Inspiration - Motivation · Monday Motivations · Poetry/Poems

You Can! End of Story.

Image result for kill the doubt image quotes

Don’t give doubt a welcoming chair

‘cos he’s a sweet talker.

He will overstay his welcome,

and tell you all the things

that you cannot do;

just to convince you

to dig up the seeds

that you planted in faith.




Blog · Featured Blogs

Posts that caught my interest…

Sometimes Shaving is Necessary It simply wasn’t what I was expecting. Short, good read.

Image result for images of sharing

A plague of discontentment I daresay we’ve all walked down this path.

When life throws a curveball and it surely will throw you a couple of them.

Thoughts Short and true

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Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge.

I am a gifted woman. I walk tall. I’m taking the odds that life has given me and making them even. I walk the path of success. I’m a champion. What about you? Jacqueline

#positiveaffirmations, #walktall, #findingyou,, #findinggreaterjoy

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Being Happy, Self-worth, Quotes

Hope · Poetry/Poems · The Daily Post

Steer it up….A compilation of prompts.

sea, waves, boat

Meandering through our days in pursuit of success
with ‘our hope’ the rudder that steers us along

Suddenly a rogue wave rocks our boat
and we lose our balance momentarily

We wonder if we should simply give in,
if we can ever set our rowing right

The fact is that with uncompromising faith in our focus
we can steer over, under and around the waves of life

although our movement may be staggered and messy
and success may look dim in our sight, it waits at the shore.


My target was to come up with a poem using 7 days prompt words from Daily post. I almost abandoned ship, but glad I stuck to it and only 30 minutes later, I like the message that I derived from the compilation.

My Thinking Corner

Renew Like An Eagle – My Thinking Corner

When one clocks 40, the tendency is to have mixed feelings; the good feeling of coming of age and the silent panic at the thought of growing older.

The year my age clock ticked forty and passed it, I could try to tell you that I didn’t care less at that point in time, but if the truth is told, I had pressure on my mind to just go after my dreams without delay. I felt that I had been held back by incidents of life, however, it was still up to me to change things and make the life that I want for myself. Call me slow, but it’s taken me 40+ years to figure a number of things out.

Renew like an Eagle, Inspiration, Encouragement, Life Lessons, Life After Forty, Motivation, Follow Your Dreams, Isaiah 40:31

Now that my knees are acting as though they belong to someone else – I must say I no longer feel so spritely and each day I am reminded that I no longer have the luxury of being in my twenty’s.  Some of us are able to get all their ducks in a row early in life, whilst some of us have our boats battered by the winds, pushed off course as we row as hard as we can to keep it from capsizing. The great thing is that if we keep going we will surely get to the shore.

In seeking ways on how to generate a better lifestyle for myself and to find out if the cliché ‘life begins at forty’ holds some truth, I remember the Bible passage: Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

I did a little read up on Eagles and learned that Bald Eagles go through a process of transformation at 40. They make a life-changing decision not to give in easily to the strictures of aging but it strategically breaks off its beak and rips off its feathers in order to grow new ones. This excruciatingly painful procedure takes solid 5 months of risk and hunger but extends the eagle’s life by another glorious stretch of 30 years.

It’s said that the eagle has only two options: to make these changes or to die and this brings me to my question: what are your options?

  • What are those crucial decisions that you need to make?
  • What are those dreams that you need to hunker down and pursue with every ounce of breath in you?
  • What are those lifestyle changes that you must make to give your body a fighting chance to go the long haul?

Are you going to brave up and renew your strength like an Eagle or are you just going to roll up your mat and whine about everything going on in your life?

Remember, that the energy of silent panic can be turned into something positive.

Be at peace.


Poetry/Poems · Quotes For You

What My Mama Said To Me…3

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Mama said to me, baby,

anyone who keeps dragging you three steps back

when you manage to take one step forward,

must be left behind

to admire your back view

as you hustle along.



An excerpt from my work-in-progress.

You can read my book, Unbridled on Kindle Unlimited for free. 

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What My Mama Said To Me…2

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Mama said to me, baby,
if you try to move forward
and it fails to work

Why not use the reverse
to get yourself
out of that spot?



An excerpt from my work-in-progress.

You can read my book, Unbridled on Kindle Unlimited for free. 

Product Details

Now Available

