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Midnight Motivations and Musings #9….


In so many ways, a lot of us have been hurt and the hurt that we carry inside now serves as a parameter to determine a whole lot that goes on in our lives.

Our hurts become a cloak that we use to cover ourselves, dampening the true person hidden beneath the bushel of pain.

Even though bad experiences cannot be easily chucked out of the window, these past hurts should not be the ruling yardstick over our lives.

Not only do they cut short our expectations, but we remain victims to the pain.

To heal, we have to and we must find a way to channel our painful tests into positive testimonies.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

14 thoughts on “Midnight Motivations and Musings #9….

    1. Cheyanne, I have no idea what you’ve been true and what your struggles are, but I have a deep idea of what I have passed through so far on life’s journey and each day, I must affirm to myself that my life has a purpose. The experience has to be turned inside out, so that I can breathe. Ever since I started working on that mind frame, each day is better than the last. It’s a true struggle and a battlefield of the mind.

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  1. Amen sis! As I often say, we can’t allow pain to define us. For if we do, we become unlovable and can’t receive the blessings right before our eyes. Yes, it’s a daily reminder but far better than letting pain win. xoxo

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