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Featured posts # 62…Share your post links.



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Singing for our supper: I’ll love to place my feet on these paths of the Apollo Walk of Fame. Beautiful scene. Maybe putting my feet on the mark of James Brown will earn me dexterous dancing toes 😉

Odd-ball: Some vintage bikes. Bet they are worth a packet.

Our Southern mothers: Ha! The good old precious times. I truly enjoyed this post though I’m not a Southern girl, but I could play the scenes in my head. Check it out.

Strolling through Paris: Paris de mon cœur – Paris of my heart, a refreshing visit to the ‘bon quartier‘ is long overdue. Beautiful post that makes me reminisce 🙂

Defective medium: Every medium in the life of man is defective because man by nature is not flawless. As the Bible would say “the heart of man is desperately wicked” this poem says a lot.

Tuesday chatter: a breezy chat with my dear Eugenia is always so cheering and worthwhile 🙂

Please do step in and show some love.

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Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.’

P.S. You are invited to our monthly blog party this weekend. It’s fun and you get to meet fantastic folks:-)

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath