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Today’s featured blogs are:


How contented are you? Or are you fussing and cussing and getting mad over everything?

My journey to a healthier me

For all those of us battling with the scale and wishing we could whittle the fat away. This great post is for you.

I’ve decided to accept all of me…every beautiful curvaceous rounded edge and corner of my body. I am proudly me. I had to get to a point where I started to love myself. I just needed to stop the battle within myself against myself. Self-acceptance became my focus point instead of pushing away this beautiful person based on a number on the scale.

Awesome Awetism Adventures

What brilliant idea this is. I simply love it. Take a quick peek.

Raising Teens

Our children emulate us. Most of their attitude/behaviour is learned and this is largely from their homes. If we are not better adults, how exactly do we expect to have better children?

Bullying starts at home. It starts with adults who see no problem with posting brutal responses to tragic stories because they need to feel that they are better than others—just as a school-yard bully would do; they need to claim the position as better parents, better guardians of their teens, more efficient workers, etc. This competition is so destructive to society.

Finding a happy disposition in a sea of disparate negativity

Fabulous post!

Choose to be the type of person that everyone wants to work with, to talk to, to collaborate with…a positive and happy disposition is a cohesive force!

Do step in, explore these blogs and show some love.

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‘Remember, we create a cohesive community when we come together.

Check out my latest book ‘Unbridled.’

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Transform Your Kids Into Pagemasters

You might be thinking about trying to get your kids more interested in reading. There are plenty of kids who just aren’t interested in reading at an early age and have to be encouraged at a far later stage usually, in teenage years. Of course, we teach our kids the basics but once they have grasped this many only read when they are forced to, rather than in their spare time. That said there are many benefits of encouraging your kids to read in their spare time.

First, research shows that reading boosts a child’s vocabulary as well as their general level of intellect. Reading may also lead to improvements in memory and general cognitive performance. Through reading, some children may also be encouraged to write in their spare time, finding a passion for creative writing that could serve them well over the next few years. You might think that it’s too late to get your kids interested in reading, but it’s never too late. Some people find a love for reading well into adult life and become people who can’t go through a week without picking up a good book. But how do you get your kids interested in reading?

Passive Reading

Person, woman, pink, headphones

Pic Credit

You might struggle to get your kids to pick up a book or download one, but how about listening to a book? There are some fantastic audio books out there that kids will love. For instance, you can pick up the Harry Potter books read by famous British comedian Stephen Fry. The man reads with such expression and adds his own unique magical wonder to this truly fantastic book series. You might think that passive reading isn’t as beneficial for children as picking up a book. It’s true that some of the words will wash over them, but others will stay in their mind. They might even hear a word that they don’t understand and look it up later.

Find A Book They Love

Reading Woman, Reading

Credit Source

The problem that most people find when trying to get their kids to read is that they push the classics into their hand. The Call Of The Wild is a brilliant book, and some kids are going to find the novel from a dog’s perspective enthralling. Others, however, will be completely bored. They might be more interested in a novel series such as Alex Rider. This book series is based on the adventures of a teenage spy and is just one in a sea of similar books in the genre. However, the brilliance of this particular trilogy is that it’s written by a prestigious murder mystery writer who has worked on classic shows like Foyle’s War and Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple. As such, the books have such pulse pounding tension that kids find them hard to put down. The books also have a fairly loyal adult following.

Introduce Them To The Digital World Of Books

Reading, Digital Reading, Kindle

Source of Pic

If you really want to get your kids into reading, you might want to think about buying them a Kindle. This will allow them to read and download as many books as they want without buying each individual hard copy. This gives kids a lot of freedom to let them read what they want, how they want. You probably already have a Kindle yourself. If you do, you’ll know one of the major benefits is that there are a lot of free books available by great authors that are slightly less well known. If you’re wondering where to get free Kindle e-books, there are lots of different options, with some even recognized and recommended by popular published authors. This allows kids to go off the beaten path a little more and find writing that they have probably never heard of before. Don’t worry, kids won’t be able to read whatever they want on their Kindle. There are parental controls to ensure you are still in control of their reading.

Family Reading

Family, Reading Time, BondingFlickr Picture

Finally, if you have younger children, you may want to try family reading times. Family reading works a lot like reading in school. The children get to pick the book to read, and you all take turns reading it out loud as a family. It’s a great way to share reading together, and kids often love hearing the expression that their parents put into it when it’s their turn to take a chapter.

I hope you use these tips to get your kids a little more involved in reading, outside the typical books that they will usually find in school. It can bring fantastic benefits.

Featured Blogs

Posts That Caught My Interest #7

Image result for images of sharing

Here are a couple of posts to appreciate.

