
Make Health An Effortless Part Of Your Lifestyle

Blueberries, Apples, Melon, Carrots, Vegetables, Fresh, Food, CookingImage via PXhere

Everyone wants to be healthy and happy, but many people go about it the wrong way. Instead of focusing on making health into a natural and effortless part of their every-day lifestyle, they try to use sheer willpower to force themselves through different, painful practices that they’ll sooner or later be tempted to quit.

But people are driven more by habit than by incredible efforts of will. Here’s a look at how to introduce some good, healthy habits into your life starting today.

Get physically active every day

Setting yourself the goal of spending an hour in the gym every day may work for a while, but there’ll be the inevitable day when you find yourself too busy, too tired, or just too distracted to follow through.

Instead of setting yourself a specific exercise goal, set yourself the goal of being physically active every day. This can mean anything from taking a short walk to jogging on the spot to going to the gym for 3 hours or running a marathon — though if you’re running a lot, you might want to click here for some good anti-blister supplies.

The key is that it’s an easy habit to stick with every day, even when you don’t feel like it. Being physically active in one way will also make you feel motivated to be more physically active in general.

Prepare all your food from scratch

People argue a lot about different diet styles, and which one might be the best. One thing that all experts and scientists agree on, though, is that processed food is by and large terribly unhealthy, filled with potentially harmful additives, and at the heart of many modern health problems.

An excellent health-habit is to cut out all processed foods — anything you buy “ready-made” — and to prepare all your own food from scratch. That way you’ll know whether or not there’s a teaspoon of sugar in your dish, instead of being tricked into eating large amounts of toxic high-fructose corn syrup.

Eat foods that leave you feeling energetic

Energy is one of the most important things for good overall health, because the more energetic we feel, the more active we’re likely to be, physically and mentally, and the happier as well.

If you find that you’re always falling asleep right after each meal, this not only means that you probably struggle to be productive and positive each day, but it also means that your food is too heavy on your body and is taking a lot of energy to digest.

Save the heavy meals for special occasions, and try to eat foods that leave you feeling energetic on a daily basis, instead of ones that seem to drain your energy.

Read something uplifting every day

The mind is just as important as the body when it comes to health, and like the body, the mind is affected by the kind of “fuel” we give it.

While the body is fuelled by food and drink, the mind is fuelled by the things you read, say, watch, and hear.

If you want to promote healthy, positive and happy thoughts, it’s essential that you give your mind something positive to reflect on every day. A great place to start is by reading something uplifting every day. This could be an upbeat fable or a real-life story of someone succeeding against the odds.

Health · Life

Mortal Combat: Beating The Signs Of Aging

It’s something that we can’t deny, the looming of Old Mother Time will get us all eventually, and while we hit a peak with both our physical and emotional health, both start a gradual decline that we can get quite concerned about. But what are the key changes in the body as we age, and what can we do to prevent them?

Aging Hand Creasy Age Wrinkles Children Open



As we age we lose our bone density, also known as osteoporosis. Part of the reason our bones become less dense is because of the lack of calcium, as the body will absorb less calcium (and vitamin D) from foods. Certain bones tend to weaken more than others such as the bones in the spine, which can be very painful, and while you can pay a visit to the chiropractors to work on realigning your spine, you can work at increasing your bone density by doing a few things. Exercise, especially resistance based ones, has been shown to increase bone density. You should also increase your intake of calcium and vitamin D, and up your intake of good fats, as these will help to absorb the calcium and vitamin D into your bones. In addition to this, you need to cut back on foods that will take calcium from your bones, such as carbonated drinks, caffeine, and the main culprit, refined sugar.

Muscles (And Body Fat)

The decrease in muscle mass starts around the age of 30 and is caused by the decrease in levels of growth hormone, or testosterone in men. Most people will only lose about 10 to 15% of their strength due to age, but there are issues like sarcopenia which comes from extreme inactivity. You can continue to strengthen your muscles as you age by taking part in resistance training, or anything that requires you to fight against gravity, from sit-ups to push-ups and pull-ups. Body weight exercises are a great place to start. Exercising is also great to reduce body fat as you age. By the age of 75, your amount of body fat tends to double in comparison to your early 20s and 30s, which will increase the risk of illnesses like diabetes.



The Brain

Generally, the number of nerve cells will decrease in the brain as you age, but although your brain is able to compensate by making new connections between the nerve cells, your brain will tend to have more cells than it needs to do standard activities, also known as redundancy. Of course, the concern for many of us as we age is the onset of age-related cognitive decline, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. The trick to preventing this as best as possible is, again, exercise, but for your brain. That feeling of frustration when you’re learning something new is the thing you should be aiming for. This is the point where your brain is making new connections and neurons. So by doing things that are completely brand new, from learning an instrument to a language, this is what will keep your mind sharp and fresh.

These are the three areas that you need to focus on to age well. And, remember, it is never too late to start, no matter how old you are.

Inspiration - Motivation · Lifestyle

12 Ways To Take Better Care of Yourself

Do you ever forget to take care of yourself? We are all so busy rushing from A to B that sometimes finding the time to take proper care of ourselves can seem impossible. Being so focussed on the big goals can mean that we often forget to take care of the little things. We need to make sure that we are looking after our physical, mental and health wellbeing. If we don’t take time to care for ourselves we can end up exhausted and running on empty. Taking better care of ourselves today, will help us in the long run. Here are 12 ways you can help yourself.

Taking Care of Yourself, Warm, Bed, Stockings, Bed

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  • Take time to enjoy the beauty in the everyday. Get outside and marvel at how amazing nature is, watch the sunset with a loved one or go for a long walk on the beach.


  • Prioritize your health needs. Make sure you get regular dental treatments and that you go to the doctors for health check-ups. Regular trips to the doctors and dentist should mean that any problems are found before they start.


  • Join a dancing class. Going dancing will not only improve your physical health but it will also make you feel great.


  • Eat your greens. Make sure that you are giving your body the best possible start by eating fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. If you aren’t keen on your fruit and vegetables then try it in a smoothie instead.


  • Declutter your house. Living in mess can make us feel stressed. Taking time to declutter the house can be very therapeutic and living in a nice, tidy house can help us feel calm. Marie Kondo has lots of useful tips on decluttering and organizing the house.


  • Pay it forward. Donate anything you don’t need to the thrift store. You are helping others and this is great for your self-esteem!


  • Read a novel. Taking some time to read a novel can help focus the mind and reading is also really good for your mental health. Look on Amazon for their top sellers.


  • Get an early night. Sleep deprivation can cause serious health problems. It can also make us feel sad and we can find that we start craving junk food. Getting an early night will help us feel great and make us happy. Don’t stay up late watching Netflix, get that early night!


  • Unplug and get out. Shut the laptop, put your mobile phone down and get outside. A digital detox is good for all of us and can help us recharge so that we are more productive when it comes to working again.

Cuddling, Love, Taking Care of You, Happiness, Relaxation, Life, Couple, Bed, Romance

Image Credit

  • Cuddle a loved one. We all love a good cuddle. Giving a loved one a good squeeze can help reduce stress and even make us feel happy.


By making some small changes we can really make a massive difference to our health and mental wellbeing. It is really important that we stop juggling those balls and show ourselves just how important we are. What small change can you make to your life?

Poetry Cards · Self Help · Wellness

When Lost Don’t Panic…7 Simple Tips To Find Yourself When Lost.

Marking, Path, Direction

When lost don’t panic,

just leave little marks of hope on your path


they will lead you home.



There are times that we feel overwhelmingly lost, but this doesn’t mean that your life is doomed. It spells a transition and transformation. The key is not to get stuck in your current rut, but to tap into your hopeful and creative power to redirect your steps back to the life and you that you love.

Apply these 7 simple tips as often as you need to help yourself out of that state.

1. Listen. 

With the frenetic lifestyle that we live and the persistent mind chatter, it’s easy to drown out those signs that speak to us, which is why it’s important to create silence and listen. Life offers us divine messages through various means – songs, billboards, books, nature, the people we meet etc. When we keep our eye’s and minds open we receive guidance and take notice of more.

2. Always remember that the choices are yours. You have the power to be and to do that which you desire.

You get to choose how you feel, what you think, what you do etc. You are empowered to create the life you wish for and it’s important to focus on the positive things around you. The power of attraction makes it such that the Universe will send you more of the same things that you seek.

3. Go and do those things that you love to do. Have an adventure.

Toss out the excuses of no time, no money, no this and that and create the space to do those fun things that make your heart sing. Go out and explore your world – a retreat, solitary walks, a day trip etc. Taking yourself away from your regular patch and its noise offers you opportunities to experience life through fresh eyes.

4. Extend yourself beyond your comfort zone.

Growth will not happen when you stay confined in that comfortable, familiar bubble of yours. Challenge yourself to do new things that invigorate you.

5. Reconnect with your dreams and aspirations. Expand your coast and dream bigger.

What dreams did you have for your life before you deemed them impossible to achieve or they fell through the cracks of a frantic lifestyle?  Revisit those dreams. Write them out and enjoy floating in your dreamland. Reconnecting with your dreams has a way of opening up your mind and floodgate of inspiration.

6. Live a healthy lifestyle, have an adventure

When you are healthier, you feel better in general. Eating right with regular exercises rewards you with a clearer mind.

7. Ask for help

You don’t have to stay stuck in the jam trying to figure it out all on your own. Reach out and ask for help, because sometimes a mere chat with someone you trust can ease the burden and provide great insight that will help you move forward.


My Thinking Corner

Tuesdays Trickles – My Thinking Corner.

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple. You can check this link for more details.


Most times, finding out who we are beneath the physical attributes which encase our being is the most difficult and profound journey that we can ever embark on, yet self-discovery is the most rewarding journey of all.

The difficulty experienced by most while on this path is the ability to turn off all the outside noise and to search within. To shut their eyes to all the external fluff and see through the eyes’ of their soul.

