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Today’s featured blogs are:

Storm Puppies

What a darling little story. Short fifty words that will infuse your heart with warmth. Enjoy

Town talks with Deborah:

Let’s meet the creative vendors at Metropolitan Museum of Art.

You’ve got talent

A lovely and inspiring post to kick-start your morning.

Maybe you don’t recognize it, but you have something within you that you like to do, that you’re good at, and that can be used in God’s kingdom! Remember the parable of the talents? Notice that nobody was left out! One talent was the minimum given to anyone!

Tuesday Chatter

Eugenia’s chatter is like taking a hearty broth with chuckles and history tossed into the mix. I totally, totally enjoy them. Read the witty poem.

Why jails and prisons shouldn’t be asylums

I can’t even begin to imagine the horrors that happen in privatized prisons. It just doesn’t bear thinking and it’s rather unfortunate when mentally ill patients are incarcerated, ignored and treated like criminals.

White Poppies

Poppies are a scattered to serve as a reminder ‘lest we forget, always and forever.’ This beautiful image and deep thought inducing quote might appear simple, yet it’s simplicity speaks volumes.


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‘Remember, we create a cohesive community when we come together.

Check out my latest book ‘Unbridled.’

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Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Awesome Talents Abound – Echoes of my neighbourhood

To be an artist is to believe in life – Henry Moore

The just concluded World Art Exhibition in Dubai was sublime. My eyes fed on the creativity of talented artists from different parts of the world with such greed and pleasure that I went away sated and feeling fuller than one who had gorged on a 5-course meal continental buffet.

The huge display of artwork that ranged from the simple to magnificent pieces evoked all possible emotions that you can think of except anger. I tittered in laughter, I sighed, I gaped, I felt wistful, happy, melancholic, inspired…. Some pieces were simple to understand, some frightened you with their darkness, but the greatest feeling that I had was to take all of them home with me.

Unfortunately, at this present time, my heart is willing but my pocket is lean. The prices of some of these pieces could keep yours truly fed fat for a year. The wonderful thing about exhibitions is that for the token fee charged at the entrance you get to enjoy the lovely ambiance and window shop for free 😉

Here are some of the photos taken out of over 600 shots that need to be curated and enjoyed.

Take a peek. Lady Lee inspires me with her photos. I’ve got an idea for this weekend.

I would like to offer the free use of any of my photographs that interest you.

Should at any time you wish to use my images, please feel free to give me a nudge and I’ll email it to you free from any image credit attributions. 

My Thinking Corner

Your Success and You – My Thinking Corner

Success Quotes, Dreams, Inspiration

  • Accept that you are probably going to fail many times before you succeed, however, nothing can defeat your hustle except when you accept that your failures are cast in stone.
  • Your success is not what you dream of. Your success is the actions taken to bring your dreams to life.
  • Our failure is not in the lack of our talent, for each of us has been blessed in abundance; our failure is the lack of self-control in mastering our passions and making them multiply.


Everyday People · Fascinating

Skilled craft…Every day beautiful people # 72

“I really believe that everyone has a talent, ability or skill that he can mine to support himself and to succeed in life.” Dean Koontz


In my usual meandering, I came across this man weaving his fishing apparatus by the Creekside and it was quite interesting to watch his dexterous fingers as he painstakingly wove his traps.

Unfortunately, his English was non-existent and I have no idea what language he spoke but from our sign language conversation, my understanding was that he learnt his skill and trade from childhood under the tutelage of his father.

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


“Beautiful Poetry of Life and Love.” Amanda

Out of the silent breath

Poetry/Poems · Writer's Quote Wednesday · Writing

Writing chameleon… Writers quote Wednesday challenge

This week’s writers quote challenge gives us the word artist as prompt.

Sometimes, I find it amusing when people question if writers are artists and it simply defines how myopic the stretch of their mind can be.

To all such people, I say ‘but of course, writers are artists, we simply paint our creation in words. A castle in the mist can be built in the mind.

I find this quote from Steve Martin interesting and I wrote a poem that came to me.

“Through the years, I have learned there is no harm in charging oneself up with delusions between moments of valid inspiration.”
― Steve Martin, Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life

Unperceived, imperceptible,
I scan with beady eyes
appreciating and critiquing
a second nature
whipping thoughts together
my truest pleasure

I am blazing hot and chilling cold
pencil tucked inside my unruly hair
occasionally interferes with the hoops in ears
my lips wet in dribbling anticipation
eyes dim and shine in secret reflections.
displeased with any interruptions.

In retro jeans and slack red T’s
with tinted hair in shades of wine
a pinch of blue is tossed inside
an enhancement of some rebellious side
now this is my bohemian side

I am chatty and I am snobbish
I wear heels with lots of flourish
engrossed in my beat
churning thoughts on spit
as ink is tossed with a relentless streak

My soul screams within
as voices chatter and cackle
my heart knows uncanny quietness
as I bash out the tempestuous battle

I am not a freak but an artist
a human writing chameleon of non-ebbing talent
emboldened by the beats of the mind
I dance like a puppet on my muse’s string.

I am making something out of nothing.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Self Help · Success

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 33


When all we do is to talk and we don’t do, it then becomes Cock and Bull story.

Our reflections and introspection must try to match our conducts for any meaningful change to occur and this applies to every aspect of our lives that requires change and growth.

Some might say ‘oh yes, it’s in the plan, tomorrow I will do it,’ yet five years down the line, their tomorrow is still waiting to arrive.

The future belongs to all those who embrace constant growth transformation and exploring its directions.

Your future does not know waiting because the future is right now as we  speak.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Creative Writing · Inspiration - Motivation · Musings · Photographs · Poetry/Poems · Quotes For You · Writing 101

Graffiti Foot Prints…


The graffiti talent
Could very well be harnessed
To tell meaningful tales
And leave foot prints in the sands of time.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

What if your poem could be scribbled all over a giant wall? Check out @atownend intriguing prompt for Writing 101, Day 8, Graffiti.