Guide To Better Living · Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 20

My coast enlarges day by day. I am making the world around me a better place by doing the things that I choose to do every day with joy, calmness, patience and love. Jacqueline

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

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#LawofAttraction, #Manifestation, #Believe #Thepowerofpositivethinking, #positiveaffirmations, #abundancementality, #findinggreaterjoy, #BodyMindSpirit, #ShiftingPerspectives, #FulfilledLife #PurposeDriven

Featured Blogs

Posts That Caught My Interest #5

I love positive things. I love progress and exciting news. I love to see people chase after their aspirations and dreams and watch them grow. It inspires me more than I can tell you. Some days when my inspiration tank is low, good news from others pep me up and keep me going. Michele, I know you’ll do exceedingly well on this new path. 

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Inspired Beacon’s posts on better living, food for thought, inspiration, success tips, personal development and business sense keeps me pushing for higher grounds. Never Stop Fighting.

The ‘Fine Lines’ of this poem is not only riveting but empowering in its raw state.

I am mastering ‘How To Sail My Ship,’ how are you doing yours?

You have a right to your opinion, but you’ve got to learn to accept ‘My Opinion.’ In the bid to state your opinion as tell it as it is, also learn that it’s not a license to whiplash others with your venom.

I honestly can’t explain how it must feel to be purchased. A short post ‘I was a purchase,’ that left me pondering.

Comment is closed to encourage you to visit the featured links.




Check out my new book on Amazon

Book cover, Unbridled, Poetry book, Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha, Bold Must-read



Bloggers, Blogging, Promoting, Success,

Results Take Too Long

Naturally, when we start any venture we want to see results and many bloggers jump into the process of blogging anticipating quick results. When the stark reality of the grind sets in and when their expected results take longer to meet, most become discouraged, quit blogging and go searching for the next trendy thing.

Without mincing words, blogging success takes time. A lot of time! Just keep plugging away.

You are not promoting yourself

A lot of bloggers/writers are not comfortable promoting their work sometimes due to lack of confidence in their work or the assumption that promoting their work is being arrogant and full of pride.

I’ve once had a newbie ask me ‘how would anyone read their blog with all the fascinating millions of blogs floating out there,’ my first thought was, ‘with this thought pattern, maybe you shouldn’t bother,’ but I ruminated over it and advised her to continue with her writing, make more effort to connect with others and let the readers decide if her work is good enough.

The reality is that if you don’t promote yourself, no one else will. There are ways to put yourself out there and to promote your work without coming across as obtuse.

Can’t Deal with Criticism

A lot of people may not like your style or agree with you and now and again, you come across some downright sour people on social media. They will leave their rude comments, opinions and sometimes even personal attacks.

You can moderate your comments to distance yourself from trolls, but you still need to acquire the diplomatic skill of handling constructive criticism. Learn not to take such confrontations personal, most times this is bullying tactics not worth spending time on. Read more…

My Thinking Corner

My Thinking Corner…

quotes, flowers, push the boundaries, success, growth, motivation, inspiration, resilience

You truly can’t afford the cost of staying at the bottom. That space is overcrowded. Crawl, climb, jump, keep moving in any way that you can, but just get out of there.

The problem with staying stuck at the bottom of the barrel is that there are far too many enablers who are willing to keep you company and even provide some background music to your whining.

If you want to change your direction and growth, you have to lead yourself out of that confined space. It may mean losing your backup singers but know that the orchestra sounds better the higher you go.

Saying that our destiny lies in our hands may be clichéd but nonetheless true.

Lots of times, the odds would be stacked heavily against us at the bottom, however, we mustn’t keep our eyes on the stumbling blocks in our path, but on our aspired destination and keep pushing.

An inspiring post ‘subscribe to your successful self’ from Lady Cee is a great read that buttresses these points.



Invitation To Partner Up

Smiles, Sit, Rest, Friendship

A lot of times, we need support from others to get where we need to be and this leads to a mutually benefiting partnership.

Would you consider being my strategic partner?

I am sourcing for blog partners who are interested in renting prime advert space on my sidebar which will be at a very nominal fee and arrangements can be made for convenient durations of 6 months, 1 year…

What are the benefits?

It will be a growth focused team effort.
A mutually beneficial endeavour.
The blog’s logo/URL will be hosted on my sidebar under the title ‘My Strategic Partners’and a click will take reader’s directly to your site.
Regular promoting of partners blog.
An interview to introduce you.
The possibility of more visibility.
As I search for more room for growth, I take you along with me.
It will support me to maintain my blog.
So, what do you think? You can reach me through my email:

I look forward to working with you and to your support.



Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivation and Musings 110


Life is a continuum and as much as we don’t like our comfort being disturbed the truth is that after a while your comfort zone becomes stale, discomforting and claustrophobic.

In order to keep growing, we have to consistently stretch the limbs of our imagination. The strength of our creativity, our physical and spiritual growth is highly dependent on how we dare ourselves to grow from the familiar to unfamiliar. Don’t settle! Don’t stagnate. Keep pushing for higher grounds. The harder you push, the easier it becomes.

This analogy can be likened to a crab that periodically molts and sheds its exoskeleton which would leave it vulnerable and fragile for some time while it continues to grow into its new shell and then molts again when it’s inelastic shell becomes too tight.

Be that crab.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S. We’ll be having our monthly blog party 1st – 2nd of October. I’ll keep you posted.

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My Thinking Corner

Tuesdays Trickles – My thinking Corner

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple. You can check this link for more details.


When we were young we were full of ambition, dreams, and drive, but when we get to a certain age there’s the tendency to let go of our deep desires, which gives way to the need to just get along with living and paying the bills. We unconsciously tell our minds that we are too old to pursue certain dreams.

This creates a chasm of dissatisfaction deep inside anyone who has found themselves in such a position and it just never goes away no matter how much effort is made to mask such desires.

When we realize that our destiny lies in our hands through our thinking; when we realize that so long as we still inhabit our bodies and notwithstanding the fact that we grow older, that as long as we’re mentally, physically and spiritually able, we can still pursue some of those dreams that gave us bright eyes and lit up our hearts.

I’ve seen people obtain degrees in their old age, change careers or start a business late in life. Never stop dreaming. Never stop pursuing your dreams.

Deb sends in inspiring words of wisdom. Take a peek 🙂


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My Thinking Corner

Tuesdays Trickles – My Thinking Corner.

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple. You can check this link for more details.


♦ The afflictions that life brings us are like furnaces of refinement, that purifies the afflicted.

♦ To experience harmony, we have to accept our painful past experiences as pebbles to climb up higher to the light.

When I took my eye’s away from the mess of the pain that the harsh experience of life brought my way, I started to see the message. At a first glance, it may look too hard and insurmountable, but you should look again and again. There’s always a better possibility.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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Support Me.

My Thinking Corner

Tuesdays Trickles – My Thinking Corner

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple. You can check this link for more details.


♦  When you expand your thinking, your beliefs and everything about yourself, your love and understanding flow freely.

♦ On the alternate side, when you contract, you put up walls and shut yourself off from growth.

Always ask yourself; ‘do I want to grow or do I want to remain stunted?’

Awesome thoughts come in from Oba’s big picture  and Rosema’s handpicked. You’ve got to read these 🙂


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Support Me.


Flourish in August.

Welcome to August

May you be planted

in the courts of the Lord

and flourish even in old age.


Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


“Beautiful Poetry of Life and Love.” Amanda

Out of the silent breath