuts. However, the bane of my life is gooey, chocolaty cake or ice-cream.

4. What is your favorite book?

Ans: I have fallen in love with so many books over the years that it is really a difficult choice to settle on one. The book that sticks in my minds eye as a child is The magic faraway tree by Enid Blyton. It simply made the World magical to me. As an adult, nothing beats my Bible. The treasures buried within never cease to amaze me.

5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Ans: Recently, I have been thinking of so many parts of Asia.

6. What did you do for your latest birthday?

Ans: I was treated to a handsome breakfast orchestrated by hubby and kids. A lovely dinner (where I was allowed to have a large dollop of sinful ice-cream) and a beautiful set of silver jewellery, plus nail polish from my daughter, hand-picked flowers and body spray from my boys 🙂

7. What is your favorite genre of music?

Ans: My love for music is very eclectic and purely depends on the mood that I find myself in. It could be something calm and soothing to rollicking Afro pop. The short and simple thing is that I love every noise called music (that does not include the yowling from the cat).

8. What is something most people don’t know about you?

Ans: Shh! Can you keep a secret? I sometimes feel lonely in the midst of a crowd. Does that count as a secret?

9. If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?

Ans: Why does Adolf Hitler come to my mind? I would sit him down and give him a piece of my mind.

10. What is your shoe size?

Ans: A whooping size 11. I envy all those dainty feet of other women, but I guess the feet size has to match the height of it’s owner 5ft 11in.

Now my nominees are:

Lynz real cooking: For all those lovely meals you keep serving up online.

Nena: I am happy I found you.

Oluseye Ashiru: For your lovely prayers and sage parental counsel.

Lucid gypsy: For the lovely interactions. Your posts make me smile.

Nedoux: I am glad I found you.

Do follow the rules above and kindly spill your guts below. Enjoy 😉

  1. Are you a shopper or a penny pincher?
  2. Do you have any hidden talents?
  3. Do you dream often?
  4. Do you think romance books and fairy tales influence our choice of a partner?
  5. Are you an emotional person?
  6. Are there any causes that you strongly believe in?
  7. How are you feeling right now?
  8. How do you make decisions?
  9. What is your secret desire?
  10. In a short prose, describe your town.

Looking forward to reading the scoop. Be blessed.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Blog Awards · Blogging · Inspiration - Motivation

Liebster….Now isn’t that Sweet?..


Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers and having being nominated by Eloquentparadise I needed to know more. Looking up the meaning from different angles, I was pleasantly surprised to learn the meaning of Liebster.

Liebster is a German word which means sweet, kind, dearest, beloved, lovely, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcoming. It is a word that connotes loads of positives and getting to know the meaning made it’s worth go up so many notches in appreciation.

Well if that is not sweet, I don’t know what else is :).

Blogging is all about connecting and building a community and this is a way to help put out word about new bloggers/blogs out there. It helps build the backbones of budding bloggers like me. Like a balm to a writing soul and a lovely pat to an ample back like mine 🙂 Thank you Eloquentparadise for the honor.

Just 6 little rules to follow below:

  1. Link back the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominator.
  3. Display the Liebster award logo in your post.
  4. Nominate other bloggers.
  5. Create 11 questions for the nominees.
  6. Notify all nominees via social media or blogs.

Now, to the nitty, gritty part of answering my 11 questions which are:

  • 1. Do you have a bucket list? If yes, what are top three things on it?

Ans: NO, I don’t have a bucket list. Not yet at least. Maybe because I haven’t given it much thought and think I will get to that when I am in my 70’s hopefully.

  • 2. What is the best thing about your personality?

Ans: My friendly nature and effervescent optimistic sense.

  • 3. Do you like to travel? What is your dream holiday escape?

Ans: I love to travel. I love seeing new places and observing new cultures. It feeds my curious mind. I soak new experience like sponge and every place my feet has stepped on so far on planet Earth has left its little annotation on my person. In respect to a dream holiday escape, I would like to think that my previous stay in Burj Al Arab in Dubai was not only decadent, but also one of my most relaxing vacation times. I am not big on planning for a vacation. I keep an open mind to the adventure of it all after the jet lag or drive lag.

  • 4. Books or Cinema?

Ans: I adore books, I adore books, I adore books, how many times am I allowed to say that :)?

  • 5. Friends or lover?

Ans: Friends are timeless. They are like the family that we choose for ourselves.

  • 6. Are you a morning person?

Ans: I am such a morning person. I try to get all the hardest stuff done early in the day so that I can have a guilt free evening to bury my nose in my book of the moment, watch a movie, dance or simply do nothing.

  • 7. What is your most longstanding dream?

Ans: To become an accomplished writer. That has been my steadfast dream in a line of pipe long dreams which has ranged from the desire to be an acclaimed actress. I can be very dramatic you know. I did some school dramas in my teens just in case you are considering me for a role – I can quickly dust up my rusty CV.

  • 8.Where do you see yourself 8 years from now?

Ans: 8 years is to far to think on. I live in the moment. I try to make the best of each day and take the year one after the other.

  • 9. Roses or Orchids?

Ans: I love all flowers, but since I have to choose I will take Orchids. They look more exotic.

  • 10. Skies or oceans?

Ans: The sky is everywhere and serves my imagination. I only have to look up to see the story painted in the sky. I have to go a distance to see the oceans.

  • 11. Do you have an ideology? What is it?

Ans: I believe in God!

My nominees are:





Claremary P. Sweeney

Azhar Yousef

My questions are:

  1. What was the most difficult job you ever did?
  2. If there is one thing you could change about yourself what would that be?
  3. When you were growing up, did you think about becoming famous when you grow up?
  4. Name and share one song you listen to repeatedly and why?
  5. Do you enjoy dancing or are you a wall flower?
  6. What is that one thing that always brings a smile to your face?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. What would you like as a surprise vacation?
  9. Have you ever given much thought to the purpose of life?
  10. Do you believe in the existence of God?
  11. Have you ever volunteered for something?

I hope you have fun baring your thoughts. Cheers 🙂


Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha