Finance · Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Money on my mind…SoCS

No one likes money woes, sadly there’s hardly enough in circulation for most of us, which means that most of us struggle to make enough money to make our ends meet not to talk of having extra money to save.

Well, I’m speaking for myself. I hate financial strife, and it seems that of late especially, my budget is shoe-string thin and stretched that it literally takes Gods’ grace to get by.SoCS money

I love the freedom that having money buys and hate having to worry about funds for basic needs. Whether we like it or not – money is still a vehicle that helps us achieve a lot of our goals and having unpaid bills and indebtedness hanging around one’s neck like an albatross has a way of dampening one’s life and stifling creativity.

In recent times, I’ve had to get truly more creative with money management. I’ve had to try many tricks in the book on how to stretch a dirham to achieve the goal of three dirhams, on how to earn a bit extra and as a matter of fact, I have an unfinished post in my draft about the lessons not having money has taught me.

Maybe one day soon I’ll finish writing the post – it’s a lesson in progress – and down the line, I’ll share my lessons as well as my personalized tips with you. Though money is not everything, it definitely matters and if you don’t mind my saying so, yes, I love money or at least dreaming about having enough money and the freedom that it would bring.

Stream of consciousness Saturday – mon


Staying In Business In Those First Few Months


The first few months after you set up your business are the most crucial ones in your whole time as a business owner. It is the time you will figure out what it really means to be the owner of a business, and you will know whether or not you have the financial and mental strength to run it. If you want to make sure that your first few months go smoothly, here are some of the things you will need to think about.

1. Identify Your Business Leader

If you are starting your business alone, then the leader will be you, however, if you are coming together with a group of people in order to run a business, someone is going to have to be the leader. Although it is nice to think you are all equal and have the right to make the decisions, within the business there always needs to be a clear leader if you are to succeed. If you love being in business but aren’t great on the leadership side of things, leave that to someone else to do instead. You can still be the owner without being the leader.

2. Profit doesn’t equal cash

As a new business owner, you will likely be very optimistic and believe in the magic of business from the off. However, it is important not to stray from the truth and make sure that you keep your head firmly on your shoulders. It is crucial that you project your cash flow at least six months into the future in order to understand where your company will be REALISTICALLY in six months time. A small profit is not enough to keep you in business, so remember that. You can also benefit from looking at the best small business credit card companies in order to give you a buffer in that first few months once you know that you can afford to keep up the payments. Always make sure you have a buffer to fall back on should you have a slightly less profitable month.

3. You Always Have More to Learn

When you begin in business you need to bear in mind that you are not an expert. Just because you have built something for yourself does not mean you should be giving lectures on business in colleges around the country. It is incredibly important to know that you don’t know everything and to be willing to learn new skills every single day. If you are not great at a certain aspect of the business, simply get someone in who is experienced. Business is a huge learning curve, and you need to be thick-skinned to deal with the tension it will put on your mind.

4. Choose the Right Role

You might be the owner of a company but that doesn’t mean you should be the leader. As we discussed above, you need to play on your professional experiences and skills to find your role in the business. It might mean employing someone to be the leader, someone to cover marketing and someone to cover sales whilst you handle the finance. Make sure you play to your strengths.

Blogging · Life · Lifestyle · Self Help · The Daily Post · Writing

Money, Money, Money….

I think I have mentioned it before in this space that my dear friend WordPress is quite telepathic enough to know my thoughts and need, thus providing prompts that echoes my thoughts, even if he is stingy in meeting those needs.1455545985148[1]

I spent a good number of my years before now, racing along the corporate corridor in search of the big corner office.

It was without doubt a worthwhile growth experience. I enjoyed my corporate ladder years with all it’s attendant stress and perks, but my life is turning several new and beautiful bends and there are some nuts in the fire of my writing life, which hopefully should yield ample dividends.

I love to keep a positive outlook and frame of mind because it is always better.

I got into blogging for several reasons asides the obvious reason that I am passionate about writing.

One of the reasons that I would like to explore henceforth, is how to turn my passion into my pay master, that way it’s a beautiful win-win situation.

I know that writers write because they love to write, but they equally have to live and what better way than to earn from the sweat of your passion.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post Money For Nothing.

If you’re like most of us, you need to earn money by working for a living. Describe your ultimate job. If you’re in your dream job, tell us all about it — what is it that you love? What fulfills you? If you’re not in your dream job, describe for us what your ultimate job would be.