Creative Writing · Fiction · Hope · Short Stories

Out Of The Cold Damp…

Sandra’s eyes glazed over in tears of joy, as she perused the documents in her hands with careful intent.

At last! At long last she has a home that she could rightfully call hers. Her heart swelled in gratitude.

A home in a decent neighbourhood and not the squalid neighbourhood that she grew up in.

Sometimes, they had no electricity, because there was no money to pay and it was always cold, damp and freezing during the Winter.

She had promised herself that she would not end up there.

She knew that life held more for her than that and she was determined to succeed.

Studying hard to break out of that mould has been worth all the trouble.

Working and saving all that she could is yielding positive dividends.

Now she could move her aged mother out of the pits to live with her in a beautiful neighbourhood, where there would be light and warmth.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to the FFAW photo prompt above. Thank you Louise for the photo and Priceless Joy for your enabling platform.


17 thoughts on “Out Of The Cold Damp…

  1. A good home in a safe neighbourhood is definitely important. I like how your character is working hard to study and make a better life for herself and her mother. Great job.

    Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..