Fiction · Short Stories

New Beginnings…flash fiction

She had to work fast ‘cos it was now or never. Agatha felt a slight pang of guilt at what she was about to do, but her resolve hardened at the thought of freedom and new beginnings.

Finally, she would escape Simon’s pimping clutches. With her mind on the dream of a whole new life and personae, some money in the bank and a new home in a city where no one knew her or her sordid past, she stuck the feathered note under the lapel of his jacket as instructed. The agents have enough evidence of his drug runs, human trafficking, and organ harvesting to put him away for a very long time.

Generously helping herself to the stash of cash in the wardrobe, she adjusted her Spanx, joined the men in the smoke-filled living room and waited.



Written in response to the FFAW photo prompt above. Thank you, Raymond, for the photo and PJ for hosting. 

Friday Fiction in Five Sentences · Short Stories Series · Writing


Image result for image of african woman carrying basket

Mama counted the coins carefully and tied them in the old handkerchief which she always tucked into her thick cotton half-slip hidden under several layers of wrapper to keep them safe.

I sprinkled water on the freshly harvested pepper and pumpkin leaves, arranging them in the basket; their luscious healthy colour would attract the eyes of good buyers.

With ease, mama balanced the basket on her head, her headscarf formed a cradle and she set off to Orie Ozuda; she would walk tirelessly for miles and that basket would stay put.

‘Nwamaka my daughter, I hope today’s market day will be a good one and if I sell all my goods, tomorrow I will buy you that shoe for running that you’ve been asking for.’

Thank you, mama,‘ I replied with happiness ringing in my voice. I imagined my feet encased in the white canvas and I could hear the voices of my schoolmates cheering me on as I raced to the finish line; they always say that I run like 440.

Tomorrow never came. Mama never made it back. Her crushed body was brought back to the compound with her coins still carefully tucked under her half-slip. Nwamadi’s 440 car killed mama. I never ran again.

© Jacqueline

Quick Glossary

Run like 440 – a term used to emphasize how fast she ran.

Orie Ozuda – a market day

Nwamaka – an Igbo name for a girl. It means beautiful child.


Short Stories

The Charlatan…

She is called many names; the wandering woman, mystery lady, the medicine woman, the mad woman of Katoke or the nuisance.

She always appeared in the neighbourhoods for a couple of weeks before the start of each season bearing numerous pots and bags of exotic plants. Each boiling pot served broths that cured various ailments and all that was required for any to work is faith.

Whenever she visited the poorer quarters, the inhabitant’s welcomed her presence. They would come bearing little gifts in exchange for helpings from her healing condiments, but the experience was the opposite at the more prestigious parts of town where the policing guards did their best to discourage the charlatan ‘as she was called.’

On various occasions, they ran her off the premises with a stern warning of arrest if she kept visiting but at dusk, these uppity members of high society went to the poor side of town to see her secretly.

© Jacqueline

Thank you Yarnspinner for the interesting photo prompt and PJ for hosting.

Short Stories

Mixed Blessings…

She stared at the stairs and in her mind’s eye, she saw it as it was back then; hidden in the quiet corner of the park and surrounded by thick foliage. Leaning on her cane for support, in a slow, emotion-laden voice, Alice told her son a secret she had harboured for too long.

‘I’ve battled with myself whether to let you know or not, but with my diagnosis, I can’t put this off any longer.’

‘You’ve always wanted to know who your dad is and the truth is that I don’t know who he is.’

‘For many years, these stairs represented the stairs into a private hell.’ 

‘Thirty-two years ago, I was attacked here by two strangers and you were conceived that evening.’

‘Circumstances that led to your birth were difficult and changed my life, but once I held you in my arms, I couldn’t give you up for adoption.’

‘You’ve been such a blessing to me that a situation meant to destroy me was turned around.’


Thank you, J.S. for the photo prompt and PJ for hosting.

Featured Blogs

Featured Posts – Share your post links

Sharing, Blogs, Networking, Growing Readership, Connection, Bloggers, Blog Posts


Today’s featured blogs are:

Our backyards 

What do you keep in your backyard?