Fearless Friday

Even when it seems we don’t have it all together, there might be a smidgen of courage in there somewhere.

The Big C

A beautiful, honest and sensitive post.

12 ways to maintain the Christmas spirit after Christmas

The spirit of giving shouldn’t be only for Christmas.

I am hoping for some good karma 

Has your site ever gone missing on you? How did you resolve it? Can you help Cathy?

As a parent, we all do it

A post that made me smile. Parenting is the hardest job we get to do. No manuals, no classes. You simply jump in and wade your way through.

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Regards and have a great weekend.


The Daily Post

Whose Recital?

Poetry, Parenting, Nature, Imitation, Coaching

We learn by imitation
from the time we are conceived
to the time we die
we recite our words and thoughts
and in most cases
these things frame our lives

Most take on the whispers
that has floated into their ears
as a guiding principle for their lives
and when those whispers
are the drippings of a venomous mind
what happens to the child being fed?

Whose recital are you listening to?

© Jacqueline

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Blog · Featured Blogs

Posts That Caught My Interest #6

I was reading Danny’s post this morning: I call this surviving by sheer grits. It couldn’t have been easy, to say the least. An amazing journey of survival. Please read.Image result for images of sharing

When the enemy stands by the sidelines waiting for you to fail, you make sure you don’t give him/her the pleasure, hang on by the tentacles and succeed.

A Letter To Someone

Though the letter is fictional I quite enjoyed reading this letter written by Damyanti ‘I’ll be your father’ and here’s my comment below:

What a letter! Blunt yet loving, empowering and liberating. I enjoyed reading this.

Today’s Inspiration

An awesome quote and here’s my comment:

Some would love to hold people’s mistakes over their heads like a sword of Damocles for the rest of their lives.

What’s In A Name?

Grab this quickly. Sally Cronin’s book ‘What’s in a name,’ is available for free; offer ends Sunday 13th. I got me a copy and will be doing a review soon 😉

What do we teach our children?

One of my nightmares in life is the thought of failing to raise my children well. It bothers me. I know that there are no perfect parents and that children will still express their individualities, but it’s alarming when you observe how some parents are not even concerned with the fact that they pass on some nasty attitudes on to their children.

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Humans · Social critic

Just a Thought

If all parents claim to be great and the best parents, just where do their children learn all the ugly attitudes?

Image result for images of thinking

This recent video below left this thought on my mind. As a parent, I know that children may still end up doing what they want and exhibiting certain individual traits that would probably drive their parents crazy, I however strongly believe that nurture greatly shapes a child.

This lady is shaping her son to grow up as a racist. Apparently, his health is the least of her priorities since she chose racism over that.

Featured Blogs

Posts That Caught My Interest #3

Now and again, I stumble on posts that resonate with me. I find myself nodding along in agreement as I read them and wish to share with others.Image result for images of sharing

This episode of posts that caught my interest, I am offering these few. I found sense, laughter, reflection, inspiration, admiration, and love. Do take a peek.

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To have and to hold If I had my way, I would recommend this article for every couple to read.

Sweet, sweet handsome Harlem man Gave me the sniffles and made me think of my dad.

Road Rage Cure The amount of senseless driving; tailgating, road rage, and excessive speed that people express daily leaves one wondering if licensing rules shouldn’t be stricter?

A Mothers’ love and personal initiative Upbringing certainly matters and accounts 99.5% on how an individual turns out. When one has been raised right they acquire the personal initiative, the ability to act and to overcome difficulties.

7 Excellent ways to hack through life – lessons from Hacksaw Ridge – concise and relevant.

Thank you for stopping by.


Guest Posts

A Single Mom’s Guide To Raising A Happy, Healthy and Safe Family

Happy kitchen, Parenting, Raising A Family, Single Parenting, Security

Image credit – Flickr

Raising kids by yourself is a lot of hard work but it’s definitely doable. In order to overcome the stress, anxiety, and challenges that come with it, you need to have a lot of patience and the right strategies. Here are some ideas a single mom can use to keep her family safe and healthy.

Get A Work That Fits Your Family

As a single mom, it’s essential that you have a steady source of income for the family. This, however, shouldn’t be at the expense of your kids or your relationship with them. Even though you have work, you still need to make time for them.

One of your best options is to find a job that can let your work from home. There are actually tons of online platforms you can send your application to. If being home-based isn’t an option, then you should consider reaching out to your present company and ask if you can be given a more flexible working schedule.

Ensure Your Kids’ Protection

If you worry about leaving your kids at home alone, then getting a security system is a must for you. A surveillance system is one of the most effective ways you can ensure their complete protection at home.

