Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivation and Musings 110


Life is a continuum and as much as we don’t like our comfort being disturbed the truth is that after a while your comfort zone becomes stale, discomforting and claustrophobic.

In order to keep growing, we have to consistently stretch the limbs of our imagination. The strength of our creativity, our physical and spiritual growth is highly dependent on how we dare ourselves to grow from the familiar to unfamiliar. Don’t settle! Don’t stagnate. Keep pushing for higher grounds. The harder you push, the easier it becomes.

This analogy can be likened to a crab that periodically molts and sheds its exoskeleton which would leave it vulnerable and fragile for some time while it continues to grow into its new shell and then molts again when it’s inelastic shell becomes too tight.

Be that crab.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S. We’ll be having our monthly blog party 1st – 2nd of October. I’ll keep you posted.

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16 thoughts on “Midnight Motivation and Musings 110

  1. ife is a continuum and as much as we don’t like our comfort being disturbed the truth is that after a while your comfort zone becomes stale, discomforting and claustrophobic..

    Love this post ….great inspiration… oh the comfort zone.. deadly place.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Love your post Jacqueline.

    Love bella

    Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..