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Posts That Caught My Interest #5

I love positive things. I love progress and exciting news. I love to see people chase after their aspirations and dreams and watch them grow. It inspires me more than I can tell you. Some days when my inspiration tank is low, good news from others pep me up and keep me going. Michele, I know you’ll do exceedingly well on this new path. 

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Inspired Beacon’s posts on better living, food for thought, inspiration, success tips, personal development and business sense keeps me pushing for higher grounds. Never Stop Fighting.

The ‘Fine Lines’ of this poem is not only riveting but empowering in its raw state.

I am mastering ‘How To Sail My Ship,’ how are you doing yours?

You have a right to your opinion, but you’ve got to learn to accept ‘My Opinion.’ In the bid to state your opinion as tell it as it is, also learn that it’s not a license to whiplash others with your venom.

I honestly can’t explain how it must feel to be purchased. A short post ‘I was a purchase,’ that left me pondering.

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Book cover, Unbridled, Poetry book, Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha, Bold Must-read