Sometimes, we’ve got to cut off a lot of the mindless activities that we crowd our mind with because they tend to drown out our inner voice and leave us with nothing.

Sometimes, we’ve got to simply breathe and learn to live.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Personal story

Yippee! Yes I Can! – Personal

Today, I am thankful for the fact that I passed my Karate-do grading test, graduating from novice white to yellow belt. Yes!

As an overweight mom in her early forties, I found every reason under the blue sky to discourage myself from taking Karate classes – I used my age, my weight, time and every excusable excuse – but the desire in me was stronger than my excuses.picsart_09-21-05-08-501

I felt that I would be out of place and yes I’m still out of place – the only mama in the crowd of young children and men.

I told myself that my painful knees wouldn’t take it and would probably break.

Somedays, I felt too lazy to go for the night class and each day I had a class, I literally had to ask for the grace to survive it and I bought knee braces.

I knew within me that sticking to it was not going to be easy, but it would be far more empowering as against standing by the sidelines and watching others.

My children encouraged me and became my private coach at home even as I bungled all my moves 🙂

Yes, I burst into tears when I did my test and passed my katas to the cheer of everyone around – I can get emotional.

No, I didn’t tear my dojo pants as I feared I would and made sure I wore nice unmentionables just in case 😉

My heart felt full last night when I received my grading certificate.

I don’t care that I might be the elephant in the house entertaining others with my trundling moves, but you know what, I said I would do it, I had to ask for grace each day to do it and I did it 🙂

I’m sharing this post to encourage those who have things they want to do, but for some excuses are not able to.

Each day grace and gratitude take me higher; get your thankful suit on.

There are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfillment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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A Click A Day

Homemade Juices and Smoothies – A Click A Day.



One of the decisions I made earlier this year is to reduce as much as possible, my families consumption of fizzy pops, KoolAids, Caprisun, Tang and all such drinks and to replace them with fresh, healthier options.

Initially, it was not an easy sell to the children and Dear Himself.  I heard a lot of moans and groans to start with, but it caught on right  after the first trial run. Now, we bulk purchase a variety of fruits, juice them, mix them, make smoothies out of different blends and bottle to freeze.

The children participate in doing this, from washing the fruits, to peeling, to juicing with the electric juicer….

The process is fun since they get to eat the sweet pulp from the fruits and to label their hard work. Each school morning, a bottle of frozen homemade juice is tossed into their lunch box (it retains its freshness from freezing and would have melted by break time) and they bring back the bottles, rinse it out with warm water and reuse.

The interesting thing is that when we eat out these days, the kids compare the drinks they get outside to the one that we make at home and their verdict is that our’s is better 😉

How do you get your children to assist in the house? I love to learn from others.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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Date Juice – Easy, Peasy Recipe


Dates are not only delicious, they are filled with healthy surprises. Abundant in the UAE, Egypt and parts of the Persian Gulf Region/Middle East, this highly nutritious, cholesterol-free fruit has so many varieties that are endowed with nature’s bounty of providing you with various health benefits, though it’s downside maybe it’s richness in sugar for diabetic patients.

The fructose that it contains is far better than the refined sugar that we consume these days and I am exploring using date syrup as my go to sweetener instead of sugar.

A quick look at the health benefits:

Contains vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5, A1 and C

  1. Boosts heart health.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory properties
  3. Reduced Blood Pressure
  4. Promotes Digestive Health, Relieving Constipation
  5. Boosts Brain Health
  6. Bone Health and Strength
  7. Dietary supplement for anaemic people – increases energy
  8. Increases sexual stamina – when soaked overnight in goat milk and consumed the next morning.
  9. Helps reduction of night blindness
  10. A quick remedy for alcoholic intoxication.
  11. Great for hair and skin.

How to make date juice:

Contents: Water, Dates, Vanilla essence or lemon juice, (Almonds and ground Cardamon are optional).

Note that the quantity of dates that you use depends on how many people you are serving, but for 2 refreshing glasses, a handful of dates will suffice.

  1. Remove the seeds and soak a handful of dates in warm water for 3o mins to 1 hour to soften.
  2. Once the dates have soaked, drain the water then add the dates, One and a half cup of water, lemon juice or vanilla into the container of a high-speed blender and blend for 60 seconds or until smooth.
  3. If desired, you can add ground cardamom or almonds into the mix and blend.
  4. Serve slightly chilled.
  5. Enjoy and satisfy your sweet tooth 😉

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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The little things…

Sliced orange

Today, I am grateful for the little, simple things of life. For the gift of a new day, waking up, working out briskly, enjoying a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and my own tasty homemade minestrone soup. Yummy 😊

I am especially grateful for passing an academic assessment that had kept my studious nose on a grindstone like a high scholar.

I appreciate the little moments of life’s serenity to exhale and to be my best. The bits of opportunities life brings me each day must never be taken for granted; to live, to laugh, to love, to cry, to hope and to believe.

Each day I strive not to toss the day aside like an unwanted penny left by the sidewalk, knowing fully well that the addition of each penny increases the value of your total holding.

There’s always something to be grateful for.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S: There are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfilment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.


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