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How Complete Do You Feel?…

1447768353272[1]As the days go by, I have truly realized that contentment and peace are not items that can be borrowed, purchased or stolen.

No amount of prosperity or material gains can put something in a soul that is derelict or lacking and no other human is responsible for my happiness but myself.

One can aim to attain the satisfaction of living a complete life from within themselves and not from without.

Personally, I don’t tie the state of my well-being to anything that lacks intrinsic value outside myself and God.

It is a continuous pursuit for me and I strive to achieve this state of being by:

  • Trying to understand myself and what truly makes me happy.
  • Staying in tune with my responsibility.
  • Seeking enabling ways to free my mind and de-stress.
  • Finding positive things to do.
  • Strengthening my health and finances.
  • Extending kindness to others.
  • Pursuing my passion and interests.
  • Maintaining good relationships.

Keeping my life simple and trying not to worry as much about things that are not within my power to change but doing my absolute best to change those that are within my line of sight and control.

With all these things on a balanced scale, I feel excited and alive, knowing that each day, I give life my best shot because tomorrow is not guaranteed anyone.

I cannot afford to extend the promise of living and feeling as complete as I can in expectation of  events which are merely temporal and may never arise.

Traveling to see new places, buying the little niceties that I can afford to buy are just toppings on a life to be savoured.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to NaBloPoMo prompt Tuesday, November 17

What is one place you need to see to feel like your life is complete?

29 thoughts on “How Complete Do You Feel?…

  1. Contentment comes when our attitude shifts from greed to grateful and from fear to trust. There is so much joy in living a simple life. You bless this over-thinker with your practical and positive out-look on life.:0)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Love people not things,” is something a very old and happy person told me near the end of their lives. I’ve never forgotten those words. The pleasure from our material possessions is fleeting, where our relationships can be forever!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for this, you worded it very nicely. One day I can only hope to be at the level of completeness you are at! Taking in the little things, not worrying about things out of my control..I am slowly getting there. Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You surely will Clarissa since you are now conscious of that fact. It is like building inner muscles of the mind and spirit and truly worthwhile in the long run. You will get there. Thank you so much for your support and comments. Have a good day today 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. “Traveling to see new places, buying the little niceties that I can afford to buy are just toppings on a life to be savoured.”

    I love this, it really made me think. Travel is the source of my happiness right now, in many ways, but it should be just the topping, like sprinkles on a sundae.. Thank you..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kathleen, thank you for visiting and sharing your own thoughts. I went through the stage of living to travel and realizing that though I loved travel and still do travel, my life could still be full and even better defined without it. That was when the traveling became even more fun. Kind regards and have a lovely day 🙂


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