Life · Love · The Daily Post

Its a Hardworking Love….

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Yin to My Yang.”

Good relationships

There are no perfect relationships! They all require some modicum of work!

Some relationships are fantastic, some are marginally okay whilst some are an absolute lesson in “who not to be with” and probably meant to be tossed into the garbage can.

The term soul mate is a misleading concept that hints at perfectionism, which is not a word that can be ascribed to any human.

We all are works-in-progress, who spend a better part of our lives trying to figure out who we are and this process cascades down to everything that concerns our lives. ”There is always room for improvement.”

That said, The Yin and The Yang of soul-mating, are those parts in our relationships that keep chipping at each other, until their rough surfaces are smooth enough for the jigsaw puzzle of our characters to blend in seamlessly, or, alternatively, they chaff at each others bits until the edges are so jagged and worn out that ”would be” Soul mates become Stab mates.

It’s a reciprocated effort.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

39 thoughts on “Its a Hardworking Love….

  1. It is amassing how soulmate’s sometimes forget the relationship they had in the begining and become stab mates, stabbing with harsh words rather than words of affirmation. It’s kind of like the man who suddenly started to love his wife again after finding she had a friend on social media. Well written, I enjoyed.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Honestly! It beats my imagination when I hear some horror stories of love gone wrong after so much affection and togetherness 😦 In real times, it is consistent work of understanding, love, trust, communicating, respect, hope and everything else that you can think of.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jacqueline, I love this thought: “The Yin and The Yang of soul-mating, are those parts in our relationships that keep chipping at each other, until their rough surfaces are smooth enough for the jigsaw puzzle of our characters to blend in seamlessly …” You hit the nail on the head! Thank you for sharing your perspective.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! You guys deserve a medal and long service award for 43 years of meritorious love and life service. My hands are clapping in admiration 🙂 Thank you so much for visiting and sharing this. It is very encouraging 🙂


      1. Hiya big sis! Coping with exhaustion but rested now. Thank you. Off to pastures new in the new year! Jacqui – you seem to have a huge number of followers now – how do you do it – or is it your perfume???!!! Actually, you put the time and the miles in so I’m really pleased for you. If you don’t blog most days – sadly, people move on to something, someone new. Big hug, sweet-pea!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I sorely missed you 🙂 I am amazed too! It must be my fragrance like you suggest 😉 Sorry about the exhaustion. Please try not to burnout and take things easy. I know new things come up and we have to move on, but don’t be a stranger, please. Thank you so much for the encouragement 🙂 God bless

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post and awesome points. Yes, relationships turn sideways in an instant. It seems like you need to date, at least, 5 years to have a smidgen of an idea on who your mate truly is and not who they are pretending to be. Great post 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love that idea of the Yin and The Yang of soul-mating (of life in general). How true that the chaffing of our rough edges can polish us up or make us as serrated as knives. Sometimes the best thing to do with those knives is make a clean cut. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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