Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Remember to Breathe…Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Life has taught me that being of good cheer is a value not outwardly acquired, but one that is fostered from within. Why do I say this? Because day by day the vicissitudes of life seeks to weigh us down.

It takes resilience and constant mind-over-matter not to get submerged under the flood of misery and bad news which seems to prevail these days.

It takes uncommon grace to build an oasis of peace within you and to keep your chin up even when life batters you.

It takes wisdom to know that each day lived in misery is a day lost to misery and we must find moments of cheer in every given day no matter what.

These moments of cheer could be as little and as simple as finding solace in a quiet moment, a power nap, a smile, deep meditative breathing, regular reminders of gratitude, a glass of milk, sharing a hug…

On the other hand, school is out for Summer and the kids are ecstatic. I have mixed feelings ha, ha. I love that there is no school and we all get to unwind a bit, but I know that in a couple of days after mindless hours spent on games and what not, they will start singing the ‘I am bored song.’

I’ve got to put on my mama cheerleader cap on and think of cheap and cheerful ways to keep them positively and gainfully occupied without having to rob a bank.

With each passing school year, I watch my young ones’ gallop through their classes, growing older and inching day by day to the time they have to leave for college and fly the coop.

Gulp! The thought leaves butterflies of apprehension in the pit of my stomach. I hope that I’m equipping my chicks well enough to survive life’s onslaught out there without mama dogging every footstep that they take? Only tomorrow will tell.

For now, let’s enjoy every bit of our simmering Summer with copious sips of cold, freshly squeezed orange juice or watermelon. Cheers.


Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Cheers

2 thoughts on “Remember to Breathe…Stream of Consciousness Saturday

  1. Finding projects for children to do during the summer holidays can take some doing, they quickly become bored. Finding time for self during this time can be hard going as all being at home is initially relaxing. Blessings


I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..