In selecting the right system for your family, it’s best that you consider its price, features, and coverage. You want to find a system that fits the budget but doesn’t come short when it comes to protection. If you are living in a rented space, there are a lot of DIY systems you can choose from. Most of them don’t come with high price tags and can be conveniently taken wherever you go.

Read reviews first and talk to some of your friends to get an idea of what type of system they are using and how it’s helping them out. Do not sign up with any company without doing any research and background check.

Spend Quality Time With Your Kids

Being physically present with your kids isn’t enough; you also have to know what’s going on with them. Quality time doesn’t always have to be expensive. You can cook their favorite food for dinner, take them out for a short walk to the park or spend a night watching their favorite movies with them.

You should also make it a point to ask what concerns them or if they are having any problems at school. Encourage your kids to be open as much as possible so that they won’t feel the need to keep secrets from you. It’s also helpful if you can get to know their friends and the people they spend most of their time with. Since technology is easily accessible these days, monitoring your kids’ smartphones for any dangerous app is essential, too.

Have Patience

Raising your kids alone can be a daunting task. There will be times where you’ll get annoyed, stressed and even frustrated. If you feel this happening to you, try to engage yourself in some form of relaxation techniques. Deep breathing is one of the easiest technique you can do since it requires no equipment or special tools.

It’s also a good idea to get into meditation daily or you can try exercising. You can try Yoga since it relaxes both mind and body. Starting off with 10 to 20 minutes a day can set you on the right track. You can also try running. It’s a good exercise to improve your mood and thought process.

Know Your Limitations

As a single parent, you should expect tons of work and tasks to finish. This, however, doesn’t mean that you have to do it on your own. One of the most common reasons why single parents easily get burnt out is because they feel overwhelmed with their responsibilities.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your family and friends to ask for help or when you want to vent out. You should also go out once in a while and treat yourself as a reward for your hard work. Going to a salon or treating yourself to a pampering night with at-home spa products can ease your stress and rejuvenate you for the next day.

Guest Post Written by Andy Cho – Topsecurityreview.com



Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Roller-coaster and intermissions – #SoCS

Parenting is by far the hardest job that I have ever done in my life. It’s interesting, challenging, full of ups and downs and sadly there’s no one size fit all manual that intercedes to help you wade through this amazing experience.
Sure there are helpful materials out there that one could read for sensible tips and advice, however, the truth is that no two children are the same and their interbehavioural attitudes differ and keep changing as they grow more independent.

This interdependent relationship that involves every human emotion and part of me that I can think of, is one relationship that I can’t even imagine what my life would be without it because our lives are completely intertwined. Sometimes as a parent I am completely overcome with fierce love and pride for my family and at other times I am as mad as ever but learning to handle these things has thought me more than any book will ever teach me. I had no idea before walking into wife-dom and motherhood that I had such deep well of internal patience.

Now, as I write this, in between thinking interesting thoughts of what I want to write, thoughts of what’s for lunch, dinner, tomorrow, a reminder to add toilet duck to the shopping list and to call the school to find out why I have to pay extra for inter-house sports rudely interrupt my train of thinking. My days are continuous roller-coasters with intermissions here and there, but that’s just life.


#SoCS – Inter

P.S. You are invited to our monthly blog party taking place right now. Just check this link. 


Handfuls of Spring…Thankful reflections

Painting, Art, Spring, Beautiful Colours

Spring follows Winter seamlessly as it has done over the ages and time passes by so quickly, sometimes in a blur that we tend to take the itty-bitty parts of our lives for granted.

In Spring the heat of the sun gathers in momentum over here, that by Summer time it’s literally steaming and baking at such a degree that the heat wallops you in the face and every hidden part that it can get. I consider myself a child of the Sun, I love warmth, but not the unbelievable scorching sun of the Middle East that makes you feel as if you are dough brought out to rise and bake in the torrid desert heat.

As I drive around pursuing the days business, I see dots of umbrella’s waving down the streets sheltering the heads of their owners and I know untold pleasure and gratitude over having the comfort of my car and the air conditioner that keeps me from perspiring and swimming in my own sweat.

 I am thankful for the gift of being their mother as I listen to my children chatter and squabble over what radio channel to listen to as we drive home from school and I wonder how we take such comfort for granted.

Sometimes, my heart knows untold joy for things that I can’t explain and I wish I could freeze frame those moments so that I may look at the beautiful, divine colours that these moments make.

Spring is such a beautiful season, so does every other season that we are given hold its own beauty. We are only given a handful of Springs in our lifetime and one thought that stays with me as I write this is, may we thankfully plant in the Spring of opportunity of our lives so that we do have a great harvest in the Fall.

Peace be with you. What are you grateful for today?


If you wish to participate in a gratitude challenge, there are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfillment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.