Mixed Tape Monday

A great prompt idea to try out. I enjoyed how Pamela interlaced the mixed tape prompt with intimate insights of her life.

Female Flapper

Who do you think you are in your dreams and imagination? Be honest and take a peek at your inner thoughts. I like this quote that I borrowed from Deborah.


Lessons for living the book that shaped my personality

A beautiful, positive post to start your day. Once I started reading I had to finish it.

Although I’m from a Hindu family, I did my primary schooling from a Christian school named St. Luke’s, in Himachal, and I’m glad that happened.

Second Chance Mushroom

An enjoyable story. Below is my comment.

What a twist in the tale. I am glad it was just a daydream into the future. I hope she gets to move to her dream neighbourhood. Great story.

Do step in, explore these blogs and show some love.

Do you want more eyes on your words?’

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Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘Remember, we create a cohesive community when we come together.

Friday Fiction in Five Sentences

Treachery…Friday Fiction in Five Sentences

Fiction, Creative Writing, Houses, Martha Stewart


Stumbling across details of his secret family – a mistress and two sons, twelve and seven-year-old boys ensconced in a nice town house downtown, whilst she played Martha Stewart at home – had been beyond a rude shock.

Cecilia was still dumbfounded at the turn of things.

How did she not see the tell-tale signs, a consistent barrage of questions raced back and forth in her mind.

Her emotions were all over the place as she struggled to reconcile with the enormity of Tom’s treachery and how he had managed to live a lie for so long.

Their twenty-five-year-old marriage was now confined to a file in a divorce lawyers office.

© Jacqueline

Short Stories

Adrenaline Rush…

As an adrenaline junkie, Ash was always in search of the next rush. He lived for daring feats and had literally done all sorts of daring stuff to the constant chagrin of his mother.

Diving off building tops was tame considering other adventures he had embarked on, but today was different. In response to the challenge of his long-standing competition Todd Kemp, it was a record-setting moment for his fastest free fall so far.

With safety harness all set up and onlookers gathered to cheer, he was about to step off the ledge, when the flash of his mothers repeated pleas echoed in his head.

She had warned him over the past several days not to engage in any dangerous attempts based on a recurring nightmare that she had, but he waved it off as one of her usual entreaties.

Shaking off the fleeting cold feet from hearing his mother’s voice in his head, he stepped off and tumbled down into a blackout. The last thing Ash remembered was the cacophony of voices and an insistent voice urgently cajoling him not to let go.

© Jacqueline

Thank you, Grant – Sud for the photo prompt and PJ for hosting.

Short Stories

Walk on the wild side…Flash Fiction

‘Don’t move!’ Ted ordered in a low tone, but Rita couldn’t help the terrified squeak that escaped her mouth when she followed his pointed gaze and saw the mean looking snake flicking its forked tongue repeatedly, poised to attack at the slightest provocation.

Rita despised creepy crawlies with a passion and snakes topped her chart.

Kaboom! Ted’s aim blew the snakes head off and as its writhing body fell to the ground Rita threw up violently.

She knew that not only would she have creepy nightmares for weeks to come, but she will not be going on a hike in the wild anytime soon.

Thank you, Kecia for the photo prompt and PJ for hosting.

Short Stories


She hissed in annoyance and sighed in resignation. Not knowing if her irritation was due to her changed plans, the unpredictable weather, the weather channel or the summation of all three.

They just never seemed to get it right these days. Especially the new weather girl with the dry sense of humour, pout and too much makeup. She had said they would have a fair Spring day, yet here came sleet with ice nestling on the leaves.

With another sigh at her changed plans, Geeta put the kettle on for a spot of tea. She should have listened to her bones. Her tired bones could tell the neurotic weather better than all those fancy TV personalities, except maybe Harrison’s creaky bones.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


In response to the FFAW photo prompt above. Thank you loniangraphics for our photo prompt and Priceless Joy for this enchanting platform.