Devotions · Quotes For You · Today


Faith unlocks the door to your vision.

Quotes, Faith, Tomorrow, Today, Heart, Positive Vibes

Unbridled Now Available



Featured Blogs

Featured Posts – Share your post links



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Do step in and show some love.

Walk on in faith Beautiful snippet of wisdom.

Love drops – Useful resource

Mack A post that’ll make you smile.

Burden- unburdened Poignant poem from Philip. Anyone who makes us feel like a burden is not worth our time.

Autism in our nest Inspiring post. Raising an autistic or any challenged child is a walk in grace.

‘Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.


Welcome to July…


May this new month of July

be a month of fulfilment

a month of hope and faith

infinite grace and love 

for you and your loved ones.


P.S: I hope to see you at our online party  today. It’s always a good time:-)

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


‘A Richly Layered and Passionate Read.’ Jan Cliff

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works, you can fuel my creativity with a cup of coffee or a slice of cake😉

Featured Blogs · Share A Link

Featured Posts # 59 …Share your post links.



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

The revengewogger: Breidengale’s blog is a totally inspiring journey of an awesome lady. In her own words below:

Started off wanting revenge in a race against a friend. Turned into getting revenge on my body that attacked me with cancer. Learning to adapt and laugh at the curveballs life has thrown my way while still focusing on running that race next year harder and faster!

ShiVibes: Shihana is a young blogger friend of mine 🙂 In her own words below, she introduces herself. Please show some warm welcome 🙂

Hey there! I am Shihana Nachiya. Eighteen years old Indian girl bought up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Another lost soul, wandering on this planet, trying to find a purpose in her life.
Words keep buzzing in my head, often leaving me restless.
I’m a dabbler in many things; poet, writer, photographer, bathroom singer, cook and a huge foodie, feminist, voracious reader, a music lover, life enthusiast and a good friend.

Give me a break: Very tenacious Squirrel. This will put a smile on your face for sure 🙂

Finding faith in fear: I truly enjoyed reading Susan’s article. It’s concise, practical and inspiring and here’s my comment.

This is so inspiring and equally practical. Our faith is active and we let go of the fear and trust in the Lord. I like the idea of sitting down and identifying the facts and the root of our fear. That way we get a better grip of it. I enjoyed reading this.

Please do step in and show some love.

‘Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

P.S. Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.’

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

I hear you in my thoughts…

Your words of wisdom,

of love and encouragement…

They are etched upon my soul.

They keep me warm.


*an excerpt from my poem*

Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Musings and Motivations # 45…


A lot of times, we have challenges that we face but lack the zeal to take them on.

Once our spirit to take them on is down, we find that the voice of pessimism and all the possible excuses will offer themselves on shiny platters for us to choose from.

However, the downturn to helping ourselves to the platter of excuses is that it’s often accompanied by a cane for self-flagellation and guilt, which will eventually show itself when the consequences of our actions or inactions dawn on us.

Sometimes, we need not have huge amounts of faith or courage.

Indeed,  a peanut-sized one will suffice, but if we can dig in our heels and get started with it, you find that the zeal and courage required to continue surfaces.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Creative Writing · Fiction · Friday Fiction in Five Sentences · Hope

Her Wintertime…Friday’s Fiction In Five Sentences.

The tiny cry is simply magical.

The best sound that she’s ever heard.

For sixteen years she waited in the Lords chambers, until her faith had virtually shriveled to nothing.

Raising her tired arms, she holds them out for her brand new bundle of love.

At last, when she no longer expected it, fate chose to visit her in Wintertime.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Image credit: Pinterest.

Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life

Accepting Me….

Arriving at a state of confidence has been a journey of a lifetime for me. False bravado can be easily mistaken for confidence but the difference in the two lies in that one can be likened to a wisp of cloud that fizzles away and the other the formation of a whole sky. confidence

It has been a hard won process of learning to love and accept myself, mistakes, warts and all; not because I am perfect but because I am enough, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, because I am a blessing and not an illusion, because I can and will be.

It hasn’t always been so, but time and grace has made me grow very comfortable in my own skin, able to hold my own fort and sensible enough to know that honesty and integrity makes a wholesome human. Honesty breeds confidence because you can stand tall.

In the process of regeneration, there have been times when I have felt like a fraud.

When I felt like I wasn’t up to snuff and that I was simply putting on a facade, but faith and positive affirmations stood in the gap for me and reminded me that I am what I choose to be, that I should not have fear of being found wanting but to have courage because He is.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post prompt The Great Pretender

Are you full of confidence or have you ever suffered from Imposter Syndrome? Tell us all about it.

Creative Writing · Devotions · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Musings · Poetry/Poems

Victorious Peace Even When The Tempest Rages…

Glorious sunset

The winds whispered and then they howled,

The thunder clapped and began to roar,

The lightning danced, throwing fire darts in mad glee,

The Earth rumbled in the quake,

It’s groaning and shivering,

A disheartened statement from deep tectonic plates.

