Poetry/Poems · Writer's Quote Wednesday · Writing

Writing chameleon… Writers quote Wednesday challenge

This week’s writers quote challenge gives us the word artist as prompt.

Sometimes, I find it amusing when people question if writers are artists and it simply defines how myopic the stretch of their mind can be.

To all such people, I say ‘but of course, writers are artists, we simply paint our creation in words. A castle in the mist can be built in the mind.

I find this quote from Steve Martin interesting and I wrote a poem that came to me.

“Through the years, I have learned there is no harm in charging oneself up with delusions between moments of valid inspiration.”
― Steve Martin, Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life

Unperceived, imperceptible,
I scan with beady eyes
appreciating and critiquing
a second nature
whipping thoughts together
my truest pleasure

I am blazing hot and chilling cold
pencil tucked inside my unruly hair
occasionally interferes with the hoops in ears
my lips wet in dribbling anticipation
eyes dim and shine in secret reflections.
displeased with any interruptions.

In retro jeans and slack red T’s
with tinted hair in shades of wine
a pinch of blue is tossed inside
an enhancement of some rebellious side
now this is my bohemian side

I am chatty and I am snobbish
I wear heels with lots of flourish
engrossed in my beat
churning thoughts on spit
as ink is tossed with a relentless streak

My soul screams within
as voices chatter and cackle
my heart knows uncanny quietness
as I bash out the tempestuous battle

I am not a freak but an artist
a human writing chameleon of non-ebbing talent
emboldened by the beats of the mind
I dance like a puppet on my muse’s string.

I am making something out of nothing.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

19 thoughts on “Writing chameleon… Writers quote Wednesday challenge

  1. Jacqueline, I am getting a warning on your site that it is a pishing site! This is from my Avast antivirus! You need to check this out. I don’t want to share your site until this is fixed. NOW, your poem is absolutely amazing! I loved it. Let me know what happens with your site. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Woo HOO! I hate that stuff. I run Spy Bot Search and Destroy occasionally to get rid of that darn stuff. Glad to hear you got if fixed. ❤


  2. awesome poem! You’ve captured the unrelenting urge to create that grips all artists no matter the discipline. I especially love “I am chatty and I am snobbish
    I wear heels with lots of flourish
    engrossed in my beat
    churning thoughts on spit
    as ink is tossed with a relentless streak” and the closing lines. They are doubly awesome! You are awesome! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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