Online Blog Party

Welcome To July Blog Party & Book Cover Reveal

Welcome to July’s blog party and the book cover reveal of my second poetry book.

Party Time

Can you believe that we are already done with the 1st half of this year? It’s been a roller-coaster year, but we must keep thankful for where we are, for each day and the opportunities that come our way.

Let’s kick in the next half with good positive vibes, motivation, focus, and gratitude.

I would love to thank all my newly acquired blogger friends. I appreciate your taking the time to connect with me on my blog. This is a blog that offers the opportunity to connect with others through monthly blog parties, featured posts, posts that caught my interest and author zone. Feel free to avail yourself of any of these opportunities.

I believe that we grow by supporting each other and I hope that you find that support here.

Do make yourself comfortable. Refreshments are nicely arranged down the page: Drinks, Chocolates, Cakes, Donuts, freshly squeezed juice, Coffee, Tea and so much more. :-)

Little party rules

  • Be friendly. Mix and mingle with others. Don’t be a wallflower. Blog parties offer the opportunity to meet many other bloggers in one place. Use the opportunity effectively.
  •  Please leave your blog link or post link in the comment box below along with an introduction.
  • It’s one link per comment, but come back as often as you’d like, that way it’s easier for others to focus on a link one at a time.
  • Have fun, this is a great way to find bloggers and have them find you.
  • Please show some love. Reblog this post. It helps all of us! The more people that see and participate in it, the more potential new follows! So, share and share voraciously!


Unbridled is a collection of bold, uncensored poems. The author speaks of societal issues without niceties. The soul of each poetry tugs at the depth of your being and the writing style makes it easy to identify with the emotions of the character in each poem. If you are looking for the unspoken truth that society would rather brush under the carpet, I recommend you read Unbridled. – Ekaete Augustine-Edet

Book cover reveal, Unbridled, Poetry book, Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Some Writers Jokes


Image result for writers jokes


Image result for writers jokes

Image result for writers jokes

image – pexels 


110 thoughts on “Welcome To July Blog Party & Book Cover Reveal

    1. Hi Mihrank it’s wonderful to meet you here. I would love to hear your music and piano!! Have you tried any of the food, it’s sensational! I look forward to visiting your site. Have fun. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Himanshi, it’s lovely to meet you. I’m glad you find breathing space through your blog..I look forward to visiting your site and read about your thoughts, ideas, feelings and to see your photos. Until then enjoy this super party!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Bella, so great to see you here!! I love your site and the inspirations that you share. I look forward to reading more about your mediations. Enjoy yourself at the party!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Shinavy, nice to meet you. Your blog sounds so intriguing and filled with various information I look forward to visiting. The cupcake really was tasty wasn’t it…I had two!! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Well TJ we really have to stop meeting like this…or not!! Loved your Haiku today!! Love all things regarding dreams. Have fun with your family this weekend and enjoy the rest of the party! You might want to sneak a doggie bag home for the kids. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Brigid!! Hope you are enjoying your weekend and hope the weather has warmed up for you. Have fun at the party, there are so many lovely people here and don’t miss out on the treats!! xo

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hey bloggers… nice to meet you all at this party, hope you are having fun! Congrats Jacqueline for the book, I wish you the very best for the future, more books will follow!!
    Half of the year has passed and that’s exactly for how long I’ve been blogging here.. do visit my blog sometime where I post poems and short stories about the real life. In wait of new friends and in the meanwhile I might just grab a cupcake here… thanks for the invite!!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hi Yamini glad I was able to say hello before you left. I hope you are enjoying your blogging experience!! There are so many fantastic blogs and even greater friends in our blogging community. I look forward to reading your poems and short stories. Better be quick on the cupcake, they’re going fast!! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  2. All this food is making me hungry!! Music has me swinging my hips and singing! Congrats on your second publication!! !!! Finally always great to mix, mingle and meet new bloggers. Thanks for the opportunity to do all of the above 😉
    If you would like to find out what really matters and get a dose of daily inspiration visit my blog.

    What Really Matters To You!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hi Etta, how have you been? It’s been too long since I’ve visited your inspirational know life and all gets in the way of time! I’ll be by soon though I always have such a delightful visit when I’m there. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I know! Life happens and time flies, no winning only accepting that fact and taking it one day at a time 😉 Have a wonderful weekend Deb. x

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you very much for the invite Jacqueline, I’ve been meaning to connect with other bloggers for a while and this kind of gathering is a wonderful way of doing that. The food looks great, I’ll have to restrain myself. My name’s Jan Malique and I write about all manner of things, be they surreal, nonsensical, mystical, etc. The blog is a virtual shed, as I like garden sheds. Regular characters drift in and out (the odd and even odder) I can be found on

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Jan Malique, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Oh your blog sounds like fun, I look forward to visiting. Yes the food is scrumptious and the best part is there are no calories!! I see some more new friends to go greet, wishing you a lovely time at the party!! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Henrietta I spotted you from across the room…you look fabulous!! I am excited about visiting your site. Did you partake in this magnificent spread Jackie put out for us? You really must, the food is out of the world!! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Henrietta is your site still in the process of coming together? When I click your link here it brings to a pic of coffee beans but says “nothing found”.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh I wonder, can you change the one that shows when you leave a comment? That’s what I clicked on which brought me to your old one?


