Life · Poetry/Poems

To Walk in Silence


Maturity, are the days

when we enjoy each other

in comfortable silence;

not worried

that our lack of words

means that

we are breaking up.


A link to my neighbours/Community · kindness · Life

Need…Save A Friend!

Support, Together, Helping Hands

It hurts my soul
to see people in need
and I can’t help
not because I don’t want to help
but because I don’t have the means
and in such moments
I despise my lean pocket.

How can you be my brother’s keeper when you barely have enough bread to break? Yes, you can! If you’ve got a dollar, that’s a whole lot of coins!Image result for quotes about helping others

Please know that reaching out to share with others is not only when your basket of fish is overflowing, you can have one fish and still share out of it. I run into people – both online and in real time – who are in dire need of support and it leaves my heart aching when I am not able to assist as much as I would like to assist.

I know a number of great folks who have left blogging due to difficulties in sustaining themselves. To exist becomes a hardship when you know or see that no one cares, not to talk about thriving. Please don’t be in a haste to discount those whom you see in these tight corners – life happens.

Help, Help, and Help. There’s a sister amongst us in the blogging community whose constraints are quite dire right now and needs our support – I prefer not to call names for privacy sake, but she reached out to me.

If you can assist her through me, no gift is too small, please do so. Here’s my PayPal link.

On my honour, you have my word that whatever is raised through this means will be given to our friend. Thank you for your generosity.


Image result for quotes about helping others

Let us not fold our hands in anticipation that others should do that which we can help to do. Together, we can.  Jacqueline

P.S. Because of how important this issue is to me, I want to give this post priority and will not be sharing another post today.


When I call Your Name…

Support, Love, Community, Together, Encouragement

As I write this post, the song from ‘Like A Prayer’ by Madonna hums in my head, except that I change it from ‘when you call my name,’ to ‘when I call your name.’

Indeed, it’s a prayer when we beseech others and they attend to us through the kindness of their hearts. Last week, I sent out an SOS post requesting for support from all of you to help me with pushing my new book ‘Unbridled’ and indeed I heard your voices.

Many of you responded with advice, tips, offers, reblogs, featuring and I am working slowly through the list of things to do. I am so thankful for the outpouring of support. I am down on my knees and bless God for being in the midst of the blessings of this community.

Indeed, your voice takes me higher. I am grateful and think of an African proverb that says ‘when relatives help each other, the community grows stronger.’ You are my relatives.

Below is a snippet of review from Aspen Book Tree Reviews

First, I do want to say that some of the poems may be triggering for those recovering from abuse.

Second, I want to say, this is beautiful poetry.

The free verse is strong, descriptive, haunting, lovely.  Jacqueline paints with her words. like an artist.

This is no Monet, this is a Helen Frankenthaler with her bold marks and colors.  There is a section which is written in relation to abuse and some of it is very dark.   Darkness is gut wrenching at times, but the light of hope that shines through is blinding.

My heart agonizes for the girl who has lived through excruciating torment.  But the woman she has become?  She is an Amazon; a warrior of her own heart.

I am very moved by Jacqueline’s words.  I already have my favorites and it’s amazing how Jacqueline reaches in and I feel the warmth.  The last 20 poems are exquisite and delightful.

I give this book a high recommendation, for yourself, for a friend… maybe for an Amazon you know.

Thank you, Jacqueline.  You are amazing.

To Purchase ‘Unbridled.’

Product Details




The Daily Post

A View From The Window

I am still trying to figure out what the quality of this photo is that just makes me absolutely love it.

I looked out of the window one evening and there they were; two ladies standing so close together, no other person or vehicles are in sight which is a rarity in this place. I quickly rushed to get my camera for some reason that I still struggle to identify. For one it speaks  ‘support’ to me.

What do you see when you look at this photo?

Atop – The Daily Post

Together, Ladies, Support

The Daily Post

You are my home…

Sweet husband of mine,

You touch me in the depths of my being
in ways that I can’t sufficiently express.

The communion of body, mind, and soul
experienced with you by my side
always makes me know that I’m home.

Saying that I love you is so paltry;
I adore you and would be lost without you.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


Jacqueline writes from her heart on passion, pain, suffering, loss and LIFE. I have been incredibly moved by her poetry and I know I will return to “Out of the Silent Breath” again and again.

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

Everyday People

Just Pure Fun – Everyday beautiful people 90

“We didn’t realize we were making memories. We were just having fun.” Unknown

“Time flies whether you are having fun or not. The choice is yours.” Mary Engelbreit

Running[1] Running_1[1]

Taking time to get the children active outside is time well spent. Healthy, pure, clean fun and costs nothing.

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

Jacqueline writes from her heart on passion, pain, suffering, loss and LIFE. I have been incredibly moved by her poetry and I know I will return to “Out of the Silent Breath” again and again.

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

Everyday People · Photographs · Quotes For You

Work it out!…Every day beautiful people

‘If you want to go fast you go alone, but if you want to go far, you go together’  African Proverb

#Team work. Sometimes we go it alone, but we wear out easily. When we join forces with others, we go a whole distance further because of their support.

I walked at my own pace and took photos here and there, in-between this time, teamed couples jogged past me, individuals jogged past me and I am not exaggerating when I observed the individuals like me leaving faster and those together stayed longer at it.

This observation was done over several days. I like to call it social engineering aka people watching 😉

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha