
Staying In Business In Those First Few Months


The first few months after you set up your business are the most crucial ones in your whole time as a business owner. It is the time you will figure out what it really means to be the owner of a business, and you will know whether or not you have the financial and mental strength to run it. If you want to make sure that your first few months go smoothly, here are some of the things you will need to think about.

1. Identify Your Business Leader

If you are starting your business alone, then the leader will be you, however, if you are coming together with a group of people in order to run a business, someone is going to have to be the leader. Although it is nice to think you are all equal and have the right to make the decisions, within the business there always needs to be a clear leader if you are to succeed. If you love being in business but aren’t great on the leadership side of things, leave that to someone else to do instead. You can still be the owner without being the leader.

2. Profit doesn’t equal cash

As a new business owner, you will likely be very optimistic and believe in the magic of business from the off. However, it is important not to stray from the truth and make sure that you keep your head firmly on your shoulders. It is crucial that you project your cash flow at least six months into the future in order to understand where your company will be REALISTICALLY in six months time. A small profit is not enough to keep you in business, so remember that. You can also benefit from looking at the best small business credit card companies in order to give you a buffer in that first few months once you know that you can afford to keep up the payments. Always make sure you have a buffer to fall back on should you have a slightly less profitable month.

3. You Always Have More to Learn

When you begin in business you need to bear in mind that you are not an expert. Just because you have built something for yourself does not mean you should be giving lectures on business in colleges around the country. It is incredibly important to know that you don’t know everything and to be willing to learn new skills every single day. If you are not great at a certain aspect of the business, simply get someone in who is experienced. Business is a huge learning curve, and you need to be thick-skinned to deal with the tension it will put on your mind.

4. Choose the Right Role

You might be the owner of a company but that doesn’t mean you should be the leader. As we discussed above, you need to play on your professional experiences and skills to find your role in the business. It might mean employing someone to be the leader, someone to cover marketing and someone to cover sales whilst you handle the finance. Make sure you play to your strengths.

A Click A Day

The Global Village – A Click A Day.

I walked past this office with the map and stepped back to take a second look. With their permission, I looked at it with keen interest. Yes, I’ve seen the World map before – luckily I did geography in school, so I do know a bit about my longitudes and latitudes but that wasn’t where my interest lay.

I noticed that though we are set apart by natural and man-made boundaries, we are all still joined together.

I noticed that the World today seems smaller than it was in my mind as a child. That today, I am bound to know what might be happening in Greenland right as it unfolds and it brought this thought to my mind; ‘that the lack of concern about what’s happening in other places is living in a fools’ paradise.’

Crisis and trouble have no borders and eventually, when not checked and contained, it becomes everyone’s trouble. We have to make wise decisions in choosing those who become our leaders because our small and unselfish decisions truly matter in the larger scheme of things.


out-of-the-silent-breath 2

Everyday People

Team building Works – Everyday people

“Unity is strength...when there’s teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” Mattie J.T. Stepanek

“Sometimes the most ordinary things can be made extraordinary simply by doing them with the right people.” Nicholas Sparks


I met these folks in the photo having a good time as a team. Their whoops and cheerful sounds drew my attention and like I had suspected a member confirmed that they were having their team building activities.

I have always believed in the power of togetherness because you can achieve so much more when you have others with you. An African adage says “when you want to go fast you go alone, but if you wish to go far, you go with others.”

We also say that “a boat will not go forward if each individual is rowing their own way.”

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


“Beautiful Poetry of Life and Love.” Amanda

Out of the silent breath

Lifestyle · Memes · Midnight motivation and musings · Uncategorized

Midnight Motivations and Musings 21…


1456774489154Procrastination and evasion deprives us of so much and over time, when we weigh the time wasted debating on whether or not we should take a step, it accumulates to a tidy part of a lifetime.

Procrastination leaves us with so many, what if’s, had I known and should have’s which can be avoided, when we conscientiously take daily steps in living more purposeful and intentional lives.

We not super-human and are bound to falter now and again, but when our focus is targeted and meticulous, a falter will not send us completely off track.

In tying in evasiveness and forgiveness or kindness, some are far willing to cut the entire slack for themselves and granting every excuse under the Sun as lee-ways to dilly-dally, while they use an iron fist of expectation on others.

To lead, or impact on others, you must, yourself be an example worth emulating.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

A link to my neighbours/Community · Blog · Featured Blogs · Share A Link

Featured Blogs #6….Let’s Create A Fine Chain.


Today’s featured blogs are:

Michelle Malone Introducing Michelle, a new blogger in our midst. An intelligent lady, whose articles I find engaging.

Barb CT Join on an expedition through knotholes and textures of life, it’s bumps, cracks and all.

Live, Learn, Change A beautiful personal read from Alexis ‘Why we married young.’

Awesome Ideas 2003 An up and growing delightful blog from Mahjabeen.

Star Scrolls Astrid words makes me sit up straight.

Please visit their blogs and say hello. A few minutes may gain you a friendly support.

Do you want more eyes on your words?

Well then, add your LINK into this loop.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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