Blog Awards · Inspiration - Motivation

Triple Rays of Sunshine…

the-sunshine-blogger-award-challengeIts an honor to be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by three different blogger friends Honestme363hallenterprises132 and Inspiring Max.

This award is in recognition of blogs that share positivity in the blogging community.

As the saying ”three times a charm goes,” in that spirit, I humbly accept all three nominations and merge the rays so that I can leave some fingers of some Sun shine for other friends of mine 🙂

In my native land, when a person wishes that the Sun will shine on you, they project Life, Prosperity and Brightness in your life. The spoken word bears a lot of weight on our lives even when we fail to realize it. In deed, the power of life and death lies in our tongues. When you lift up your face to the rising Sun, may the shadows fall behind.

A big thank you to my nominator blog-some friends. Do take a little while and visit their virtual corners.

The Rules:

  • Thank the person/people who nominated you
  • Answer the eleven questions from your nominator(s), in this case 32 questions.
  • Nominate eleven other bloggers and give them eleven questions to answer

The merged questions: 30 in all

  • Where is your favourite place you have lived?

Ans: I have lived in so many places, briefly and lengthy. From the Eastern part of Nigeria to the Middle Belt, North and West in my growing up years. Stints in Europe and migrating to the US. I presently live in Dubai – United Arab Emirates, but in the innermost part of my heart, my favorite place is the place of my childhood. A small University community known as The University of Nigeria Nsukka. It was a childhood of dreams; a place, where it took a community to raise a child.

  • If you could change one thing what would it be?

Ans: The fact that I didn’t start writing seriously earlier than now!

  • What is your favourite childhood memory?

Ans: Christmas in the village 🙂

  • What is your dream job?

Ans: My aspirations have changed over time and snowballed back to my passion and first love which is writing. It’s time to take it to higher grounds.

  • What was your best subject at school?

Ans: English, History and Literature.

  • Do you prefer to live in the country or the city?

Ans: I love both places and since I am living right now in a major city, it is better to be in love with it.

  • If you were stranded on a desert island which celebrity would you take with you?

Ans:  I am not so much into celebrities but I could live with Oprah. I love the wisdom that she shares.

  • Everyone has a song that makes them want to dance, what is yours?

Ans: It is almost common knowledge that I will dance to anything called music apart from the cat’s noise.

  • Favourite colour?

Ans: I love them in splashes. Not fair to make me choose but there is something about orange and white.

  • Do you prefer camping, caravaning or staying in motels?

Ans: The thought of marauding snakes has made me not to enjoy camping; even when I was in the girls guide. Now, I would settle for the comfort of a decent motel. There must be a writing table in the corner.

  • How many different careers have you had?

Ans: Five

  • Name one aspect of yourself that you would consider quirky/odd/amusing/weird.

Ans: I cry over silly things.

  • What do you do to relax/unwind.

Ans: Reading, writing, dancing or lounging by the poolside, playing with my kids, people watching…..

  • Name one thing that is vital to your daily routine.

Ans: Writing things down and praying.

  • How many posts do you have in your drafts?

Ans: Fourteen posts.

  • Regarding blogging: are you…a) obsessed – you would be embarrassed to add up the hours you spend reading, writing, commenting etc. You also sneak a peek at WordPress while you are at work.
    b) intermediate – there are moments when you can’t leave the screen, but there are also times when you don’t look at it for days.
    c) you write your post and leave.

Ans: I think I am a B. I have been able to have a successful one week without looking at it.

  • The blogosphere is most often read through:

Ans: On my laptop.

  • Name one possession you covet – something that if your children/friends/family wish to touch, you hover over them protectively, watching them to make sure they handle it delicately, if you allow them to handle it all.

Ans: Nothing. My wedding rings, maybe? Oh yes! My laptop too! 😉

  • Name something that you read, or do, that you feel enhances your personal growth.

Ans: Asides from my Bible, lots of motivational books from different authors.

  • Since I enjoyed answering this question…If you could channel your soul into an animal, what would it be and why?Ans: An Eagle or a Panther

Ans: An Eagle. I would soar high and free. I would visit so many places and see so many things.