We thought that all would be rendered asunder…..

…..But then came The voice and whispered into the ravaged Earth,

Dripping red with blood,

Peace! Be still!

……and the Earth stood still.

May the peace that transcends common understanding,

Be your portion today and always.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post prompt Victory

Forget the sad times. This week, it’s all about reveling in a win.

Devotions · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life

A lovely lady…a shopping encounter

Strength & Courage Quotes 12

Whats on my mind you ask?

This evening, I went grocery shopping with the children and as we traipsed lazily down the aisle, a young, tall, slim, beautiful lady passed me by with a young child.

The first thing that I saw was her hair that was shaved to the scalp and she wore the skin-cut with pride.

I tried not to stare, but I knew. My spirit grew disquietened.

In my heart, I knew that this lovely soul is battling for her life.

We walked past her and continued our shopping but my mind couldn’t focus.

After a while, I backtracked several aisles down to find her. I felt a bit nervous that she might not appreciate my disturbing her peace, but a little voice in my heart said Go! So I continued.

I approached tentatively and out-rightly told her that I noticed her shaved scalp and she confirmed that she has breast cancer.

My heart went out to this total stranger. I have witnessed first hand the heart-rending havoc that cancer wreaks on sufferers.

We talked for a while, it turned out she has a chemo/radiation session tomorrow and of course she is trying to live life as normal as possible especially for her young child.

By the end of our discussion, ironically, she ended up comforting me. We shared a blessing and a hug.

I admire her strength and really wish her well. I wish her miracles. Cancer

I wish more Grace and strength to those who are suffering at this time.

May faith, peace and healing hands be your portion.

Kind regards.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Devotions · Family · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Love · Weave that Dream

Through the Eyes of a Tiny Tot…a refreshing encounter


This post is inspired by my yesterdays observation as a social voyeur and I came away with a good number of lessons even though the young baby had no idea that his display was teaching me some of life’s simple lessons.

The weather in Dubai had cooled sufficiently that you could go down to the pool and relax without turning into burnt offering, so when the kids came back from school and raced through their homework, I agreed to take them to the poolside.

They swam whilst I lounged with my fave read of the moment ‘My Vision – Challenges in the race of Excellence‘ The book of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, the Ruler of Dubai and Vice-President of the United Arab Emirates.

I was quite engrossed in the glossy pictures of the Sheikh and his Falcon when an insistent shrilling cry of a child roused my attention.

I watched this tiny young fella; just about a year old by my estimate, wrestle and put up a squiggly fight with his parents as they tried to squeeze him into a floater.

He wailed. He tried to tuck his legs under his butt. He squirmed and wriggled and did his very best to escape the inevitable, but alas, he lost the battle.

His Mama managed to persuade his cute plump legs with those gorgeous baby folds into the float openings – I have something about babies. I adore them 🙂 and if nature had not decided I would have had a family of 7 children!

Well, back to our story. When mama had the young fella secured in, into the water he went with his father.

A baby bellow, squawk and shriek all followed his affront from being put in the pool! I gathered that it was his first experience.

By this time my entire attention had diverted from my read to watch the child and I unfortunately missed capturing on camera the initial bloody battle moments and his attempted maneuvers.

His dad held him and they made their way from one end of the pool to the other a couple of times and in no time at all the young chap was chortling happily and was all smiles. I was smiling too! 🙂

This went on for a little bit and before you could say ‘hey presto’ he got right into the groove of things.

After a worthwhile half an hour paddle and it appeared he was getting cold, his dad decided to get him out of the water and another loud protest ensued.

To my amazement the little fella did not want to come out! Here was a young thing screaming like the sky was about to fall a few minutes ago before he was persuaded albeit reluctantly to get into the water, now doing an about face and exhibiting his reluctance to come out!

They bundled him into a towel eventually and:

An ordinary, mundane experience left me with a good number of reflections:

How we always tend to draw a conclusion about an experience without even trying it out first.

How a new start of everything is filled with nervous trepidation and yet when we do apply ourselves, we conquer.

How fear and not faith always seems to be the first primal reaction to change in the human life.

His dad’s steering hand figuratively resembled the hands of God to me. When God wants to steer us in the right direction knowing that he is taking us to a good place but we stubbornly assert our independence until he lets go and allows us our free will.

How little encouragement and motivation (though forced in this case) can help us get on higher grounds. Growing pains in anything may be difficult but they are always surmountable.

How we are always reluctant to stop doing something (good or bad) when we have started it.

That we should be floats for others as many as we can encourage and motivate.

In this little application, not only did he conquer, but his joy resembles self-actualization.

So there it is, I bet the young fella will not forget the good experience from his first dunking and would be happier next time around.

If you gleaned anymore hidden message in this little story. Please do share.

Thanks and kind regards.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha