Fiction · Short Stories

Hurting – Fiction in Five Sentences

Image result for images of a sad child and a dog

Tears ran down the bridge of Jane’s little nose and fell on Captain.

Huddled near her best friend she tried to drown out their screaming voices.

She never liked it when they fought and they seemed to do it more and more.

Dad would storm out and disappear for days and mum would go round the bend all teary and mad.

She wished she was back at her gran’s house.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Lifestyle · Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 69


I could go on and on about this particular thought because I have so much to say, but I will just leave a few lines.

There are people who live with the constant victim mentality that it does appear that everything seems to be about them.

No doubts, there are those who have been grossly victimised, but what matters most is how they address these issues that face them.

Do they use these challenges as a ladder to rise out of their situation or do they lie their minds down like a mat and allow the aggressor to walk all over them?

The sad reality is that the World is just what it is. It’s not going to change for you because as long as there’s mankind, there will always be those who don’t care about hurting others.

Rather, you will be the one to change your way of thinking and rise out of that slavery mentality that envelopes your mind.

Once you rise out of such thoughts and break free from victim mode, you actually defeat your aggressor by no longer lending him/her free room in your life.

©Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Devotions · Gratitude · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Love · Social Issues

Under His Shadow, We Pray Today…


Dear Lord,

May our aching hearts find healing in your presence.

May we rise against the hurt and the destruction,

Which pervades our society today,

So that we can reach for the silver linings hiding in dark clouds.

Grant our minds a sublime state of being,

Where negative spirits of hatred, of distrust,

of aggression and its virulent forces cannot find root.

Let your peace that brings tranquility reign in our lives,

As you cast your shadow of protection over us.

May those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High God

Abide under the shadow of the Almighty.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Please just take a moment and listen to the Jim Reeves below. Thank you.


Creative Writing · Fiction · Short story · The Daily Post · Writing

His Flanges Got Propped!…. A short story


It’s been quite a grueling competition! Sebastian is determined to win the championship even if is by the skin of his teeth!

He has come far and this is it! The moment of his life and his dreams!

He could almost taste the victory and the fame at the end of it all.

His face would be splashed all over the papers and television. Instant celebrity status stamped on him as he turns into the toast of the town.

Endorsements would fly in from here and there. He could imagine his preening and the ladies cooing after him; his companionship sought by all. He could see it all! The pause to pose for silent brooding pictures for the paparazzi. The constant request for interviews. The frenetic social calendar. What a success it would be!

For just a split second, his wandering mind drifts off from the game at hand. In that split second, the ball comes sailing through the air and his delayed reaction causes him to over-reach. His legs fly out under him! He sails into the air, landing with such a heavy thud at an odd angle.

Pain pierces and radiates through his entire body. He struggles to rise but this legs crumble under him as the excruciating pain keeps him down.

The medics rush to attend to him and a quick examination is carried out.

Through the haze of the pain, a sober voice filters through;

“Well my young man, it appears you have popped a rib or two!” Said the Voice.

”You will be needing a FLANGIPROP  for support for several months or more.” ”Unfortunately you cannot continue with the game.” The droning voice continued as he administers on-site first aid.

He is quickly holstered on a stretcher whilst he writhes in pain and anger. This is not the way it is meant to end he argues in his mind.

The flashes of the camera keeps popping in his face as the paparazzi catch every wince of pain and misery that is etched on it.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha.

In response to The Daily Post – Invent a definition for the word “Flangiprop,” then use the word in a post. 

The actual definition of Flange: An external or internal rib or rim which is used to add strength or to hold something in place.

The actual definition of Prop: An object placed against or under another to support it: anything that supports.

Family · Life · Musings · Poetry/Poems

Tormented Heart….


In the doldrums lies my Soul;
Cast in the deep shadows of melancholic sadness;
Adrift with the lack of sense of it all;

I remember your fair sparkle;
Your gentle modulated tones of speech;
Your laughter that tinkles like little bells;
and your eyes that dance in merriment.

No preceding warning;
Not anything at all!
You were here;
Now you are gone;

Like a wisp of wind, floating…floating away;
You have sailed away;
Never to be seen again.

Your dancing eyes sleep, dimmed in forever;
Your gentle ways a resounding loss;
Your sense of humanity gone…so gone…

Oh! My Soul grieves at the pain of it all;
For the young ones that you have left behind;
Their shocked bewilderment and despair;
Staggering at the blow that fate just dealt;

My eyes are dry and tear ducts sealed;
I am in open-mouthed disbelief;
Yet, I remind myself of the transience of life;
That it shouldn’t come as a surprise;
That Souls journey often to another realm;

Yet, it does surprise and it hurts;
I am as sore as an angry bear!
Shall I say goodbye?
I have no idea how…….

Best friendJacqueline Oby-Ikocha