#teamwork · Finance · Partners

Partners WANTED!!…

In this journey, you simply can’t go it alone. A lot of times you need to team up with others to achieve certain goals and that is one of the essence and rules of public engagement.

Blogging and writing are public engagement. Yes indeed, we write for ourselves, but when we lack readers, after a while, our zeal wanes.

This is a topic that I have given much reflection over the past few months and as a matter of fact, I put up a page on my header that reads ‘I am for hire.’

I am sourcing for blog partners who are interested in renting prime advert space on my sidebar which will be at a very nominal fee and arrangements can be made for convenient durations of 3 months, 6 months, 1 year…

What are the benefits?

  • It will be a growth focused team effort.
  • A mutually beneficial endeavour.
  • The blog’s logo/URL will be hosted on my sidebar under the title ‘My partners’ and a click will take an interested party directly to your site.
  • A weekly feature of partners post.
  • The high possibility of more visibility.
  • As I search for more room for growth, I take you along with me.
  • It will support me to maintain my blog.

Inspired Beacon is my first partner and if you look to my sidebar you’ll see the logo nicely emblazoned there. I also find that I have a lot to learn from Kaylaa Blackwell the blog author.

Asides from brilliant, inspiring posts that she publishes, she’s setting up an enviable e-commerce store. Inspired Beacon is a forward-focused blog and I admire such entrepreneurship and positivism.

Will you take a chance on me?

Would you like to work with me?

I’m sure that it will be a worthwhile opportunity for growth.

You can send me an email: JacquelineObyIkocha@gmail.com or use my contact page on the header.

I look forward to hearing from you and my door is open for suggestions.


Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Image credit: Pixabay.com

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath


Never leave me lonely

With words left unsaid

You walk away into the dark

Like a mist, that melts away.

9 thoughts on “Partners WANTED!!…

  1. This is a wonderful idea. Creating a logo is top of my to do list right under get more sleep 😉 I am swamped at the moment (working hard for a promotion at work ::fingers crossed!:: ) but this something I’d like to explore when the dust settles and I can spend five minutes on something other than my day job.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! My dear girl how do you cope without breaking down? Your job seems pretty pressuring, I just pray you get that promotion because you are such a hard worker and it shows in your writing too. I bet you don’t rest during the weekends.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You work so hard and reach out to so many, I sincerely hope for some financial benefits to you. You have been amazing in your generosity to promote other bloggers. You have a fantastic following. Blessings to you, dear one.

    Liked by 1 person

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