Blogging · Inspiration - Motivation

Let’s Do The Mathematics Of Blogging…

If I were to lend an ear to a new blogger, my first words would be:Cartoon Teacher | lol-

  • Go to school! WordPress Blogging University offers such facilities at no cost. Get involved and learn how to make your blog better.
  • Don’t sweat it! Don’t chew off your fingernails in anxiety with your eyes glued on the statistics of your blog  right from the onset.

If you keep your eyes on that statistics dashboard, it will leave you with lots of angst, which can get pretty exhausting.

Easier said than done, but if you really want to grow, you have to be pragmatic in your approach.

  • Write from your heart and not someone else’s heart.
  • After the writing, go and mingle with others as much as you possibly can.
  • No! Don’t just pin up a post, then go off to the beach to pluck your toes in the water and your butt in the sand, surfing YouTube and sipping pina colada. Your blog will not read itself. Nope! It won’t.
  • I will say it again. ‘MINGLE IN THE MIX.’ As time goes on, you will find your footing, gain some lovely friends and it will surely grow.
  • Be social media friendly. Yes I know it’s Evil, but it has it’s good sides too 😉

The Truth and Nothing But The Naked Truth is that every good and successful blog out there took a lot of work and time from the blogger.

  • Lest I forget, please check the grammar as well. No one likes to read mumbo-jumbo. An occasional mistake can be overlooked, but I must warn you that there are grammar Nazi out here looking for who to catch 😉

Now Go Ye And Be Blog Happy. Every successful blogger started with zero follows and when you add these recipes plus more, you will see the digits come up.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post Key Takeaway.

Give your newer sisters and brothers-in-WordPress one piece of advice based on your experiences blogging.

If you’re a new blogger, what’s one question you’d like to ask other bloggers?

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70 thoughts on “Let’s Do The Mathematics Of Blogging…

  1. “No! Don’t just pin up a post, then go off to the beach to pluck your toes in the water and your butt in the sand, surfing YouTube and sipping pina colada. Your blog will not read itself. Nope! It won’t.”

    LOL I love this part. Great advice for new bloggers! Very wise and very true. Thanks for sharing it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent advice from someone who really knows what she’s doing! I love connecting with other bloggers…it kinda feels a bit like comradery for the blogging community. I’d also like to add to this, do not become discouraged when you see others grow quickly and you’re barely moving along. There are so many factors that contribute to this. But as long as you’re growing, no matter what the pace, you will be OK. Just like human beings all grow at a difference pace, the same can be said for our blogs. Just keep at it.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Golden tips dear ❤ I always enroll in blogging courses here at wordpress I was sad I couldn't do it this month or February, it's a great place there to learn something new and to meet new bloggers

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a very good grooming ground. The classes fill up pretty quickly these days. I wanted the January class but couldn’t register ‘cos it was full. The thing is to think ahead and register early. A lesson learnt.


  4. Unless……..while at the beach you take great shots and come home and share them with your fellow travellers……your lovely blog neighbors of course! And while on the way, take more pictures of roadside scenes ! Blog while you are away from your blog I say 😀 Great advice here as always Jackie!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great advice! I will be taking every single one of these things in to account in the future. Stats are something that I have to force myself not to look at, simply to not get discouraged.


  6. Great advice – especially the bit about getting out there and reading and networking with fellow bloggers. I have found so many amazing and inspirational people/blogs since I started looking beyond my own backyard. It is a great way to grow 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I must admit WordPress’s “Blogging 101” was a bust for me. Two reasons. First, I am a slooow learner…definitely NOT a geek…when it comes to computer savvy. I kinda got lost after the 4th day and dropped out. BUt…I did learn a few points. At times I got so frustrated I didn’t know what question to ask first. BUT…hold on, pardner…I’m, gonna give it another try! Second, I had only “Writing 101” to compare it with and I found the participants in “Blogging” were not as eager to share comments relating to the post content. For me, sharing comments boosted my enthusiasm; so in this respect, I was quite disappointed. Thanks for listening!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am sure that you will be surprised yourself that the next experience might be better. Some people are not particularly very keen on making comments which is a crying shame because it surely oils the interaction faster.


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