    1. Hi Angelic Hands…absolutely love the name of your blog!! Made me take a deep breath and relax. The party has been so fun, it’s lovely to have met you. I look forward to stopping over for a visit. Until then, enjoy yourself. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Yinglan how are you? Work day!? Hope it goes by fast or is all done!! Sneaking out of work to party…I love it! I have popped over for a while I look forward to it, as always!! Well don’t work too hard and enjoy the party. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Kalama so nice to meet you! I love what you blog is about and look forward to visiting. Yes doesn’t Jackie have the best parties…she’s a wonderful hostess. I hope you meet a lot of delightful people here…I’m off to visit the food again…I just cannot resist. Have fun. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I absolutely love that song!! Congratulations Jackie on your next book of poems being published, how proud you must feel!! It’s very exciting. As usual you have the most delicious spread here and a lovely crowd has gathered. I shall mingle now and meet new friends.

    Hi everyone I’m Deb from Once Upon A Hot Flash, I like everyone to share what makes them happy so I have a post called Our Daily Grateful Post and you are free to share what you are grateful for. If you are interested in visiting you will find me here
    Look forward to meeting you.

    It’s lovely to meet you all have a wonderful time at Jackie’s terrific party! She’s such a fantastic hostess and writer and author and poet and the list goes one. xo


  5. Dear Jacqueline, it has been such a long while that I have been at one of your blogging parties. I just love how you have the music playing automatically, it really creates a vibe of a party – even if it is virtual.
    I always have sweet memories of your invitation when I first started blogging to a party – I was like ”…whaaats a blogging party….. what do you doooo …. I have noooo clue…. ‘ I was so funny a year ago when I started. So clueless, and now I am still clueless – but I am an experienced clueless interms of the blogging world.

    I love you for all your love and support in my blogging journey – your kindnes holds a special place in my heart. Big thank you and a Big Hugs Regards Bella

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi, Jacqueline! Thanks for the invitation. It’s been awhile since I attended one of your fun parties. Congratulation on the upcoming book! Best wishes! … Everything looks so good, I’ll have one of those shish-ka-bobs, and a doughnut, thank you so much. … for those friends I haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting…Hi, Hello, Hey y’all! I’m from Texas, and I blog about a variety of subjects, especially the strange and paranormal, plus take part in lots of blog/photo challenges. Here’s a link to one I did just today! Enjoy! Looking forward to meeting you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi! I’m stopping in your blog party for the third time and its amazing as hell Jacqueline. I’m still drooling over the feast in here, Wish you a great success for your upcoming book UNBRIDLED *sounds amazing*. Yea! we will knock in the rest of the months in enthusiastic scribble.
    sometime you guys may drop in by and i”ll do the same for you!
    Ciao! great days ahead

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I think I’m late to the party but it’s still July 1st here — Canada day. 150 years old. I was planning to go on & enjoy the festivity unfortunately still a project to do and it was a hard one. Now just relaxing and thinking I will go out in an hour to fire works. They are always wonderful.

    Also want to congratulate Jacqueline on her new poetry book. I’m excited to read it as I was the first book. Also thank you for being a kind hostess. If there is some red wine and chocolate cake that sounds yummy 🙂

    For anyone interested I have a short fiction and poetry blog. I do all kinds of poetry and have had some published with some short fiction on other sites/magazines.

    My advice is to always find out what kind of magazine/website you are writing for and the kind of work they like before submitting.

    Often this means you’re more likely to have a piece published by seeing what they’re about but sometimes you find that a magazine’s outlook/theme or their website theme/outlook is not for you.

    Sometimes editors are really nice and say try again, we like your work but it just didn’t fit with this issue or monthly theme. Even better websites tell you what to improve in a story poem. . Short Fiction break is great for this, health even have a writer’s forum to give you further advice.

    Now that I’ve said all I can say to help some of you out there trying to publish more poetry or shortfiction, , please come visit me at: As well I do an alternating new interview or ‘rewind interview’ on my blog and on the Go Dog Go cafe each Tuesday. Also a Friday Music Prompt every second week on MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie. A lot of great prompts on this site for writers 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  9. Am glad to be here. Privileged to be invited. I express things relating art, culture. Professionally am a textile and fashion designer. Thanks everyone here. Warmest regards.


  10. Hey everyone, my name is Chibueze. I just started blogging five days ago. My blog is not about anything in particular. I post from different categories but they are really interesting posts. Trust me.
    Please kindly check out my blog and give me a follow if you like my posts and I will also check out yours. Thanks everyone.!!!


  11. Hey! Just read your blog, loving it so far! I’m a qualified makeup artist and skin care specialist and want to share all my tricks and tips Iv learnt along the way in my career! Alongside a bit of lifestyle and travel as I go up and down the country with my talented other half ⚽️! My link is , hope to see you all there 😍😘 my instagram is ‘alicegreenman97’ would love to follow you all back too ☺️

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