Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life

Accepting Me….

Arriving at a state of confidence has been a journey of a lifetime for me. False bravado can be easily mistaken for confidence but the difference in the two lies in that one can be likened to a wisp of cloud that fizzles away and the other the formation of a whole sky. confidence

It has been a hard won process of learning to love and accept myself, mistakes, warts and all; not because I am perfect but because I am enough, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, because I am a blessing and not an illusion, because I can and will be.

It hasn’t always been so, but time and grace has made me grow very comfortable in my own skin, able to hold my own fort and sensible enough to know that honesty and integrity makes a wholesome human. Honesty breeds confidence because you can stand tall.

In the process of regeneration, there have been times when I have felt like a fraud.

When I felt like I wasn’t up to snuff and that I was simply putting on a facade, but faith and positive affirmations stood in the gap for me and reminded me that I am what I choose to be, that I should not have fear of being found wanting but to have courage because He is.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post prompt The Great Pretender

Are you full of confidence or have you ever suffered from Imposter Syndrome? Tell us all about it.

40 thoughts on “Accepting Me….

  1. This is beautiful, Jacqueline. I never experienced full self-acceptance until I was about fifty. It is a wonderful thing and the ability to love others is unleashed when we learn to love ourselves as Jesus loves us. I’ve been a slow regenerator but regenerate the same.:0)

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    1. Pam darling, even though it took a while to get there, the important thing is that you arrived and it is a wonderful thing indeed. It was God’s grace and still is grace because refining me according to his will is a continuous process. Enjoy a beautiful day today my lady 🙂

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  2. “It is no longer necessary to try and impress anyone.” Yes, yes, yes. Thanks so much, Jacqueline, I so needed to hear this today! For me, maturing to this level has been a process, not an event. Today, I’m trying to honor that process. Your good words help! Have a blessed day.

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  3. Thank you, Jacqueline! A continuous journey, no? Even if I know this in all of my mind and heart, there will still be soft spots where a rogue word or gesture by someone else sears straight to my deep insecurities. That is when the daily practice of self-acceptance can save me. It allows me to recognize the hole sooner and patch it with self-love ASAP. The more self-love, the more other-love, and eventually, world peace!! 😁

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    1. Oh definitely! It is a continuous journey indeed but it is also like building one’s body muscle, but in this case, mental, spiritual muscles so that one bounces back fast after a setback and like you said, more self-love, more one can love others.

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  4. Oneta introduced you to me, and I’m so glad! New follow here. This, your first post I have read, is me, me, me! It’s been a long long, and God is just so good to help us get over ourselves. Thank you! Looking forward to more.

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    1. Hello Dawn, it is my utmost pleasure to meet you 🙂 Oneta is one fine and lovely lady and even though we have not met face to face, I count her a good and wise friend and if the future permits, one day we might meet. I will definitely tag along behind you and see what you get up to. Indeed, God’s grace is sufficient and it is only through it and by it that I live. Kind regards and God bless 🙂

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    1. Hmm! That’s an interesting analogy. Your forces are truly powerful. The tide and ebb of confidence happens but I guess the important thing is that at the end of the day one is able to come out of the tossing waves stronger and not broken. That’s okay 🙂

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  5. I am very confident with some aspects of myself – not as much with others, especially when that confidence is easily shattered by small, silly things…so I guess it will always be a work in progress for me. I suppose I should be glad that I’m not going through my high school years in this day and age! I would be a hot mess, sad to say!

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  6. I have been down this same road and it was a long journey getting to where I am now…believing in myself and my abilities. I understand the struggle, self-improvement is a daily task and never ending. There’s a lot to be learned on the path to becoming the greatest version of yourself…and self-confidence is just one aspect of it, but an important one nevertheless.

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