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Featured Posts – Share Your Post Links

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Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Do step in and show some love.

Your country needs you It is men that build a Nation or bring it down. Your prayers for your country make a difference.

You are not as alone as you think  What an uplifting post, Elihu!  Some may be on a journey where they feel all alone…

Loneliness has a way of seeping into the soul uninvited, slowly sapping our stores of joy until a gaping emptiness remains. Loneliness assaults us in the dead of night or kicks us in the gut as we jostle our way through the madding crowd. It metastasizes through our hearts and minds, increasing our susceptibility to temptation.

Please read!

The PBS blog meet Yecheilyah Ysrayl, an inspiring, consummate author and blogger. Check out her blog and all those books she’s published.

Who would have thought losing your hearing could be so noisy? Life can throw us a curveball any moment. How do we deal with it? Here are my comments on this post.

Oh my! What a curveball. Life brings surprises every day and sometimes they are not always wonderful surprises. I had no idea that loss of hearing could be sudden. It must be challenging relearning to manage your hearing, but you sound on top of things and the most important part is your attitude of positivity.

Michnavs  writes ‘poetry in motion.’ I love this description. You’ve got to visit. Here’s a little sampling.



With the thoughts of tomorrow…

That may never actually come…

Do you want more eyes on your words?’

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