  • Who are your favorite published authors?

Ans: There are loads of them and more are joining the list. I am currently enjoying Marian Keyes.

  • What did you want to grow up to accomplish in your life?

Ans: Sincerely speaking, I am still growing up and learning new things. However, leaving my footprints in the sands of life through my writing, mentoring and life coaching would be my greatest accomplishments.

  • What is your favorite holiday and why?

Ans: A holiday at Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi combined with Burj Al Arab in Dubai. It was pure decadence.

  • If you got to choose your last meal in life, what would it be?

Ans: A very large greasy steak, with mashed potatoes and a glass of Veuve Cliquot, to send me off.

  • What is your favorite temperature? Mine is negative 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ans: 30 degrees sounds fine to me.

  • Introvert or Extrovert?

Ans: I am a blend of the two. An introverted extrovert 🙂

  • What about yourself would you change if you could?

Ans: Stop eating too many sweet things.

  • What scares you the most? Claustrophobic, myself. That and I hate needles.

Ans: Snakes. I don’t mind being cooped in as long as I have a good supply of good reads and a jotter + Food

  • Why do you blog?

Ans: So that I can meet people like you. So that I can share my thoughts

  • Who is your favorite musician?

Ans: Women of Faith, Dido, Bob Marley, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Nigerian Musicians: It is a very long list.

Here comes the Sun nominees…:

Anand’s Parodies & Caricatures

Christian Mihai

The Motivational Team

MLou Photography Blog

A Good Blog is Hard to Find

Lynz real cooking

Destination Enlightenment


Tlizzy – My little bit of serenity

Haddons Musings



Just 11 questions..:

  1. Do you have unusual hobbies?
  2. Do you volunteer with any charity?
  3. What is something that you tried but will never do again?
  4. What quirky habit do you have?
  5. Any best friends?
  6. What is your biggest fear?
  7. Where is that one place in the World you wish you lived in?
  8. Who has most influenced your life?
  9. Who is your favorite author?
  10. What is the one career you would love to enter?
  11. What is that thing you used to do as a child that you wish you could still do?

Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy the reflections the opportunity to answer the questions gave me.


Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha





48 thoughts on “Triple Rays of Sunshine…

  1. An introverted extrovert is an ambivert! Balance is best!

    I am sure you are going to be a great writer as you are doing so fine without having it seriously even.

    Love light and peace 🙂

    Anand 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am not exaggerating. You are one of the most talented writers around. I am sure you are going to get a great success since you have committed yourself to it.

        Glad you liked the video and the trem.

        LOve and light ❤

        Anand 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am so glad it made you feel good. I feel I was stating the obvious but sometimes we are hesitant in saying those things. I hope all your dreams come true.

        LOve and light ❤
        Anand 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Jacqueline, Congratulations on your award and Thanks so much for conferring it upon my blog. It’s much appreciated. I know I am terrible at accepting awards (mostly because of lack of time – these posts do take long, and taking a shortcut and truncating questions doesn’t leave me feeling good.) But then who says I can’t bask in the glory of the nomination?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. sure. But it’s really surprising for me to see how am beginning to love french speaking people. The guy who cuts my hair is from Cameroon, he gets me excited all the time when he speaks french. i just wish i will learn it one day.:)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on this Sunshine Award nomination!! Seriously you are another writer whose work needs to get into the world. That will come true for you soon i pray.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love when you get one of these awards cuz I get to learn more and more about’chu! I appreciate the nomination Jacqueline, you’re most definitely one of my favorite bloggers/writers!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow !! Abig congratulations to you Sis(i can call you that right? :). Grace multiplied on all sides and may all your dreams come true. You are a true Inspiration to me as a new kid on the block. You have a way with words. (when I grow up,i want to be like you).:)lol. *hugs*<3.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations you lovely lady! Very well deserved. There’s a lot of love and positivity in your space, it’s very inspiring.

    I enjoyed reading your answers. The “Regarding blogging” question really cracked me up, it made me think about my own blogging behaviour. XD

    Liked by 1 person

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